The Law of God, Part 1 — StandingWatch #144

Are we still required to keep the Law of God? Or did Christ abolish it? But if He did, why does John say that it is the love of God to keep His commandments; and that sin is the transgression of the Law? Why does Paul say that the wages of sin is death; and that the Law of God is holy and just and good? And why does James say that we are judged by the royal law of liberty, and that we break the entire Law, if we just transgress one of the commandments? Surely, much confusion abounds whether or not true Christians are to keep the Law of the Ten Commandments.

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The Origins of Britain and America, Part 4 — StandingWatch #143

How COULD the peoples of the United States of America and Great Britain be descendants of the ancient House of Israel? Why did prominent personalities, like the former New York City Mayor Ed Koch, believe that some of the Lost Ten Tribes ended up in Ireland? HOW did God fulfill His unconditional promise to make the sons of Joseph, Ephraim and Manasseh, a great nation and a company of nations, as He did NOT fulfill this promise in ancient times?

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Are Ghosts for Real? — StandingWatch #137

According to a new book, President Bush claims to have seen ghosts emerge from the Lincoln Bedroom in the White House. President Reagan reputedly once told the story that his dog was scared and refused to enter the Lincoln Bedroom, suggesting that Lincoln’s ghost was still residing there. Vladimir Putin allegedly said that some of his Russian astronauts saw ghosts in outer space. How do we explain reports like these?

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The Most Powerful Woman — StandingWatch #136

Germany’s Chancellor, Angela Merkel, tops Forbes’ magazine’s list of the world’s 100 most powerful women, while First Lady Laura Bush only reaches place 60. At the same time, we learn that Mrs. Merkel is trying to isolate the United States of America on the issue of carbon dioxide emissions, while Great Britain is perceived by European leaders as an “embarrassment.” What does all of this mean?

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Are You Ignorant of World Conditions? — StandingWatch #135

Two-thirds of US adults admit to being in the dark about political issues outside the US. Only 3% of women and 14% of men say that they are extremely knowledgeable on world politics. Why is this a frightening and shocking testimony? Or, does it make any difference whether or not one knows what is going on in the world?

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God Warns America! — StandingWatch #133

Many American Presidents realized that God gave us this land, as well as power and wealth, but that He can take all of it away from us, if we continue to disobey Him. All optimistic viewpoints aside, God warns us that terrorism and nuclear attacks on American soil will lay waste our cities, and will make our land desolate–unless we repent!

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