Preaching the Gospel and Feeding the Flock

A new Member Letter (August 2016) has been written and mailed to our subscribers. In this letter, Elder Robb Harris contrasts the Satan-inspired changes which are leading mankind further and further away from God with the inescapable fact that the Judgment of God draws near.

“God’s Law or God’s Grace?,” our newest booklet, has been sent to graphics designer Shelly Bruno for finalization and delivery to our printer. We anticipate distributing this new booklet to attendees of the Feast of Tabernacles and then to our mailing list shortly afterwards.

The Feast Sermon by Norbert Link was recorded last week and will be sent out soon to scattered brethren and groups in foreign countries. The title is: “Growth in God’s Church.”  It will be played during the Feast of Tabernacles at the US Feast site and at international locations.

“Germany in Panic Mood,” is the title of a new StandingWatch program, presented by Evangelist Norbert Link. Here is a summary:

The German government is contemplating highly unpopular measures of civil defense and military actions, due to perceived or real threats facing the country’s very existence. These measures have a direct relationship to biblical prophecy. In addition, European leaders from Germany, France and Italy are pressing ahead for increased cooperation on defense and the establishment of a European Army.

“Obama’s Flat Earth,” is the title of another new StandingWatch program, presented by Evangelist Norbert Link. Here is a summary:

Does the Obama Administration believe in a flat earth concept? If not, why this title? Could it be that their politics reflect the same kind of wrong principles which can be seen in the flat earth conspiracy?  In this program, we will give you five recent examples confirming this suspicion, from perceived misrepresentations about paying ransom money to Iran; incredible American abrogation of the Internet; broken promises to the people of Syria; absurd rulings regarding medical Marijuana; and the incompetent concept of Obamacare. But will the American people experience a substantial change in January?

“Kommunion im Neuen Testament?,” is the title of this week’s new German sermon. The sermon is based on this week’s Q&A. Title in English: “Communion in the New Testament?”

“That Your Joy May Be Full,” the sermonette presented last Sabbath by Eric Rank, is now posted. Here is a summary:

Seeking and finding happiness is a fundamental force in life, but how can this compulsion be satisfied? Where can true and lasting joy be found? The good news is that complete joy is attainable to all who choose to answer God’s calling.

“It’s the Truth!,” the sermon presented last Sabbath by Dave Harris, is now posted. Here is a summary:

In our world—this year, this month, this week, this day, right now—TRUTH has fallen, it has failed! This must not happen for Christians!

Here are the dates for the 2016 Fall Holy Days:

October 3—Feast of Trumpets
October 12—Day of Atonement
October 17 through October 23—Feast of Tabernacles
October 24—Last Great Day

Preaching the Gospel and Feeding the Flock

A monthly Tech Team meeting was conducted on Sunday morning, August 14, 2016—via SKYPE.

The Storm in Europe Has Just Begun!,” is the title of a new StandingWatch program, presented by Evangelist Norbert Link. Here is a summary:

What does the Bible say about Europe’s future? And how will it affect YOU personally… especially, if you live in the USA and the UK? Current developments in continental Europe show that we are nearing the prophetic crescendo just prior to Christ’s return… but most news articles do not even begin to realize what is happening, and many political speculations will prove to be erroneous.

Unsere Kinder in der Versammlung,” is the title of the German sermon for this coming Sabbath. Title in English: “Our Children in Services.”

“Defense for the Gospel,” the sermonette presented last Sabbath by Kalon Mitchell, is now posted. Here is a summary:

Do we need to continue in preaching the Gospel? Isn’t it enough just to worry about ourselves? Is there more at stake? Could our eternal lives be in jeopardy if we are not involved in preaching the Gospel to the world? What can we expect when preaching the Gospel?

“The Love of Money,” the sermon presented last Sabbath by Norbert Link, is now posted. Here is a summary:

How does God look at money? Is He against riches? In this sermon, we will cite Scriptures which speak positively about the right use of money, but we will also address the wrong use… and that especially in the religious context.

“Warum Wird Gott Amerika Bestrafen?,” is the title of the German sermon played last Sabbath. Title in English: “Why Will God Punish America?”

Here are the dates for the 2016 Fall Holy Days:

October 3—Feast of Trumpets
October 12—Day of Atonement
October 17 through October 23—Feast of Tabernacles
October 24—Last Great Day

Preaching the Gospel and Feeding the Flock

Norbert and Johanna Link, accompanied by Margaret Adair along with Michael, Noelle and Mason Link, have returned to Southern California following a very successful visit with brethren in Colorado, Idaho, Oregon and California. Also, during this time, Pastor Rene Messier and his wife, Delia, drove from Summerland, British Columbia, to join in Sabbath services in Woodburn, Oregon.

Here are the dates for the 2016 Fall Holy Days:

October 3—Feast of Trumpets
October 12—Day of Atonement
October 17 through October 24—Feast of Tabernacles
October 25—Last Great Day

“The Prodigal Son,” the sermonette presented last Sabbath by Rene Messier, is now posted.

“The Four Winds”, the sermon presented last Sabbath by Norbert Link, is now posted. Here is a summary:

The Bible speaks many times about the four winds. We read in the New Testament that four angels will hold the four winds of the earth, or that angels will gather together the elect from the four winds. The Old Testament says that God will scatter Israel and other nations toward the four winds under heaven. We also read about four winds which stand before the Lord of all the earth. What is meant with the four winds?

Our new booklet, “God’s Law… or God’s Grace?” has entered the second review cycle.

Preaching the Gospel and Feeding the Flock

Norbert and Johanna Link, accompanied by Margaret Adair along with Michael, Noelle and Mason Link, will visit the Oregon brethren this coming Sabbath—August 6, 2016.

“Die Vier Winde,” is the title of this coming Sabbath’s German sermon. Title in English: “The Four Winds.”

“Made for Man,” the sermonette presented last Sabbath by Michael Link, is now posted. Here is a summary:

What has God made for man and what has man taken for granted?  God created everything and gave man a big responsibility to uphold His creation and man also had a big responsibility to keep God’s law, but man as a whole has failed to do so by giving into sin.  There are many things which are a mystery to this world like the Sabbath, for example, as to how and why it is to be kept.  Those of us who have been called out of this world need to make sure that we don’t take lightly what God expects of us, by obeying Him and keeping His day of rest holy, or we will miss out of His plan for us.

“Why Will God Punish America?,” the sermon from last Sabbath by Norbert Link, is now posted. Here is a summary:

The Bible speaks in no uncertain terms about America’s future defeat in war, and it gives us many reasons as to why God is extremely angry with the USA, as well as other nations. We will see in this sermon why the ancient House of Israel went into captivity. We will also show that America, which is called modern Sodom in the Bible, commits the same sins today, without any real hope for repentance and change.

Preaching the Gospel and Feeding the Flock

Norbert and Johanna Link, accompanied by Margaret Adair along with Michael, Noelle and Mason Link, will visit the Colorado brethren for Sabbath services on July 30, 2016. The following Sabbath, they will visit the Oregon brethren.

“Can Worldwide Terror Be Stopped?,” is the title of a new StandingWatch program, presented by Evangelist Norbert Link. Here is a summary:

Just in the month of July alone, several terror attacks have been happening in Europe. While Democrats in the US don’t even offer any solutions, some Republicans discuss certain plans, but how practical and successful would they be? All suggestions overlook the only true solution for the end of worldwide terror attacks.

“Gewalt im Sport, Teil 2,” is the title of this week’s German sermon. Title in English: “Violence in Sports, Part 2.”

Why Do We Resist God?,” is the title of last Sabbath’s sermonette by Robb Harris. This is posted as audio, only.

National Captivity is Near!,” is the title of last Sabbath’s sermon by Dave Harris. This is posted as audio, only. Here is a summary:

The focus of this sermon is NATIONAL CAPTIVITY – a time of God’s punishment. It is about our day and the immediate future we now face!

Preaching the Gospel and Feeding the Flock

A new StandingWatch intro has been added, and a similar intro has also been added to the German language AufPostenStehen program. Michael Link, along with input from our Tech Team, developed this dynamic presentation as a part of our efforts to further the Gospel message in ever more effective ways.

Norbert and Johanna Link, accompanied by Margaret Adair along with Michael, Noelle and Mason Link, will visit the Colorado brethren for Sabbath services on July 30, 2016. The following Sabbath, they will visit the Oregon brethren.

The July 2016 Member Letter, written by Michael Link, has been mailed. It is available at our website:

“Turkey in Chaos… What’s Next?,” is the title of a new StandingWatch program, presented by Evangelist Norbert Link. Here is a summary:

Tayyip Erdogan uses the failed coup in Turkey as “justification” for a witch hunt of frightening proportions against anyone critical of his methods. Some feel that Erdogan staged the coup himself. Others state that “hell hath no fury like an Erdogan who narrowly survives.” The Telegraph writes that “Erdogan’s purge may give NATO no choice but to expel Turkey from the alliance.” Will this happen? Will Turkey ever become a member of the EU? Similarities to the Reichstag fire in Nazi Germany in 1933 and the bloody aftermath are compelling. What does the Bible tell us about Turkey’s future? Our free booklet, “Middle Eastern and African Nations in Bible Prophecy,” gives the answer.

“Erdogans Hexenjagd in der Türkei,” this week’s AufPostenStehen program, covers the same topic as above in German.

“Gewalt im Sport, Teil 1,” is the title of the German sermon for this coming Sabbath. Title in English: “Violence in Sports, Part 1”

“Where is God?,” the sermonette presented by Kalon Mitchell last Sabbath, is now posted. Here is a summary:

As we continue to see disastrous and saddening events unfolding in our Nation and around the world, have we ever had the thoughts “Where is God”, “Why is He letting these things happen”. Many don’t believe in God, and yet still wonder why these tragedies and worldwide issues are happening. Even those who believe in God have trouble understanding and explaining just how and why these issues plague all of mankind today. The Bible clearly explains why there are so many problems and it prescribes that it will continue to get much worse before it can get better. We need to understand where God is and why He refuses to step in and help man today.

“A Holy People,” the sermon presented last Sabbath by Norbert Link, is now posted. Here is a summary:

What is a saint? Do saints live in heaven? Should we pray to saints for help? Or does the Bible tell us something else? Are you a saint? Do you belong to a holy people? Are you a citizen of a holy nation? If so, what are your responsibilities and privileges?

Preaching the Gospel and Feeding the Flock

A new Member Letter (July 2016) has been written and will be sent out next week. In this letter, Michael Link presents a striking review of prophetic events which have taken place in 2016—while noting that even more biblical fulfillment lies ahead.

A new ad campaign featuring our free booklet, “Punishment for Our Sins,” was begun this week. This features emails, ads in general media sources along with presentations in social media—such as Facebook. We wish to thank September Danforth-Prentice for her efforts in this endeavor.

“Russia’s Persecution of Minority Christians” is the title of this week’s StandingWatch program, presented by Evangelist Norbert Link. Here is a summary:

On July 6, Vladimir Putin signed a law against terrorism which prohibits major activities of minority Christians in Russia, including sharing one’s belief online; praying at home in the presence of an “unbeliever”; or answering questions of an “unbelieving” co-worker about the Christian faith. Many more Christian activities are now punishable under this new law, which is without doubt inspired by Satan. But apart from a few Christian papers and websites, neither the US President or the White House, nor the left-liberal and conservative media have reported about these appalling atrocities in Russia.

“Empörende Christenverfolgung in Russland”, this week’s AufPostenStehen program, covers the same topic as above in German.

Berechnung, Bürgschaft, Bankrott und Bezahlung,” is the title of a new German sermon for this coming Sabbath. This is the fourth and final installment of our series on money. It is titled, in English: “Calculation, Surety, Bankruptcy and Payment” (in German, it’s a play on words, as every one of the four words starts with a “B” in German).

“Prophetic Events in the World and in the Church,” the introductory message given last Sabbath by Evangelist Norbert Link, is now posted. Here is a summary:

In this special message, we are addressing the terrible murders in Dallas; the Hillary Clinton email scandal; and core Europe’s desire to create an army. We also speak on preaching the gospel and the extraordinary responses in Germany.

“Individually and Collectively,” the sermon given last Sabbath by Michael Link, is now posted. Here is a summary:

We in the church have a responsibility both individually and collectively if we want to make it into the Kingdom, and the Bible gives several examples of each which we need to apply if we want to be counted worthy to be a part of God’s Family.

Preaching the Gospel and Feeding the Flock

Due to an address change, Pastor Brian Gale requests that mail sent to the Global Church of God in the UK be addressed as follows:

Global Church of God
PO Box 44
LN12 9AN
United Kingdom

“FBI’s Recommendation in Clinton Scandal Suggests Corrupt and Rigged System,” is the title of a new StandingWatch program, presented by Evangelist Norbert Link. Here is a summary:

Regarding former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton’s mishandling of classified E-mail information on her private unsecured E-mail servers, the FBI has determined that she not only repeatedly lied to Congress and the public, but that she also acted with extreme carelessness or gross negligence and thereby violated the Federal Penal Code and committed a crime under the Espionage Act. Still, FBI Director James Comey recommends not to prosecute Mrs. Clinton; thereby raising questions pertaining to former President Bill Clinton, Attorney General Loretta Lynch and President Barack Obama. Many are outraged and claim that the rules of law were purposefully re-written for the Clintons. Evangelist and Attorney Norbert Link explains why this entire dubious affair is another example of terrible corruption within the USA.

“Ehrlich Währt am Längsten,” is the title of this week’s new German sermon. This is another sermon in our series on money. Title in English (it’s a German proverb): “Honesty Endures the Longest.”

“Other People,” the sermonette presented last Sabbath by Dave Harris, is now posted. Here is a summary:

In our world of violent extremism, other people don’t seem to matter! However, we must reject this approach, because Christians are people who love other people!

“The Forerunner to Destruction,” the sermon presented last Sabbath by Robb Harris, is now posted. Here is a summary:

When we focus our energy away from Godliness, it inevitably leads to a prideful attitude. No matter the motivation for reaching this state, this mindset divorces us from a relationship with God, and ultimately, destroys our eternal life.

Preaching the Gospel and Feeding the Flock

The first draft of our new booklet, titled, “GOD’S LAW OR GOD’S GRACE?” has been sent for initial review. We anticipate having this published before the Fall Holy Days.

“No Exit from Brexit” is the title of this week’s StandingWatch program, presented by Evangelist Norbert Link. Here is a summary:

Many are speculating whether Great Britain might reverse the decision of the majority of the people to leave the EU, but political reality and the Bible rule out this possibility. In addition, due to the Brexit, remarkable developments are occurring in continental Europe, paving the way for the further fulfillment of biblical prophecy.

Kein Zurück vom Brexit”, this week’s AufPostenStehen program, covers the same topic as above in German.

“Brexit Won – Now What?” is the title of last week’s StandingWatch program, presented by Evangelist Norbert Link. Here is a summary:

The British people have voted for Great Britain’s exit from the EU. How exactly is this going to occur; how much time will expire; and could it be that Britain will form a Nordic Trading Bloc with certain other European nations, such as Sweden, Denmark, Norway, Finland and others? What does the Bible say, and why is the Brexit of fundamental prophetic significance?

“Brexit Hat Gewonnnen – Was Jetzt?”, last week’s AufPostenStehen program covers the same topic as above in German.

Gottes Reichtum und menschliche Geldgier,” is the title of this week’s German sermon. This is the second part of our new series on money. Title in English: “God’s Riches and Man’s Love of Money.”

The Power of Prophecy,” the sermonette presented last Sabbath by Dave Harris, is now posted. Here is a summary:

What is about to happen to the people of the world and even to planet earth has been foretold by God, and the Church of God has been given a prophetic role to fulfill.

“Imperfection and Improvement,” the sermon presented last Sabbath by Eric Rank, is now posted. Here is a summary:

The life of a Christian inherently involves handling imperfection. Whether the origin is our own behavior or the circumstances that surround us, we must develop the skills to handle imperfection gracefully. It is part of the job description of all Christians to continually improve as a way of life, so that perfection can ultimately be obtained.

Preaching the Gospel and Feeding the Flock

“More Wrong Comments by Pope Francis,” is the title of a new StandingWatch program presented by Evangelist Norbert Link. Here is a summary:

In his three years as pope, Francis has regularly made news with his off-the-cuff remarks that conflict with the doctrines of his own church. His most recent comments about Catholic marriages and the death penalty are no exception. But why are his comments so devastating for Catholics, and in what way are they in total conflict with the teachings of the Bible?

“Geld–Segen oder Fluch?” is the title of this week’s German sermon. This is the first part of a new series on money. The title in English is: “Money–Blessing or Curse?”

“Which Cross?” the sermonette presented last Sabbath by Norbert Link, is now posted. Here is a summary:

It is well known that the Tau-Cross (commonly pictured as the type of cross on which Christ was crucified) has been used as an object of worship long before Christ was born. But does the Bible even support the idea that Christ was nailed to such a two beamed cross? If not, what does God’s Word reveal?

“Gold, Cloth & Eye Salve,” the sermon presented last Sabbath by Kalon Mitchell, is now posted. Here is a summary:

In a world that is filled with an attitude of what is best for self, it is easy for Christians to get entangled in this type of thinking and lose sight on God’s providence and strength in their lives. In the church we understand that the age we are living in now is called in scripture the Laodicean era. God gives very serious warning to this end time church. What can we do to ensure that we are not in this category?

©2024 Church of the Eternal God