Right or Wrong–God Decides! — StandingWatch #156

The human mind does not know what is Christian conduct. The Bible allows what humans reject, or it prohibits what humans approve. Examples include: relating unflattering facts about people who have died; spanking and disciplining our children; marriage and divorce; abortion; and scientific advancements of cloning or “creating” embryos. Do you know God’s viewpoint on those matters?

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Bobby Fischer’s Life and Death — StandingWatch #154

Chess genius Bobby Fischer died on January 17, 2008. His high IQ did not prevent him from adopting and promoting false ideas. At the same time, some reporters should be embarrassed about their ignorance, when resurrecting an inaccurate claim that Fischer was a member of a “sect” or “cult” in California, which allegedly taught wrong doctrines. What is the truth regarding Fischer’s association with that church, and what are some of the church’s teachings, which upset reporters?

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Abortion–Right or Wrong? — StandingWatch #153

Is abortion always right–or is it always wrong? And if it is acceptable under certain circumstances, how old does the embryo or fetus have to be to make it right? Neither proponents of “pro choice” nor those of “pro life” seem to have the answers. Do you know the truth? Only God, in His Word, the Bible, can tell you.

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No–You Are NOT Born Again! — StandingWatch #152

Many well-meaning Christians are convinced that they are born again. But none of them is–if you believe the words of Jesus Christ. He told Nicodemus, a Pharisee and a ruler of the Jews, in the book of John, chapter 3, that in order to be born again–in order to be able to see and enter the Kingdom of God–you must BE Spirit. But no Christian alive today IS a Spirit being; therefore, he could NOT have been born again! Why then is there so much confusion about the born-again concept?

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What IS the Kingdom of God, Part 2 — StandingWatch #151

Is the gospel message just about Jesus Christ, or is it Christ’s message about the Kingdom of God? IS God a Family, or does He just HAVE a family? Is it the potential of man to become God or just a spirit being, higher than angels, but lower than God? What DOES your BIBLE say about these questions?

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What Is the True Gospel, Part 2 — StandingWatch #149

Christ came to preach the gospel of the Kingdom of God. He commissioned His Church to preach it today, and He said that its worldwide proclamation would be the sign for His Second Coming and the end of this present civilization. But why does Christ tell you to seek the Kingdom of God–to become worthy to inherit it and to enter it? And once you are in the Kingdom of God, what will you do then?

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What Is the True Gospel? — StandingWatch #148

Did you know that the true gospel was suppressed and that the apostle Paul explained that some had already begun at his time to proclaim another gospel and another Jesus? But Paul placed a curse on those who did. Today, almost nobody knows what the true gospel is. Do you know? Don’t be too sure!


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Christmas and Worldwide Peace? — StandingWatch #147

Christmas tells us that Jesus Christ came two thousand years ago to bring peace to this world. If so, why don’t we have peace today amongst all nations? And why did Jesus say that He did not come to bring peace, but the sword? Did He want His disciples to fight others in war? What WAS the purpose of Christ’s First Coming, and what did He really teach and promise mankind?
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