Preaching the Gospel and Feeding the Flock

Our new booklet, “Paul’s Letter to the Galatians–How to Understand it,” has been posted on the Web and is being sent to our printer in England for printing. At the same time, England will be re-printing, for the second time, our booklet, “Angels, Demons and the Spirit World,” as we ran again out of stock, due to high demands and our Internet advertising campaign.

A new StandingWatch program was posted on StandingWatch and YouTube. It is titled, “Coming Up From the Abyss.” In the program Norbert Link explained that Germany is destined to lead a mighty political, economic and military European power bloc. The Bible prophesied thousands of years ago that in these last days, Germany and Europe will ascend out of the bottomless pit or the “abyss,” while America’s leadership will continually diminish.

A new German sermon was recorded this week, titled, “Ehre Vater und Mutter!” [“Honor Father and Mother!”]

Preaching the Gospel and Feeding the Flock

A new StandingWatch program was posted on StandingWatch and YouTube. It is titled, “Haiti–Where Was God?” In the program, Norbert Link asks the questions:

Why do natural catastrophes happen–like the terrible earthquake in Haiti? Why does God not prevent them? Why does He allow man’s wars and the evil which he inflicts on his fellow-man? The Bible warns us that much more terrible times will come soon, and it tells us WHY!

A corresponding German version of the English StandingWatch program was posted on our German website and YouTube, titled, “Haiti–Wo War Gott?”

A new German sermon was recorded this week and posted on and It is titled, “Erfolgreiche Kindererziehung” (“Successful Childrearing”).

Our recently recorded German sermon, “Neid–ein toedliches Gift, Teil 2” (“Envy–A Deadly Poison, Part 2”) was posted on and on

Preaching the Gospel and Feeding the Flock

A new member letter was sent out this week and posted on the Web. In the letter, Norbert Link discusses the perilous times in which we live and our duty and responsibility as Christians not to conform to the philosophies and not to engage in the politics of this war-stricken world.

A new StandingWatch program was posted on StandingWatch and on YouTube. It is titled, “Never Spank Your Child?” In the program, the following is discussed: The British paper, The Telegraph, reported on January 3, 2010, that occasional proper spanking of children up to the age of eleven has positive results, angering children’s right campaigners. What does the Bible say about proper child rearing and discipline?   

A German sermon was recorded this week and posted on the Web. It is titled, “Neid–ein toedliches Gift, Teil 2” (“Envy–A Deadly Poison, Part 2”).

Preaching the Gospel and Feeding the Flock

Our new booklet, “Paul’s Letter to the Galatians–How To Understand It,” was sent to our Graphic Designer, Shelly Bruno, for finalization.

A new StandingWatch program was posted on StandingWatch and YouTube. It is titled, “Payoffs for Senate’s Health Care Bill.” 

The program discusses that politics went into high gear this week when 60 necessary votes for the U.S. Senate’s health care bill were secured after granting special concessions and payoffs to certain states. Some senators defended these tactics, saying that “payoffs are nothing unusual”; and that this is “the nature of a democracy” and “part of the normal legislative process.” But what exactly were these payoffs, and how does God look at this kind of political maneuvering?

A new German sermon, titled, “Du Sollst Nicht Luegen, Teil 3” (“You Shall Not Lie, Part 3),” was posted on the Web.

Preaching the Gospel and Feeding the Flock

A new StandingWatch program was posted on StandingWatch and You Tube. It is titled, Religious Persecution in Germany? The following is a summary: Surely, there could not be lack or violation of religious freedom in Germany! Don’t be too convinced! And what’s worse, the Bible prophesies that continental Europe will soon begin–as it did in the past–to inflict tremendous persecution on all those who don’t agree with the EU’s religious concepts of “Christianity.” Don’t be duped into thinking it could not happen.

A new German sermon, titled, “Du Sollst Nicht Luegen, Teil 2” (“You shall Not Lie, Part 2”), was posted on the Web.

Preaching the Gospel and Feeding the Flock

A new StandingWatch program was posted on StandingWatch and YouTube. It is titled, “Coming–Worldwide Nuclear War?” The following is discussed: The Pravda proposes that Europe must “get rid of America’s influence”; that the EU needs a powerful army; and that it should “join forces with Russia.” Time magazine claims that more than 200 thermonuclear bombs are stored in several European countries, and that “Dutch, Belgian, Italian and German pilots remain ready to engage in nuclear war.” Will those and other nuclear weapons be used soon?

Norbert Link’s new video-recorded sermon, “Answered Prayers,” has been posted on the Web.

A new German sermon, titled, “Du Sollst Nicht Luegen, Teil 1” (“You Shall Not Lie, Part 1”) was posted on the Web.

Preaching the Gospel and Feeding the Flock

A new member letter was written, sent out and posted on the Web. In the letter, Brian Gale discusses the evils of this world (including the upcoming Christmas season) and encourages all of us to stay close to God and avoid this world’s pitfalls and deceptions.

A new StandingWatch program was posted this week on StandingWatch and You Tube. It is titled, “Lessons from the Afghan War.” The following is discussed: President Obama’s decision to send more troops to Afghanistan has been described as “dangerous.” It was pointed out that “parallels between Afghanistan and Vietnam are impossible to ignore.” The President’s speech has been labeled as “false,” and the war itself as unnecessary, unsuccessful and unsolvable. But the most important lessons from the war have been completely overlooked. 

A new German StandingWatch (AufPostenStehen) program was also recorded. It discusses the decision of the German highest constitutional court to ban Sunday shopping, following the complaint of the Catholic and Protestant Church. In addition, the change from the Sabbath to Sunday is addressed.

A new German sermon, titled, “Der Ursprung des Weihnachstfestes” (“The Origin of Christmas”), was posted on the Web.

Preaching the Gospel and Feeding the Flock

Our new booklet on Paul’s letter to the Galatians and related topics has entered the second review cycle.

A new StandingWatch program was posted this week on StandingWatch and YouTube. In the program, Norbert Link is asking: Should we still observe Thanksgiving Day in 2009 in spite of our many problems, including our national debt, financial hardship, unemployment, bank failures, recession and possible depression and inflation? The history of the Thanksgiving Festival should give us much-needed insight.

Our new German sermon, titled, “Erhoerte Gebete” (“Answered Prayers”), was posted on the Web.

©2024 Church of the Eternal God