FOT 2017: Blessings Just Ahead of Us, Part 1

This sermon looks at a number of areas comparing our experience today and the vast change that will occur in the wonderful world tomorrow. These are very brief, just a flavour, but the difference now and in the future, will be quite astonishing.

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FOT 2017: Achieving the Power of God

God has given His servants the ability to rise above our physical limitations through His Spirit. He even allows us to tap into His Spirit and perform superhuman feats. But this power is predicated on an understanding of what is truly important to God.

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FOT 2017: Trusting God…Really!

It may be that we pray and understand the importance of accepting God’s will and plan for us. One of our human failings however, and one that I recognize in myself is that I have often prayed in what God might justifiably consider to be a half-hearted manner. As one grows in his or her faith, we must learn the importance of trusting and keeping His Commandments. If we draw close to Him, God will certainly hear us. He does not require our help; He does require our obedience if we are to consider ourselves a part of His family. In this Sermonette I provide a few key scriptures, and personal examples of placing our trust squarely in God’s hands.

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FOT 2017: Why Firstfruits?

The millennial period is a particularly special time for those who are converted before the return of Christ. During this period, these individuals, who are referred to as “firstfruits” will be resurrected, glorified, and rule kingdoms under the leadership of Jesus Christ before others have an opportunity to do so. Knowing that this will come to pass, why does the plan of God involve firstfruits in the first place? What purpose does it serve to have a first resurrection?

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FOT 2017: Friends Forever

It is good to have friends in the world, but it is also important to be a good friend. Of more importance is to strive to keep God’s laws and commands so we can be called a friend by God and have a true friend forever.

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FOT 2017: Expectations

We all have different expectations. But how do our expectations line up with others? What happens when they are not in harmony with others? What about our expectation of God as well as His of us? Can we really expect that we will all have expectations that are correct and meaningful at all times?

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FOT 2017: Civil Servant For Life

The sermonette highlights one particular principle of the historically recorded civil service system, which is even today, among others, anchored in the German constitution. This principle is about the mutual commitment of specific public figures (civil servants) to the sovereign state for the duration of a human lifetime. Following an introductory explanation of this principle, it will be shown what God has to say in the Bible about how this applies to the ministry, and finally what the significance is for those who are God’s appointed”firstfruits”.

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FOT 2017: What’s the Hurry?

The Bible warns us not to act hastily, but rather to believe. What is meant by that statement? Doesn’t this contradict other passages encouraging us to hasten to follow God? Actually, there is no contradiction, but it is a strong encouragement for all of us to consider our steps carefully; to think, act and react in a Christian way; to conquer sin by overcoming Satan, the world and our human nature; and to believe in and rely fully on our only Savior, Jesus Christ who is God’s tried and precious chief cornerstone of our foundation; while being the world’s rejected stumbling block and rock of offense.

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