Trouble Ahead-May God Help Us!

While America is trying to deal domestically with its economic problems, a far greater danger is looming internationally. Very few understand why European unification is inevitable, and why the euro will not disappear. All the doom-mongers have been proven wrong, including the world’s leading economists and investors, but they still don’t realize why their gloomy predictions have failed. However, European unification is not good news for America and Britain. The Bible tells us why, but most are uwilling to listen.

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Is God a She or an It?

Gender neutral Bible translations are not new, but the trend is continuing with an alarming rate. The German Family Minister Kristina Schroeder, a Lutheran member of Germany’s conservative party, just declared that God could very well be referred to as “it.” Modern Bible translations refer to God as “he” and “she” and speak of God as “Father” and “Mother.” How do the inspired Hebrew and Greek texts refer to God, and why does it matter that we understand correctly who and what God is?

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A World Without School Shootings and Gun Violence How

After the horrific mass murder of schoolchildren and adults on Connecticut, the issue of gun control was raised again. Many countries condemn America for its gun culture in a most hypocritical fashion. Pastor Joel Olsteen refused to take a position on the matter, as he felt it was a political issue that divides people. However, the question pertains to the very core of true Christianity. Will we ever experience peace on this planet? The answer is, Yes, indeed, but not in the way that most people think or expect.

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America’s Disastrous Foreign Policy in Egypt

The Muslim Brotherhood of Egypt is a violent Islamist organization which is kidnapping and torturing their opponents. It has become the best friend of the USA which is still supplying Egypt with battle tanks, jet fighters and billions of dollars in military aid. God strongly condemns the American policy of trying to buy friends and allies, which the Bible calls lovers. Far too often, they will turn around and become America’s bitter enemies. Egypt will be no exception.

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Egypts Muslim Brotherhood and Its Future

President Morsi of Egypt has been wrongly applauded for his involvement in the Gaza crisis. Subsequently, he showed his true colors and that of the Muslim Brotherhood. The West’s ignorant assessment of the Arab Spring is shameful, since the real goals of the radical Islamic movement should have been clear from the outset. Egypts future will be grim, and much turmoil, defeat in war and captivity is in store for the country.

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Growing Antisemitism in Germany

While German Chancellor Angela Merkel backs Israel and the Jewish people, many Germans are becoming more critical. The strong public support of a court decision banning circumcision in Germany is just one example. Antisemitism has had a long history, even though Jesus Christ, the early apostles and the early New Testament Church were Jewish. Sadly, recent Jewish reactions to imagined injuries have added to antagonistic German feelings. The good news is that once the Jewish people accept Jesus Christ as their God and King in the Millennium, anti-Semitism will become a thing of the past.

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The Christmas Trees Origin

Perhaps the most cherished Christmas custom of all is the Christmas tree. But did you know that the Christmas tree was a pagan object of worship long before the birth of Christ? Pagans believed that their gods were living in and actually changed into pinetrees. Does the Bible speak about Christmas trees? And if so, does it approve or condemn the custom of decorating pine trees at Christmas time?

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The Petraeus Scandal and the Fiscal Cliff

What is the real scandal behind David Petraeus’ marital infidelity and resignation? And why should you be concerned about the fiscal cliff and the entitlement cliff? Why do all these and other developments show that the signs of the downfall of the USA are obvious? Why the desire of the world to see America on its knees?

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Americans Voted for Nothing!

Mr. Obama was reelected president, but he has no reason for celebration. The country is as divided as ever. The billion-dollar election did not decide one single thing, writes The Washington Times. America voted for Obama as the lesser of two evils, writes the German press. Der Spiegel speaks about the dirtiest campaign in the history of the US. It claims that Germans and Europeans don’t understand America any longer, and that the irreversible downfall of the American empire has begun. The Bible confirms this, but the spiritual reasons are being overlooked.

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Why I Don’t Vote!

Should Christians vote in governmental elections? Some feel that they should not do so. However, many will try to argue that one must vote, even it is for the lesser of two evils. But what does the Bible say? In this program, God’s position on this important matter will be explained.

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