Pentecost: This Gospel

The gospel, that is, the “good news” of the Kingdom of God is the message from God to mankind. This is the focus of what Jesus Christ preached, and it is what He commissioned as the “work” of the Church of God. It is through the Holy Spirit of God that His servants are completing this responsibility!

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True Proof!

Satan challenges mankind to “prove it”—but his motive is evil. God also challenges mankind to prove Him—and His objective is good. Our responsibility is to choose the true proof from God that leads to life.

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Fishing For True Answers

Placing God before all other desires is critical in our ability to show true fruits of repentance. We don’t know when or how but we know that God will use us as lights to the world.  We must be prepared to shine at all times with works that reflect Godly nature.
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Do You Have to Be and Stay Evil? (Part 3)

Are you a bad person? Are you doing evil things? What is evil in the eyes of God? Can you obtain forgiveness? Can you change? Or are you a helpless victim of external circumstances? Will evil triumph in your life even though you want to do what is good and right? On the other hand, will you obtain God’s grace when you continue to live an evil life? Three examples of Jewish rulers in Second Chronicles—Manasseh, Amon and Josiah—give you important answers which may be determinative for your life and your death.

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Bad Mistakes

Why do people give up on life? On their goals? And most importantly, on their Christian life?
The answer comes down to mind set. The things that we choose to think about, to focus on is what will be our outcome. God has already chosen us, He wants to give us amazing things, but do we allow Him to? Or are we too wrapped up in other things? What will you choose to think about?

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The Failure of Righteous Kings of Judah – Part 2

In this second part of this three-part series, we will be discussing additional righteous kings of Judah, including Joash, Amaziah, Uzziah and Hezekiah, as they are featured in 2. Chronicles. In each case, these kings committed serious infractions at the end of their lives, and when they were admonished, they reacted with pride, rejection and even wrath. Do we sometimes react in similar ways?

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Challenges of Humility

If we want to be in the Kingdom of God, we must have a spirit of humility.  What are some of the challenges we face in being humble?

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The Work of God

The plan of God has been the work of many individuals down through the ages. Nehemiah was one such individual who God worked with powerfully to help rebuild Jerusalem. But the way in which it was accomplished is truly incredible. We can expect the same today as God is willing to work in and through us if we diligently seek Him.

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Bad Mistakes and Grievous Sins of Righteous Leaders – Part 1

The lives of some of the ancient kings of Judah should tell us a lot today. How could it happen that righteous leaders made terrible mistakes and sinned grievously at the end of their lives? Why do we find ourselves in the position that we transgress God’s Word, even though we know better?
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