Preaching the Gospel and Feeding the Flock

An initial, verbal agreement has been reached for a wonderful Feast of Tabernacles location in Vail, Colorado, following an on-site tour of the facility by David and Peggy Harris. We will let everyone know more details following completion of a contract.

Our new booklet, “Biblical Prophecy—From Now Until Forever,” has been posted on the Web. Hard copies for distribution will be sent next week to our offices in Canada and the United Kingdom. Hard copies will also be sent out next week to our subscribers in the USA, together with the new member letter for March.

Norbert and Johanna Link are scheduled to fly to Germany on March 10th, 2013. They will visit with the attorney commissioned to register the Church in Germany, inspect the Feast site in the Black Forest and finalize the arrangements with the hotel, and visit with new people who have shown interest in the Church. Baptism counseling for several prospective members have been scheduled, and new baptisms are anticipated. A public indoor pool has been reserved for this purpose. During their stay in Germany, Norbert will conduct Passover services as well as services on the three weekly Sabbaths and on the two Holy Days. It is also planned to video-record the Sabbath and Holy Day services for subsequent posting on the Web. Norbert and Johanna are scheduled to return on April 2.

Brian and Jill Gale will be leaving England to arrive in California on March 19th, 2013, to visit the brethren in Southern California. Mr. Gale will conduct Passover services in Ramona, California, as well as give sermons during his stay–which will be until April 23rd.

Rene and Delia Messier are traveling from Canada to Woodburn, Oregon. Mr. Messier will conduct Passover services and give a sermon on the First Day of Unleavened Bread.

As previously announced, our annual Church conference will be conducted in Colorado, from April 12 until April 16, 2013.

“Easter Customs and Jesus Christ,” is the title of our newest StandingWatch program–presented by Evangelist Norbert Link. Here is a summary: What is the origin of Easter and its customs? What do Easter eggs and the Easter bunny have to do with the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ? When did Christ die, and when was He resurrected? Did you know that Easter is not only a pagan festival, but closely connected with a belief in communication with demons?

This program will also be broadcast on radio for two weeks, beginning Saturday, March 23.

“Neu! Christi Erstes Kommen, Teil 1,” is the title of this week’s German sermon. It’s the first part of a two-part series on Christ’s First Coming. It covers His birth, the death of Herod, Christ in the temple as a 12 year-old boy, and Christ’s public ministry, discussing events from 27 AD until 30 AD. The second part will cover the events in 31 AD. (These two sermons will also be given in English during the next two Sabbath services in the U.S.).

Preaching the Gospel and Feeding the Flock

The new member letter for February, written by Rene Messier, has been sent out and posted on the Web. 

Our new booklet, “Biblical Prophecy—From Now Until Forever,” is being printed and should be ready for distribution by the beginning of March.

Evangelist Norbert Link has recorded a new StandingWatch program, titled, “Tyranny in the USA?” Here is the summary: The Guardian speaks of the usurpation of radical and dangerous powers in the context of drone warfare. Retired General Vallely speaks of tyrannical ways of the president. Der Spiegel warns of the demise of the political order to be replaced by a global police state. Deutsche Welle accuses the US government of illegal killings of suspects without charges and trial. Senator Rand Paul accuses the government of recklessness. President Obama laments that he is only the president and not the emperor. And Time magazine warns that one day, the U.S. will bitterly regret its course of conduct. What is going on? Are we observing U.S. tyranny in the making?

This program will also be broadcast on radio, beginning Saturday, March 16, 2013, following the broadcast of the program, “Peter of Rome—The Last Black Pope?”, beginning March 9, 2013.

We have now posted the videos from last week’s sermonette and sermon, both presented by Norbert Link. Here are the titles and summaries:

“The Stars Are Falling”: Fox News asked the question as to why scientists didn’t see the Russian meteorite coming. The answer is simple: There are just far too many asteroids and meteors out there, and it is estimated that 100,000 of them are likely to intersect with Earth in the future. The Bible shows that in the past, these impacts did happen, and it prophesies terrible calamities in the future.

“Europe—an Economic Power Bloc”: What does the Bible say about Europe’s future? Some have taught that Europe’s “experiment” of unification will fail, and that the euro will collapse. They are terribly wrong and don’t understand what the Bible teaches. Europe is destined to become the most powerful economic bloc in the world. It will exceed by far the United States, Great Britain, the Arab nations  or China. However, at the height of its prosperity, it will suddenly fall—but not before it has launched unparalleled persecution on true Christians.

“Europas Reichtum” is the title of this week’s German sermon. In English, the title is “Europe’s Wealth!”  It covers the wealth of united Europe and its demise, as well as the prince of Tyre–or false prophet–and the persecution of Christians (similar to the sermon from last Sabbath).

Preaching the Gospel and Feeding the Flock

A new member letter has been written by Rene Messier. In this letter, Mr. Messier shows how the United States, Canada and other nations are destroying themselves through their wrong and ungodly actions. He also reminds us of the role Christians have in these closing days of human government.

“Peter of Rome–The Last Black Pope?” is the title of the new StandingWatch program presented by Evangelist Norbert Link. Here is a summary: The surprising and unprecedented resignation of Pope Benedict XVI has opened up the floodgates of prophetic speculation and conspiracy. Will the next pope be black? Will he be the last pope? Will he be appointed by God the Father, Jesus Christ, the Holy Spirit, the Virgin Mary or demons, or just through human politicking and manipulations under the sway and influence of the current pope? Is there any validity to the obscure prophecies of Malachy, an Irish priest and Kabbalist? Should we consult mediums or listen to demonic predictions to find out the future?
“Gottes Lohn für unsere Arbeit” is the title of this week’s Geman sermon presented by Norbert Link. The English title is “God’s Reward for Our Labor.”

“When Will Russia Attack Israel?” remains one of our most popular YouTube videos–This StandingWatch program has received in excess of 129,500 viewings!

The most-viewed German APS program, so far, appears to be “Die Turkei in der Prophezeiung” (“Turkey in Prophecy”), with in excess of 50,000 views, followed by programs about the swine flu and the economic crisis, with views in excess of 30,000 each.

The funeral of Nancy Burns, mother of Andrew Burns, took place on Thursday, February 14, 2013, at the Brakespear Crematorium in Ruislip which is just north of London. Nancy would have been 99 on 30th March this year, and she was widowed for many years. She had 4 children, grandchildren and great grandchildren. Brian Gale conducted the service and about 50 people attended. The Eulogy was given by Andrew Burns, and a few words were spoken by his cousin who was a bridesmaid at Nancy’s wedding. There were three different Church of God fellowships represented at the funeral as well as from other churches.

Although not a baptized church member, Nancy had attended Sabbath services at times and the Feast of Tabernacles for a number of years with Andrew.  She was a lovely, caring individual who will be sadly missed by all who knew her.

Preaching the Gospel and Feeding the Flock

A new StandingWatch program, titled, “Slavery in the Bible,” is now available. Evangelist Norbert Link examines what the Bible actually reveals about the practice of slavery. Summary: Why was there slavery in the Old Testament? Why didn’t the early apostles condemn slavery? Will there be slavery in God’s Kingdom and the Millennium? How should Christians view the concept of slavery today?

This program will also be broadcast on radio, beginning Saturday, March 2, 2013.

“Strafen und Sklaverei in der Bibel” is the title of this week’s German language sermon. The title in English would be: “Penalties and Slavery in the Bible.” It addresses the physical penalties in the Old Testament, such as the death penalty and certain types of restoration for different kinds of theft, and the concept of slavery in the Old and New Testament, as well as the meaning of the word “law” in Galatians and the role of Christians in this world.

“Karneval oder Fasching—Harmloser Spass?” is the new AufPostenStehen program. Following the suggestion of one of our German members, Mr. Norbert Link recorded a German APS program regarding carnival (origin, history, customs), in light of the Bible, which begins this year on February 7. The English title would be, “Carnival—Harmless Joy?”

Due to its widespread observance in Germany, this program on “Karneval” has already received an encouraging response (over 1,300 views).

Preaching the Gospel and Feeding the Flock

“Worldwide Attacks on Israel” is the title of our new StandingWatch program. Presented by Evangelist Norbert Link, this very insightful program reveals what Bible prophecies indicate for Israel’s immediate future. Summary: We are seeing increasingly worldwide hostilities against Jews and anti-Semitic feelings. The hateful and mad utterings of Iran’s President Ahmadinejad and Egypt’s President Morsi are no exceptions.  Denial of the Holocaust becomes more wide-spread, not only in the Arab world. Still, America and Europe continue to collaborate with and militarily support Israel’s enemies. Italy’s Silvio Berlusconi defends Benito Mussolini, and the attention to Adolf Hitler’s rise to power 80 years ago is a grim reminder of what can happen if we are not circumspect. The storm clouds are clearly forming. What does the Bible say about all of this?

This program will also be broadcast on radio, beginning Saturday, February 23, 2013. We just signed a one-year contract for an additional radio station. Beginning Saturday, February 2, 2013, we will also broadcast our programs on KCNW – Kansas City, from 10:45-11:00 am. The first program will be “Japan and Germany—Pacifists No More,” followed on Saturday, February 9, 2013, by “Should a Christian Smoke Marijuana?”

“You Will Be Rewarded!” is the video recorded sermon from last Sabbath, presented by Nobert Link. Summary: God is not unfaithful that He should forget your sacrifices for Him. He promises you that He will reward you for it. However, you must be diligent that you do not lose the gift of eternal life and your full and exceedingly great reward.

Here is the summary of this week’s German sermon, “Neu! Gottes Alte Gesetze—Wie Weit Noch Gueltig? Teil 2,” continuing the discussion of the validity (or lack of it)  of certain Old Testament laws, including temporary ritual laws of washing, as well as tassels, and ongoing laws of clean and unclean meat, transvestites, different kinds of seed, garment of different sorts, and livestock breeding with another kind.

Feast of Tabernacles Site for Germany:

We have secured a Feast site (hotel with hall for up to 90 people) in the Black Forest. Hotel prices are under negotiation—we will know more by next week. But they already blocked the hall for us. Please DO NOT make any individual hotel reservations at this point, but this is where we have been led to go for this 2013 FOT:

The hotel is in Lauterbach, Germany, which is one hour from Stuttgart and one hour from Zuerich, and 3 hours from Frankfurt and also 3 hours from Munich. Titisee is very nearby (we kept the feast for years in Lenzkirch or Ruebuehl or Schluchsee, which are all in the general neighborhood). We are told that those who would be flying in could go to Stuttgart, which would be the nearest major airport. To drive from London, we are told, can be done within a day for sure.

When Johanna and Norbert Link are in Germany in March, they will visit the facility, but by that time, all negotiations should have been completed successfully. All the German members and those who have expressed interest in the German Feast of Tabernacles site have been contacted in order to get their commitment for the finalization of our plans. If you should be interested, please contact Johanna Link (

Our Church Conference for 2013 will begin on Friday, April 12th, and last until Tuesday, April 16th. This year, meetings will be conducted in Fort Collins, Colorado.

Preaching the Gospel and Feeding the Flock

The video and audio files for last Sabbath’s sermon, titled, “Living Without Fear?,” are now posted. Here is a summary of this presentation by Evangelist Norbert Link: What are you afraid of? Do you fear people or the future? Are you too fearful to make necessary decisions? Do you fear death? Are you afraid of God and His Word? Do you fear that you might forsake God? That you might not make it into His Kingdom? That you might stop repenting? Christ came to free us from fear. This sermon shows you how you can live without fear.

“Beware of Our Lying Media!” is our newest StandingWatch program, presented by Evangelist Norbert Link. Summary: Can you trust our media? Can you believe what they tell you? They are charged now with lying to you about President Obama’s “success story” and committing blasphemy in attributing to him God-like status, while persecuting Christianity and the Bible. The facts are that there is no realistic hope for improvement of our economy during the President’s second term, and big and positive ideas for improving our damaged relationship with other countries are mostly absent.

This StandingWatch program will be broadcast also on radio beginning Sunday, February 17, 2013.

“Skandal—Pferde- und Schweinefleisch in Hamburgers” is the title of a new very revealing AufPostenStehen program. It discusses pork and horsemeat in beef hamburgers and poultry and calf-liver sausages. Title in English: “Scandal—Horsemeat and Pork in Hamburgers.”

“Neu! Alttestamentliche Gesetze—Gueltig oder Nicht?,” is the newest German sermon. “Old Testament Laws—In Force or Not?” is the title in English. It is part of a series and discusses certain Old Testament laws and explains what their role is for Christians today, including the Law of the Nazirite; laws regarding warfare; death penalty for crime; marriage duty of surviving brother; and limited access of certain people to the congregation of Israel.

We are pleased to announce ministerial assignments for this year’s Passover and Feast of Unleavened Bread: Norbert and Johanna Link will travel to Germany; Brian and Jill Gale to California; and Rene and Delia Messier to Oregon. Services by the resident ministers will also be conducted in Colorado.

Preaching the Gospel and Feeding the Flock

“Should a Christian Smoke Marijuana?” is the title of our compelling new StandingWatch program, presented by Evangelist Norbert Link. Here is the summary: Some U.S. states allow the use of Marijuana for medical reasons; others allow it also for recreational reasons. Under Federal law, Marijuana use for any purpose is illegal. Whom should a Christian obey? What is the common reaction when using Marijuana? Is it addictive? Listen to some of those who have had first-hand experiences, and be warned.

This program will also be broadcast on radio, beginning Sunday, February 10, 2013.

“Wie sich die Zehn Gebote und das Vaterunser Ergaenzen” is the title of this week’s new German sermon. The title in English: “How the Ten Commandments and the Model Prayer Complement Each Other.”

A law firm in Germany has been contacted to help with Church registration matters, bank accounts and tax exemptions. Establishing ourselves formally in Germany will take time and effort, and the process will be somewhat costly. We hope to have initiated the process when Norbert and Johanna Link travel to Germany for the 2013 Passover and Days of Unleavened Bread (Passover will be observed on the evening before March 25th–Sunday evening; Unleavened Bread will be observed beginning on March 26th through April 1st.)

Our Church Conference for 2013 will begin on Friday, April 12th, and last until Tuesday, April 16th. This year, meetings will be conducted in Fort Collins, Colorado.

New copies of our booklet, “Europe in Prophecy,” have been printed, and our newest booklet, “Biblical Prophecy–From Now Until Forever,” is being finalized to be sent to the printer.

Preaching the Gospel and Feeding the Flock

A new Member Letter has been written by Brian Gale. In this letter, Mr. Gale reviews the reasons for the fall of Rome and other powerful societies throughout history, showing that the very same problems are now engulfing leading nations of our time.

“Japan and Germany-Pacifists No More!” is the title of the new StandingWatch program presented by Evangelist Norbert Link. Here is the summary: Japan and Germany are moving away from pacifism, as was prophesied in the Bible. Japan’s new cabinet has been described by the Economist as a cabinet of radical nationalists. Fourteen members honor the souls or spirits of dead warriors which are supposedly housed in the Shinzo shrine. Germany, on the other hand, is already the world’s third-biggest arms exporter, according to the New York Times. Few realize that we are approaching an all-encompassing World War. Still fewer understand what spiritual powers are behind these developments. 
“Ein Leben ohne Angst und Furcht?” is the title of this week’s German language sermon. The English title is: “Living Without Fear?” This sermon discusses all kinds of human fears and how to overcome them.

Preaching the Gospel and Feeding the Flock

“Biblical Prophecy — From Now Until Forever,” is the title of our newest booklet. Written by Norbert Link, this publication is being sent to our graphics staff and will soon be forwarded on for printing. Please contact us for your own free copy if you are not already on our mailing list.

We have contacted our printer in the USA to reprint one of our most seccessful booklets, “Europe in Prophecy.”

In the current StandingWatch program, “Trouble Ahead-May God Help Us!,” Evangelist Norbert Link warns of the real problems ahead–ones that will far out-weigh our current domestic issues. The Summary: While America is trying to deal domestically with its economic problems, a far greater danger is looming internationally. Very few understand why European unification is inevitable, and why the euro will not disappear. All the doom-mongers have been proven wrong, including the world’s leading economists and investors, but they still don’t realize why their gloomy predictions have failed. However, European unification is not good news for America and Britain. The Bible tells us why, but most are unwilling to listen.

NOTE: For those interested, the audio version of this program will be played in select radio markets, beginning Sunday, January 27. Please check out the schedule, available at

“NEU! Sodoms Untergang, das Opfer Isaaks, und Vielehen in der Bibel,” is the title of this week’s new German sermon. It discusses Abraham’s plea for the righteous in Sodom and Sodom’s depravity and destruction; Abraham’s repeated lies regarding Sarah; the sacrifice of Isaac; the biblical concept of polygamy; and the nature of God’s promises to Abraham and his descendants.

The English title would be: “New! Sodom’s Destruction, the Sacrifice of Isaac, and Polygamy in the Bible.”

Preaching the Gospel and Feeding the Flock

“Is God a She or an It?” is the new StandingWatch program presented by Evangelist Norbert Link. This will also be broadcast on radio, beginning Sunday, January 20, 2012. Summary: Gender neutral Bible translations are not new, but the trend is continuing with an alarming rate. The German Family Minister Kristina Schroeder, a Lutheran member of Germany’s conservative party, just declared that God could very well be referred to as “it.” Modern Bible translations refer to God as “he” and “she” and speak of God as “Father” and “Mother.” How do the inspired Hebrew and Greek texts refer to God, and why does it matter that we understand correctly who and what God is?

“Was sagt die Bibel zur Mischehe?” is the new German sermon. It discusses the biblical teaching on interreligious and interracial or mixed marriages. Title in English would be: “What does the Bible say about mixed marriages?” It uses as introduction Abraham’s command to his servant to find a wife for Isaac from Abraham’s kindred, and not from the daughters of Canaan, and explains that this command was based on religious and racial reasons. It explains the origin of the three main races—especially after the flood—and it also explains that Herbert Armstrong’s was not a racist, and neither is the Church of God today.

The recordings of Sabbath Services for December 22, 2012, are now available on our website: Both the sermonette and sermon were presented by Norbert Link, and are titled, respectively, “Christmas and New Year’s Celebrations,” and “The Ten Commandments and the Model Prayer.”

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