Preaching the Gospel and Feeding the Flock

We have placed another Standing Watch program on our Webpage, titled, “Babylon the Great” Another program will be recorded on Friday and placed on our Web.

We have started a new French Webpage with several French articles. We have also placed several new German articles on our German Webpage.

The final text of our new booklet on baptism was sent this week to our graphics designer, Shelly Bruno.

Preaching the Gospel and Feeding the Flock

We have placed another StandingWatch program on our Webpage, titled, “What’s Ahead for the U.S.?” Another program will be recorded on Friday and placed on our Web.

We are also constantly adding new German articles on our German Webpage, and we are in the process of creating a French Website.

Our new booklet on baptism will enter the final review cycle early next week. We hope to send the booklet to the printer by early August.

Preaching the Gospel and Feeding the Flock

We have established a permanent feature on our Web page, “StandingWatch.” A new program, titled, “Who Rules This World?” has been recorded and has been placed on our Web page.

Preaching the Gospel and Feeding the Flock


We are advertising this Friday and Saturday the booklet, “The Great Tribulation and the Day of the Lord,” in the Vancouver Sun. The paper has a circulation of 1.2 million readers. Please pray for the success of this ad campaign, because the world needs the knowledge of what lies ahead.


Our current member letter, which you can find at:, was sent out this week, together with a hard copy of our booklet, “God Is A Family.”

Our new booklet on Baptism has completed the first review cycle and will enter the second review cycle early next week.


A new program, titled, “What is the Beast?” has been recorded and has been placed on our web site at


If you speak German, just visit our German web page by going to Several German articles have recently been added to the page. We are trying to add at least one article each week.

Preaching the Gospel and Feeding the Flock

Member Letter
Our latest member letter, which you can find at, was sent out this week. It discusses some of the reasons why the
Church of the Eternal God exists.

The text of our booklet on the Sabbath and the annual Holy Days was forwarded to our Graphics Designer, Shelly Bruno, for finalization and layout. We will be sending the final product shortly to our printer in the United Kingdom. The proposed text for a new booklet, proving from the Old and New Testament that God is a Family, was sent this week to Phyllis Bourque for a first review.

As we announced in our last Update, we are currently running an ad in Canada for our booklet, “The Keys to Happy Marriages and Families!” The ad runs this and next weekend.

United Kingdom
We are currently conducting an advertisement campaign in Great Britain for our booklet, “The Great Tribulation and the Day of the Lord.” The mailers were sent out on Friday, January 10. We are expecting initial responses by the end of January.

Plans are underway to advertise our booklet, “The Great Tribulation and the Day of the Lord,” in a local paper in

Member Letter

Our latest member letter, which you can find attached, was dated and sent out, Thursday, October 31, 2002. It discusses the situation in Europe and the currently shattered relationship between Germany and the United States. It also addresses our individual and collective responsibilities in these end times.

We have just received approval from the Post Office and are now able to send out the member letter and our other literature with the reduced mailing rate accorded nonprofit organizations.

©2024 Church of the Eternal God