Preaching the Gospel and Feeding the Flock

Norbert and Johanna Link and Margaret Adair have returned home following travelling over five-thousand miles to be with brethren in California, Oregon, British Columbia and Colorado. They will be observing the Fall Holy Days in Germany, so this trip was an especially important opportunity to encourage and strengthen members in these visits.

“Lehnen Juden Jesaja 53 ab?” is the title of this week’s German sermon. Title in English: “Do Jews Reject Isaiah 53?”

“By The Book,” the sermonette given last Sabbath by Dave Harris, is now posted. Here is a summary:

Recent events in the Church of God have given rise to people who all claim that they are following God’s lead—that they are going by the book, the Bible. Really?

“The Sufferings of the Apostle Paul,” the sermon given last Sabbath by Norbert Link, is now posted. Here is a summary:

Paul had to endure much hardship, but he never gave up. This sermon discusses many of his trials, including his unjust arrests and illegal imprisonments; several attempts to murder him; numerous false accusations against him by Jews and Greeks; and many conspiracies by unbelieving Jews with the declared goal of assassinating him. But Paul knew that his trials served a godly purpose. And we will see how he received strength to endure victoriously, becoming worthy for the Kingdom of God.

Preaching the Gospel and Feeding the Flock

Norbert and Johanna Link, accompanied by Margaret Adair, are travelling to visit brethren in California, Oregon, British Columbia and Colorado. Mr. Link will be presenting a live sermon on this coming Sabbath from Fort Collins, CO.

“Warum Hat König Saul Versagt?” is the title of this week’s German sermon. Title in English: “Why Did King Saul Fail?”

“The Turning Point,” the sermonette presented last Sabbath by Rene Messier, is now posted. Here is a summary:

There are factors involving the inevitable downfall of America precipitated by the recent Supreme Court decision regarding gay marriage.

“Do Dreams Influence Your Life?” the sermon presented last Sabbath by Norbert Link, is now posted. Here is a summary:

Do dreams come from God? Does God give us secret instructions through dreams, which could be interpreted in different ways? How can we ascertain whether someone has received a dream from God, or whether someone tells false dreams? Is the concentration on dreams often times nothing but superstition? Do we need dreams and signs in order to believe God and obey Him?

Preaching the Gospel and Feeding the Flock

Norbert and Johanna Link, accompanied by Margaret Adair, are travelling to visit brethren in California, Oregon, British Columbia and Colorado. Mr. Link will be presenting a live sermon on this coming Sabbath from Summerland, BC.

“Beeinflussen Träume Ihr Leben?” is the title of this week’s German sermon. Title in English: “Do Dreams Influence Your Life?”

“Over-Thinking,” the sermonette presented by Joe Bourque last Sabbath, is now posted.

“Do You Stand Firm in God’s Truth?” the sermon presented last Sabbath by Norbert Link, is now posted. Here is a summary:

Why do some resist the truth and walk away from it? Could a lack of faith, sinful conduct, anxious thoughts, the pleasures of this world, bitterness, or false priorities be decisive reasons as to why some do not understand the truth, and why others do not understand it anymore?

Preaching the Gospel and Feeding the Flock

Norbert and Johanna Link, accompanied by Margaret Adair, will be travelling to visit brethren in California, Oregon, British Columbia and Colorado during the next few weeks. Mr. Link will also be presenting live sermons on the Sabbath from some of these locations.

“Greece in Prophecy,” is the title of a new StandingWatch program presented by Evangelist Norbert Link. Here is a summary:

Greece is faced with turmoil and economic disaster, and the “No”-Referendum did not bring any clarity. Will Greece leave the Eurozone or even the EU? Would this bring about the abolishment of the Euro and the ultimate downfall and dissemination of the United States of Europe? What does the Bible say about all of this? Don’t assume that you know the answer. We are offering FREE CDs and DVDs of a recent three-part sermon series on Prophecy and the current and future developments in Europe.

We just sent out a new German member letter (Rundschreiben) to our mailing
list in the German-speaking areas.The letter summarizes current political events, announces the printing of four new German booklets, upcoming German sermons and the new APS program on Greece, and speaks of the need to prepare for the annual Fall Holy Days and to be cautious not to fall for Satan’s discouragement.

“Was Eine Christliche Ehe ist… und was nicht!” is the title of a new German sermon. The title in English: “What Is a Christian Marriage.. .and What It Is Not.” 

“Griechenland in der Prophezeiung,” is the title of a new AufPostenStehen program, also presented by Mr. Link, which presents the subject of “Greece in Prophecy” in the German language.

“A Little Strength,” the sermon presented by Eric Rank last Sabbath, is now posted. Here is a summary:

In the book of Revelation, the Church of Philadelphia is described as having a little strength. What characterizes the strength that Christians need to have? Where does that strength come from? How is the strength of a Christian different than worldly strength? Answers to these questions will help to guide spiritual growth and development that is so important for Christian living.

Preaching the Gospel and Feeding the Flock

A new Member Letter has been written and is now posted. In this letter, Pastor Rene Messier reviews similarities facing the Church of God at its establishment and what we are now experiencing—reminding us that we must continue to zealously and faithfully serve God.

We are offering FREE CDs and DVDs of Norbert Link’s recent three-part sermon series on “Prophecy—How to Understand It.” The sermons are titled, “666—The Number of the Beast”; “What Is the Mark of the Beast?”; and “The Woman Riding the Beast.” Please send us your request.

Political Same-Sex Marriage Ruling,” is the title of a new StandingWatch program, presented by Evangelist Norbert Link. Here is a summary:

The decision of the US Supreme Court, to grant “gay and lesbian Americans” the “right to marry as any other couple,” has been viewed as dangerous political manipulation, which violates the clear language of the Constitution and the declared will of the founding fathers. President Obama and Hillary Clinton enthusiastically welcomed the decision, but until recently, they had strongly opposed same-sex marriages. Former Governor Mike Huckabee called the ruling an “out-of-control act of unconstitutional, judicial tyranny.” Time magazine wrote that orthodox Christians are now “exiles in [their] own country,” and that the Supreme Court declared the “decline and fall” of America’s “social, political and legal order.” What can Christians do in light of such abominations?

“Die Leiden des Apostels Paulus” is this week’s new German sermon. Title in English: “The Sufferings of the Apostle Paul.”

“Results From Knowledge,” the sermonette presented by Mike Link last Sabbath, is now posted. Here is a summary:

How do we know what the truth is and do we believe in it? What separates us from every other religion out there? What are we to do with the knowledge that has been given to us to bring forth results?

“The Woman Riding the Beast,” the sermon presented last Sabbath by Norbert Link, is now posted. Here is a summary:

In chapter 17 of the book of Revelation, a fallen rich woman or “great harlot” is described who sits on a scarlet beast with seven heads and ten horns. She is called “Mystery, Babylon the Great, the Mother of Harlots and of the Abominations of the Earth.” She is identified as a “great city,” sitting on “seven mountains” or hills. What is meant with these symbols? And what is the meaning of the “dreadful and terrible” fourth beast in Daniel 7, having “huge iron teeth” and ten horns, and the “little horn,” coming up among the ten horns, speaking “pompous words against the Most High,” intending to “change times and law,” subduing three kings and persecuting the saints of the Most High for “a time and times and half a time”?

Preaching the Gospel and Feeding the Flock

“The Woman Riding the Beast,” is the third of three new sermons dealing with “Prophecy – How to Understand It”—to be presented by Norbert Link on June 27, 2015. In addition, we are promoting this series through press releases, Facebook and our own webpage,

We have sent the files to our printer in Germany for the printing of four of our German booklets, i.e., “Die Geheimnisse der Bibel” (“Mysteries of the Bible”); “Ist Gott eine Dreieinigkeit?” (“Is God a Trinity?“); “Die Taufe—Voraussetzung für das Heil?” (“Baptism —a Requirement for Salvation?“) and “Europa in der Prophezeiung” (“Europe in Prophecy”).

Other printed German booklets, available on request, are: “Jesus Christus—ein grosses Geheimnis” (“Jesus Christ, a Great Mystery”); “Die Mysterien im Buch der Offenbarung” (“The Mysteries of the Book of Revelation”); “Menschliches Leid” (“Human Suffering”); “Gottes heiliger Sabbat” and “Gottes heilige Jahresfeste” (these two booklets are translations of our English booklet, “God’s Commanded Holy Days”); “Das Geheimnis des Weihnachtsfestes” (“Don’t Keep Christmas”); “Gott ist eine Familie” (“God is a Family”); “Das Evangelium vom Reich Gottes” (“The Gospel of the Kingdom of God”); and “Die Schluessel zur gluecklichen Ehe und Familie!” (“The Keys to Happy Marriages and Families”).

The following additional four German booklets have been posted on our websites, but they have not been printed yet. We hope to be able to print those before the end of the year:

“Deutschland in der Prophezeiung” (“Germany in Prophecy”); “Evolution—ein Märchen für Erwachsene?” (“Evolution—a Fairy Tale for Adults?”); “Die Zahlung des Zehnten—Heute?” (Tithing—Today?“); and “Die Zehn Europäischen Wiederauferstehungen des ehemaligen Römischen Reiches” (“The Ten European Revivals of the Ancient Roman Empire”).

“The Shroud of Turin–Genuine or a Fake?” is the title of a new StandingWatch program, presented by Evangelist Norbert Link. Here is a summary:

Many believe that the Shroud of Turin pictures Jesus Christ at the time of His death and burial. Others are convinced that it is a fake, which was fabricated in the 13th century. What is the truth? Can we really know? The Bible gives us clear and undisputable proof. We are offering our free booklet, “Jesus Christ–a Great Mystery.”

“Stehen Sie Fest in Gottes Wahrheit?” is the new German sermon for this coming Sabbath. Title in English: “Do You Stand Firm in God’s Truth?”

Corruption & Destruction,” the sermonette presented by Kalon Mitchell last Sabbath, is now posted. Here is a summary:

As people grew into cities, nations, and civilizations, they had a tendency to become corrupt. The story line plays out time and again. They grow too wise in their own opinion and then wicked in their thoughts and deeds, so much so that there is nothing left but for them to be destroyed. What lessons can we learn from these tragedies in the Bible? How can we make sure we are not falling into the same mistakes and traps?

What Is the Mark of the Beast?” the sermon presented by Norbert Link last Sabbath, is now posted. Here is a summary:

In this second installment of our three-part series on biblical prophecy, we will show that the Bible and history reveal the identity of the famous mark of the beast. This mark is associated with the beast in Revelation 13:1-10, which is a political and military power. It collaborates with a religious power, which is described as a second beast in Revelation 13:11, having two horns like a lamb and speaking like a dragon. In what way will this religious power create an image, which will cause all to receive the mark of the beast? Why will no one be able to buy or sell who does not have the mark of the beast? What is the difference between the mark of the beast and the sign of God, which identifies true Christians?

Preaching the Gospel and Feeding the Flock

“What Is the Mark of the Beast?” is the second of three new sermons dealing with “Prophecy – How to Understand It”—to be presented by Norbert Link on June 20, 2015. This will be followed by the final presentation on June 27. In addition, we are promoting this series through press releases, Facebook and our own webpage,

“Controversial Political Involvement of the Catholic Church,” is a new StandingWatch program presented by Evangelist Norbert Link. Here is a summary:

Pope Francis and the Vatican exert tremendous influence on the world’s political scene–the most recent leaked encyclical is just one more example. Is the Catholic Church’s involvement in politics a good thing? Many don’t realize that the Vatican is a state, patterned after the governments of this world. But it is not just a religious institution, but also a mighty political force. The Bible shows where it will all lead. We are offering our free booklet, “The Mysteries of the Book of Revelation!”

“Sind Babies Schuldig wegen der Erbsünde?” is the new German sermon for this coming Sabbath. The title in English would be: “Are Babies Guilty because of Original Sin?”

Change,” the sermonette presented last Sabbath by Mike Link, is now posted. Here is a summary:

The world is experiencing a lot of change: change in the environment, in the way we live, and with society. Trust in God and faith in His laws are not a factor anymore as attempts to make this world we live in are becoming “more acceptable” in the eyes of man. God makes it clear what He prohibits and how we can be saved, before it’s too late.

666–The Number of the Beast,” the sermon presented last Sabbath by Norbert Link, is now posted. Here is a summary:

In this first installment of our three-part series on biblical prophecy, we are discussing the famous number of the beast’s name, which is mentioned in Revelation 13. Many have tried unsuccessfully to identify the beast and to calculate its number. But who or what is the beast, and why is it described with seven heads and ten horns? Is the beast a kingdom, a human leader, or both? Is its number 666 or 616? Will the end-time beast receive a deadly wound, which will be healed? Could the beast be a woman? Is the beast the Antichrist?

Preaching the Gospel and Feeding the Flock

“666–The Number of the Beast,” is the first of three new sermons dealing with “Prophecy – How to Understand It”—to be presented by Norbert Link on June 13, 2015. This will be followed by presentations on June 20 and 27. In addition, we are promoting this series through press releases, Facebook and our own webpage,

A new Member Letter has been mailed. In this letter Brian Gale addresses the evil of war, especially noting the recent history of world wars which have never led to peace. He also focuses on the promise we have been given of Jesus Christ establishing true and lasting peace in God’s Kingdom.

“World War III and Christ’s Return” is the title of the most recent StandingWatch program presented by Evangelist Norbert Link. Here is a Summary:

Jesus warned that just prior to His Second Coming, an all-encompassing World War would threaten the very survival of mankind. We are living in those times today. Just this week, numerous articles were published, showing how World War III could begin… and where! While the world is asleep and its leaders are like sleepwalkers, reality paints a terrible picture. You NEED to know what is REALLY happening! We offer our free booklet, “Biblical Prophecy–From Now Until Forever.”

“Wann Nimmt Satans Macht ein Ende?” is the title of this week’s German sermon. Title in English: “When Will Satan’s Power Be Over?”

“Adapt,” the sermonette presented by Eric Rank last Sabbath, is now posted.

“Misguided Perceptions,” last Sabbath’s sermon presented by Robb Harris, is now posted. Here is a summary:

How do we view the world in light of our spiritually enabled eyesight? For thousands of years Satan has been misguiding mankind with one purpose: to lead us away from God.

Preaching the Gospel and Feeding the Flock

“Prophecy – How to Understand It – Part 1: The Number of the Beast,” is the first of three new sermons to be presented by Norbert Link on June 13, 2015—followed by presentations on June 20 and 27. In addition, we are promoting this series through press releases, Facebook and our own webpage,

“Corruption and Lies in Satan’s World” is the title of the most recent StandingWatch program presented by Evangelist Norbert Link. Here is a Summary:

We are living in a corrupt world, which is ruled by Satan the Devil. This program will give you recent examples of lies, deceit, corruption and delusion in the field of worldwide soccer or football; the controversial NSA Data Collection program; the false idea of America’s good reputation in the world; an incredibly hateful Muslim sermon on the Temple Mount in Jerusalem; the unrealized danger of transgender identity; the push for female pronouns to identify the Christian God; and the hot debate on same-sex marriages in Germany. We are offering a free subscription to our weekly Update and a free copy of our booklet, “Human Suffering…Why, and How Much Longer?”

“Good or Evil? — Catholic Ireland Votes to Legalize Same-Sex Marriages,” is the title of a new StandingWatch program presented by Evangelist Norbert Link. Here is a summary:

The Irish people voted by a landslide in favor of the legalization of same-sex marriages. Catholic Ireland is now referred to as a “beacon of light” and a “leader out of darkness,” “showing others the right way.” While the Roman Catholic Church officially views practicing homosexuality as “unnatural,” the German Protestant Church declared that it is “neither abnormal nor sinful.”  How does God see it? What does the Bible have to say about it? And if the Bible is clear on the matter, why are so many Christians afraid to stand up for the truth?

“Neu! Warum Christus Zurückkommen Muss!” is the title of this week’s German sermon. The English title would be, “Why Christ Must Come Back!”

A new StandingWatch Global Trailer by Pastor Brian Gale is now posted. “Evolution” is the title of this presentation.

“The Work in Germany,” last Sabbath’s sermonette presented by Norbert Link, is now posted. Here is a summary:

The Bible prophesies that at a time when a short powerful work of preaching the gospel message is being revived, modern Babylon will rise once again in Europe as the final short-lived resurrection of the ancient Holy Roman Empire. We are seeing the beginning of this prophecy being fulfilled in Germany; and Satan is very angry, knowing that his time is short.

“Good Fruits,” last Sabbath’s sermon presented by Mike Link, is now posted. Here is a summary:

To produce good fruit, one has to apply certain attributes which should produce blessings, if applied correctly.

Preaching the Gospel and Feeding the Flock

“Prophecy – How to Understand It – Part 1:  The Number of the Beast,” is the first of three new sermons to be presented by Norbert Link on June 13, 2015—followed by presentations on June 20 and 27.  In addition, we are promoting this series through press releases, Facebook and our own webpage,

“Warum Kam Jesus zu Uns?” is the new German sermon for this week. Title in English: “Why Did Jesus Come to Us?”

A new Global Trailer with Brian Gale (“Germany in Prophecy,” #26)  has been posted on the Internet.

The following messages from last Sabbath and Pentecost have been posted:

“A Vision”—sermonette by Kalon Mitchell

“Comfort and Encouragement”—sermon by Norbert Link

“Crayons”—sermonette by Robb Harris

“What is the Church”—sermon by Dave Harris

“Cain and Abel”—sermonette by Michael Link

“Why Do We Keep Pentecost?”—sermon by Norbert Link

©2024 Church of the Eternal God