The Falling Away Comes First

Paul tells us in 2 Thessalonians that a prophesied falling away from the Truth will occur at approximately the same time when the man of sin will be manifested on the world scene. Are there other Scriptures in the Old and the New Testament revealing to us that a major falling away will occur just prior to Christ’s return? Why will people become so deceived, and what can we do to prevent this from happening to us?

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How (Not) To Be a Pharisee!

Christ startled His disciples when He declared to them that they would not inherit the Kingdom of God if their righteousness was not to exceed the righteousness of the Pharisees.  The Pharisees were considered to be extremely righteous and law-abiding religious leaders, so how could anyone exceed their righteousness and their zeal for the law? What were the fundamental character flaws of the Pharisees? And how can we make sure that we do not fall into the same trap?

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The Wrath of God

The Wrath of God is not limited to accounts in Old Testament history or to the end-time judgment of the wicked—which is how most people view it. Rather, God’s wrath is His righteous anger directed against sin, and unless we truly believe in Jesus Christ, the wrath of God remains on us!

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My Calling

God’s calling is a very special thing, for it brings one to understand the Truth and learn how to fulfill God’s purpose. When God calls a person, He does so on an individual basis, each person having his or her own personal relationship with God. Everyone who is called becomes personally responsible for individual Christian growth and development. If we are fortunate enough to be called in this day and age, do we treat our calling with the highest esteem and honor that it requires?

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The Cup of Divinity and Salvation

In this Sermonette, I draw the thread that is clear especially in Matthew in which our Lord utilizes the dual concept of the cup in different ways. First, to signify the coming new covenant between God and man. Secondly, our Lord, on the night of his betrayal expresses the most human emotion of asking the Father if the cup that would bear his death could pass him. Our Lord makes clear however that he will accept the Father’s will. We have all faced trials and human suffering—yet all pales in comparison to what Jesus faced on our behalf. Through his sacrifice we can have the opportunity for eternal life in the Kingdom.

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Walk Worthy

What do we need to do to be counted worthy of the Christian calling we have received? How does our effort to live in a worthy manner relate to the free gift of salvation through the Sacrifice of Jesus Christ and our relationship to God?

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Where is Hope?

Mankind is hastening its pace towards complete rejection of God. Without God’s influence, we lose the ability to foster lasting character traits. One of those traits, hope, is disappearing from the mindset of humanity—replaced by despair. Our war against this growing darkness can only be won if we are holding fast to godly traits that aren’t overcome by the influence of Satan.

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Treasures in Heaven

Why pray? What if I don’t have my prayers answered? Does God really take notice? We all ask ourselves questions like this, but the Bible proves that prayer is vitally important—for us and for the eternal relationship we are building with God!

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