Preaching the Gospel and Feeding the Flock

“Childrearing in a Christian-Jewish Family,” is the title of a new StandingWatch program presented by Evangelist Norbert Link. Here is a summary:

Recently, a Jewish lady wrote about the difficulty of raising her child together with a Christian father, especially around Christmas and Easter time. In this program, we are showing important principles for marriage and childrearing, explain 1 Corinthians 7:39, and clear up rampant misunderstandings. We point out that compromise is never a solution, and reveal that Christmas and Easter are not Christian. We offer our free booklets, “The Keys to Happy Marriages and Families” and “Don’t Keep Christmas.”

To go along with this week’s Question and Answer topic, you might want to view last week’s sermonette presentation by Nobert Link on the subject of phylacteries–titled, “Phylacteries Today?” Here is a summary:

In several Old Testament passages, the command is given to bind the law on one’s hand and between one’s eyes. At the time of Christ, Jews had taken these passages literally and had begun to wear boxes with portions of the law, called tephillin or phylacteries. Some Jews still do this today. But did God ever require this of His followers, and if not, what exactly is the intended meaning?

“Gottes Wirken in der Tierwelt,” is the sermon which will be played this coming Sabbath to the German brethren.This is the second in a series of sermons on the biblical teaching about animals. The title in English is: “God’s Work in the Animal World.”

Preaching the Gospel and Feeding the Flock

“Will Yellowstone’s Super Volcano Wipe Out America?,” is the title of our new StandingWatch program presented by Evangelist Norbert Link. Here is a summary:

The New York Post wrote on December 12, 2013, that if Yellowstone’s Super Volcano erupts, it will wipe out America and have enormous impacts on the rest of the world. But is this possible? Our free booklet, “The Theory of Evolution,” explains that in the past, historic natural catastrophes, including volcanic eruptions, have destroyed large parts of the earth, and the Bible warns that similar events will happen in the near future.

“Tiere in der Bibel,” is the title of a new German language sermon to be played this coming Sabbath in services conducted in Germany. It begins a new series on the biblical teaching about animals. Title in English: “Animals in the Bible.”

A new “SW Talking Points” program with Rene Messier has been posted. It offers our free booklet, “Is That in the Bible? The Mysteries of the Book of Revelation.

Our new Member letter, has been posted and sent out this week. In it, Dave Harris reminds us of the understanding and promises God has given to His faithful people in order for us to face the tumultuous events that are now signaling the end of this age.

A new Member Letter has been sent to the brethren in Germany. It includes a German translation of Mr. Link’s Editorial, “Is It God’s Will to Quit?,” which appeared in last week’s Update. Plans have also been made for Mr. Link to address the German brethren via Webex this coming Sabbath.

Preaching the Gospel and Feeding the Flock

“Coming—Animal Sacrifices and the Third Temple,” is the title of our new StandingWatch program presented by Evangelist Norbert Link. Here is a summary:

Will the Jews begin soon to bring animal sacrifices and burnt offerings in Jerusalem? Will they build a Third Temple on the Temple Mount, prior to Christ’s return? According to the Bible, the answers to both questions are yes, as fully explained in our free booklet, “The Mysteries of the Book of Revelation.” But what will result from these activities? Do the Holy Scriptures and current events tell us what is going to happen in the not-too-distant future? Our weekly free Updates discuss this and other news in the light of biblical prophecies. The time for Christ’s return is truly at hand.

“Neu! Verliere Deine Krone Nicht!,” is the German sermon to be presented this coming Sabbath to the German audience. This is dealing with the possibility of losing our crown. Title in English: “Don’t Lose Your Crown!”

A new Global Trailer with Brian Gale was posted, titled, “Don’t Keep Christmas.”

A new Member Letter for the month of December has been written and will be mailed next week. In it, Dave Harris reminds us of the understanding and promises God has given to His faithful people in order for us to face the tumultuous events that are now signaling the end of this age.

Preaching the Gospel and Feeding the Flock

Norbert and Johanna Link will travel to Germany on April 7th of next year. Plans are being made for counseling brethren as well as conducting services for Passover and the Days of Unleavened Bread along with finalizing organizational arrangements for the Church in Germany. The Links will return to the US on May 5, 2014. Also, a new German Member Letter has been sent in which plans for the 2014 Feast of Tabernacles are announced. We will again keep the Feast (from October 8 until October 16, departure date October 17) at the same hotel in the Black Forest (Hotel Birkenhof, Freudenstadt) as we did in 2013.

“True Origin of Christmas Customs,” is the title of a new StandingWatch program presented by Evangelist Norbert Link—here is a summary:

Why do we sing Christmas carols? Why did the Catholic Church ban them in the past? Why do we exchange gifts on Christmas? Who is the real Santa Claus? Why do we use Christmas candles? What is the origin of the Christmas tree? What do pagan beliefs in tree spirits have to do with Christmas? Our free booklet, “Don’t Keep Christmas,” answers these and many more questions. It shows you what God, in His Bible, has to say about all of this.

“Demons On the Loose,” last week’s Sabbath sermon by Norbert Link, is now posted for viewing–here is a summary:

God did not create Satan and demons. And still, they exist! How is this possible? In what way do they influence man? What powers do they have? Could they affect and deceive you? Why is it so dangerous to dabble in the occult? How can we conquer demons?

“Die Herrschaft der Dämonen” is this week’s German sermon, and it covers much of the same material presented in Mr. Link’s sermon noted above. The title in English is, “The Rule of Demons.”

Preaching the Gospel and Feeding the Flock

Pastor Rene Messier and his wife Delia will travel from British Columbia to visit brethren in Woodburn, Oregon. A potluck is planned following Sabbath Services.

Our new booklet, “Hidden Secrets in the Bible,” has entered the first review cycle. The booklet discusses Hebrew poetry; the significance of certain numbers and the book of psalms, and it includes several insert articles and charts.

“Iran’s Deal of the Century,” is the new StandingWatch program presented by Evangelist Norbert Link. Here is a summary:

This week, an “historical deal” was struck between Iran and certain super powers. But how long will the “Geneva agreement” last? While some praise it as a tremendous success, the cautious voices are worth listening to. Is the deal the first step to make the world safer, or is it a further step towards its destruction?

We explain in our free booklet, “Middle Eastern and African Nations in Bible Prophecy” that Iran—biblical Elam—will be involved in a war against Israel; and that it will also form an alliance with Russia against Europe.

“Die Geheimnisvolle Offenbarung,” is the title of our new AufPostenStehen program in which we offer our new printed German booklet on the Book of Revelation. Title in English: “The Mysterious Revelation.”

“Falsche Anschuldigungen,” is the title of our new German sermon which will be presented this coming Sabbath. It is the German version of the English sermon on “False Accusations”–see below:

“False Accusations,” the sermon presented last Sabbath by Norbert Link is now posted. Here is a summary:

Are we guilty of wrongly accusing others or of judging prematurely, without having all the facts? Are we guilty of slander, libel or spreading lies? Are we opening ourselves up to demonic influence, as King Saul did, when he became angry with David and misjudged certain situations? If we just look at outward appearance and what is in front of our eyes, rely on hearsay or gossip on the Internet, or listen to false witnesses, we may make false accusations and become guilty of sin.

Preaching the Gospel and Feeding the Flock

“Scientific Nonsense—Do You Believe It?,” is the title of a new StandingWatch program presented by Evangelist Norbert Link. Here is a summary:

Here are three examples of scientists who teach concepts of utter nonsense: Death is just an illusion; the world will end in February of 2014; and evolving human beings were placed on this earth by aliens. This program shows why ideas like these are in total opposition to God’s Word, and asks whether you know what the Bible says. Our free booklets, “The Theory of Evolution” and “The Authority of the Bible,” will help you to answer this important question.

“Eine Auferstehung für gottlose Sünder?,” is the title of this week’s German sermon. The title in English is, “A Resurrection for Wicked Sinners?”

StandingWatch Radio is now on a total of eighteen radio stations–all part of the Wilkins Radio Network, Inc. Recently, Wilkins has added live streaming to their services, and you can check the times and tune in to hear the programs being broadcast at: The live streaming allows anyone in the world to listen to these radio stations, and this will definately expand our own potential audience! All of the radio programs are available at our own site:

StandingWatch Radio Schedule:

KWDF 840 AM Alexandria, Louisiana 10:30-10:45 AM Sunday
KLNG 1560 AM Omaha, Nebraska 1:15-1:30 PM Saturday
WFAM 1050 AM Augusta, Georgia 10:00-10:15 AM Saturday
WBXR 1140 AM Huntsville, Alabama 11:00-11-15 AM Saturday
WLMR 1450 AM Chattanooga, Tennessee 6:00-6:15 PM Wednesday
WSKY 1230 AM Asheville, North Carolina 5:00-5:15 PM Tuesday
WIJD 1270 AM Mobile, Alabama 5:30-5:45 PM Saturday
WNVY 1070 AM Pensacola, Florida 5:45-6:00 PM Monday
WCPC 940 AM Tupelo, Mississippi 5:30-5:45 PM Monday
KXKS 1190 AM Albuquerque, New Mexico 6:15-6:30 PM Friday
KCNW 1380 AM Kansas City, Kansas 11:00-11:15 AM and 6:00-6:15 PM Saturday
WWNL 1080 AM Pittsburg, Pennsylvania 12:45-1:00PM Friday
WBRI 1500 AM Indianapolis, Idian 1:45-2:00 PM Saturday
WELP 1360 AM Greenville, South Carolina 12:15-12:30 PM Tuesday
WVTJ 610 AM Pensacola, Florida 11:45AM-12:00 PM Saturday
WYYC 1250 AM York, Pennsylvania 11:15-11:30 AM Saturday
KIOU 1480 AM Shreveport, Louisiana 12:00-12:15 PM Saturday
WITK 1550 AM Wilkes-Barre/Scranton, Pennsylvania 10:00-10:15 AM Saturday

Preaching the Gospel and Feeding the Flock

A new Member Letter has been written by Eric Rank in which he reminds us that we are to live as foreigners in this present world, while staying focused on God’s calling and the promise of His future Kingdom.

“Why Abortion is Murder in God’s Eyes,” is the title of a new StandingWatch program presented by Evangelist Norbert Link. Here is a summary:

Does God tell us that abortion is premeditated murder, which inflicts excruciating pain and torture on the aborted innocent child? This program gives you the facts, but be warned-the information is not pleasant to hear. But if you are a woman and unsure about when life begins or whether abortion might be an option to terminate your pregnancy and the life of your child, you NEED to listen to this program.
Rene Messier has prepared a new SW Talking Points program dealing with the question: “Do We Have an Immortal Soul?”

Brian Gale has prepared a new SW Talking Points program addressing “The Mysteries of the Book of Revelation.”

This week’s German sermon, “Ärger, Zorn und Wut in der Bibel,” deals with anger and wrath–please note below for an English version of this important presentation.

Last Sabbath’s sermon, “Anger Management,” is now posted. Here is a summary of Mr. Link’s presentation:

Psychologists misunderstand the nature of anger and give oftentimes wrong advice as to how to deal with it. What does the Bible say about the causes of anger and wrath? Does God tell us very clearly how we are not to deal with anger; and how we can solve this devastating problem which could destroy us and others?

Preaching the Gospel and Feeding the Flock

Plans have been finalized to conduct the 2014 Church Conference starting Friday, March 28th and continuing through Tuesday, April 1st. Following this Conference, Norbert and Johanna Link will leave for Germany–departing on or about April 7th and returning by the end of April or the beginning of May. Also, Brian and Jill Gale will stay following the Conference, and Mr. Gale will conduct Passover services in Ramona, California. Plans are for Rene and Delia Messier to be in Oregon for Passover and the beginning of Unleavened Bread.

A new StandingWatch program in High Definition was recorded by Norbert Link and posted this week, titled, “Why Will the Beast and the False Prophet Deceive the Masses?” The beast and the false prophet will deceive most people. How is this possible? This program explains the reasons, shows examples from recent history, and offers our free booklets, “Europe in Prophecy” and “The Great Tribulation.”

“Neu! Das Weltgericht, Teil 3,” is the new German sermon recorded this week in High Definition and to be played this coming Sabbath. The title in English is: “New! The World’s Judgment, Part 3.”

A new German AufPostenStehen program in High Definition was recorded by Norbert Link and posted this week, titled “Amerikas Spionage in Deutschland” The title in English would be: “American Spying in Germany.”

Two new SW Talking Points from Rene Messier, on Halloween and Christmas:

They are posted on YouTube and also on the local Canadian site: talkingpointscogacf

Another one was posted earlier, on the Nature of God:

Also, a link is on the Canadian website, under “View Our Channel on YouTube.”

Programs from Brian Gale include the following SW Talking Points:

Also, a link is on the UK Website, under “View Our Channel on YouTube.”

They are also posted on the local UK site globalchurchsw BG.

We are pleased to announce the addition of SEVEN new radio stations carrying our StandingWatch Radio Programs. They are:

WWNL in Pittsburg, PA–Friday, 12:45-1:00PM; WBRI in Indianapolis, IN–Saturday, 1:45-2:00PM; WELP in Greenville, SC–Tuesday, 12:15-12:30PM; WVTJ in Pennsacola, FL–Saturday, 11:45AM-12:00PM; WYYC in York, PA–Saturday, 11:15-11:30AM; KIOU in Shreveport, LA–Saturday, 12:00-12:15PM; WITK in Wilkes-Barre/Scranton, PA–Saturday, 10:00-10:15AM.

These and our other stations are all part of the Wilkins Radio Network, Inc. Recently, Wilkins has added live streaming to their services, and you can check the times and tune in to hear the programs being broadcast at: The live streaming allows anyone in the world to listen to these radio stations, and this will definately expand our own potential audience! All of the radio programs are available at our own site:

Preaching the Gospel and Feeding the Flock

“Hope and Desire in Trials,” is the title of last week’s sermon given by Evangelist Norbert Link. This is now posted for viewing–here is a summary:

When we go through trials, do we have the faith and trust in God that He will carry us through; that He will give us the strength to endure the trial; and that He will give us the desires of our hearts? This sermon shows how we can have this confidence, and what God expects of us.

“Spying in Satan’s World,” is the title of a new StandingWatch program presented by Evangelist Norbert Link. Here is a summary:

America’s habitual spying activities on friends and allies have caused an unprecedented worldwide uproar. Especially Europeans are up in arms. The blame game is continuing, misrepresentations and hypocrisy prevail, and the Germans have lost confidence in President Obama, who is perceived as having lied or being hopelessly ignorant in the matter, while some American politicians are defending NSA’s conduct. In this world, spying activities and falsehoods are one of Satan’s major devices. The Bible shows that just prior to Christ’s return, a war between Europe and the USA will break out, and wars start with words. We are in the preliminary stages of this development, leading to the Great Tribulation.

“Neu! Das Weltgericht,Teil 2,” is the new German sermon that has been recorded and will be presented this coming Sabbath. Title in English: “The World’s Judgment, Part 2.”

Our most recent booklet, “The Ten European Revivals of the Ancient Roman Empire,” has received several positive comments. Among these are the following:

“I read it with great interest. It is much appreciated.”

“I read your new booklet on the ‘Ten European Revivals’ and it must be the best I have ever seen on the subject. Congratulations on this effort to bring together so much overpowering information.”

Also, we received these encouraging comments about our StandingWatch programs:

“I appreciate very much the intelligent commentary of Mr. Link about the current events in the world. It is unique. It is a very good idea to introduce and conclude the program with a narrator. The music at the end of the program is spiritually inspiring. Keep up your essential work!”

“I watch the StandingWatch video with Norbert Link often and enjoy the information that he speak[s] about.”

We certainly appreciate hearing from those who read, listen to and view our materials!

Preaching the Gospel and Feeding the Flock

“France in Prophecy,” is the title of our newest StandingWatch program, presented by Evangelist Norbert Link. Here is a summary:

Does the Bible say anything about the future of France? Do current developments in France give us a clue as to what will happen next—including France’s restrictions of freedom of conscience; its immigration policy and deportation scandals; and its anger with the USA over NSA’s spying policies? 

“Neu! Das Weltgericht,” is the new German sermon to be presented this coming Sabbath. It is the first part and covers the Second Resurrection and Great White Throne Judgment. Title in English: “The World’s Judgment.”

A new StandingWatch Global Trailer  “Europe in Prophecy” has been recorded by Pastor Brian Gale, which reviews our booklet on the topic.

©2024 Church of the Eternal God