Preaching the Gospel and Feeding the Flock

Our newest booklet, “The Book of Zechariah–Prophecies for Today,” has been sent to the printer and posted on the Web.

A new StandingWatch program was posted on StandingWatch and YouTube. It is titled, “Will Iran’s 2009 Elections Change Anything?”

In the program, Norbert Link asks the questions, Did President Obama’s speech in Cairo bring about a better relationship between the USA and Iran? Will Israel attack Iran? Will the rift between the USA and Israel continue to widen? Will the State of Israel experience a military defeat? Does the Bible give us answers to any of those questions?

A new German sermon (“Bekehrung Anderer?”) was recorded this week, asking the question whether we are to try to convert others, and what is the commission of God’s Church today.

Preaching the Gospel and Feeding the Flock

Our new booklet, “The Book of Zechariah–Prophecies for Today!” is being finalized and will be sent to the printer shortly.

A new member letter was sent out this week. In the letter, Dave Harris discusses the commission of the Church of God and our individual responsibilities. A reprint of a recent Editorial by Norbert Link, titled, “The Last Days,” was attached to the letter.

A new StandingWatch program was posted on StandingWatch and YouTube. It is titled, “Nationalization of GM–Good or Bad?” In the program, Norbert Link asks the question, why is not everybody happy about the government-orchestrated filing of bankruptcy by General Motors? Why is there serious concern about the nationalization of GM? Will the U.S. government really play only a passive role? Commentators don’t believe that that promise is credible. They are afraid, in light of President Obama’s actions so far, that GM will become a pawn in his hands.

A new related German “AufPostenStehen” program, titled, “General Motors in Staatshand,” has been posted on YouTube.

A new German sermon (“Die Weisheit Salomos”) was recorded this week, discussing the wisdom of Solomon. It will be posted shortly on the Internet.

Two recent video-recorded sermons, Is Jury Duty Really That Bad?, Norbert Link, May 23, 2009 and This World and God’s Holy Spirit, Norbert Link, May 31, 2009 were posted on the Sermon page of our Website (under “Audio”).

Preaching the Gospel and Feeding the Flock

John Dunn, a member of the Global Church of God in Derby, England, died very early Monday morning, June 1, 2009. He was 71 years old. John suffered from sarcoidosis. This is a disease of unknown cause that leads to inflammation and affects the immune system. In John’s case, it affected his kidneys. At one stage he had been so ill that he had to learn to walk again.  

John was the eldest of four children, with one sister and two brothers. He was born in Scotland. After national service, his early career was in clerical work. He obtained a qualification in accountancy. Around the age of 30 he went into stockbroking and worked there until he took early retirement.

John first heard Herbert W. Armstrong [late Pastor General of the Worldwide Church of God] on Radio Luxembourg in 1960, but it wasn’t until about 20 years ago that he was baptized, ironically after Mr. Armstrong died. When all the changes came in the Worldwide Church of God in the mid 1990’s, John stood firm with all the truth he had learned, and kept his faith until the end of his life. 

John was featured in a Standing Watch program, “Comfort in Terminal Sickness”, with his late friend Terry McQuire in October last year when they were both interviewed by the program’s presenter, Evangelist Norbert Link. John’s funeral, conducted by Brian Gale, took place on Thursday, June 4, at High Wood Cemetery in Nottingham.

Our new Internet campaign in the US, which was started on May 15, has so far resulted in about 45 requests for our booklet, “The Great Tribulation and the Day of the Lord.” In addition, 40 people requested our booklet, “Angels, Demons and the Spirit World,” which is also offered in the Internet ad.

A new StandingWatch program was posted on StandingWatch and YouTube. It is titled, “The Lie of ‘Economic Recovery.'”

In the program, Norbert Link pointed out that President Obama has admitted that the USA is out of money and that our current short-term problem is dwarfed by our long-term problem. The government is pushing the amount of total obligations to a record $63.8 trillion; 36 US banks have failed already this year, and many more are expected to fail; and many countries are ditching the dollar in favor of the euro and national currencies. Still, we are being told that the worst is over and that we are on the road to financial recovery. But ignorance and lies don’t help us to prepare properly for the future.

The number of regular YouTube subscribers to our weekly StandingWatch programs has topped 180.

Our StandingWatch program, “Coming–The Great Depression,” which was posted over a year ago, has been viewed so far on YouTube about 30,000 times.

Our StandingWatch program, “Food Shortage in the USA,” which was posted about a year ago, has been viewed so far on YouTube in excess of 11,000 times.

A new German sermon was recorded and will be posted soon on the Internet. It is titled, “Der Welt Entfliehen!” and discusses the need for God’s people to come out of this world.

Our German version of the StandingWatch program (“AufPostenStehen”), titled, “Kommt Krieg mit Iran,” which was posted about 10 months ago, has been viewed about 1,500 times, followed by the 9-months-old program, titled, “Russland’s Krieg mit Georgien,” with about 1,200 views.

Preaching the Gospel and Feeding the Flock

A new StandingWatch program was posted on StandingWatch and YouTube. It is titled, “Does “Ida” Prove Human Evolution?”

In the program, Norbert Link points out that the mass media and the boulevard press have hailed “Ida”–a fossilized skeleton of a monkey–as the “common ancestor” of all later monkeys, apes and men; the “missing link” in the evolution of man; the “eighth wonder of the world”; and as a confirmation of Darwinism. But is it? Learn the truth about “Ida” and the theory of evolution in this eye-opening program.

A new German AufPostenStehen program was posted on the Internet. It is titled, “Regiert der Zufall Ihr Leben?” The English translation of the German title is, “Is Your Life Ruled by Time and Chance?” The program deals with “Ida” and raises related questions pertaining to the existence of God and His dealing with His people.

A new German sermon was recorded and will be posted soon on the Internet. It discusses the important issues of mercy and forgiveness.

Preaching the Gospel and Feeding the Flock

A new StandingWatch program was posted on StandingWatch and YouTube. It is titled, “Benedict’s Controversial and Disappointing Visit.” In the program, Norbert Link asks the following questions: Why was the Pope’s visit to the Middle East overshadowed by so much controversy–from his call for an independent Palestinian homeland to his “disappointing” speech at the Holocaust memorial in Jerusalem, to the Vatican’s initial denial of his membership of the Hitler Youth, to his call in Bethlehem to remove Israel’s West Bank separation wall? What does this mean in light of the fact that Pope Benedict XVI is not only a religious leader, but also the political head of the Vatican State? What role will the Catholic Church play in the Middle East, and how will it use its “power” to attempt to bring peace to the region?

A new German AufPostenStehen program was posted on the Internet. It is titled, “Angriff auf Christliche Religion in den USA.” The English translation of the German title is, “Attack on Christian Religion in USA.” The program deals with President Obama’s attempts to violate religious freedom in the US, via Give Act and Hate Crime Legislation, and it points out that we must not look at a Messiah-like figure (e.g., Mussolini or Hitler) to be rescued from our problems.

Preaching the Gospel and Feeding the Flock

We are pleased to announce the upcoming wedding of Joe Bourque and Erica Smith, who attend the Fort Collins, Colorado, congregation of the Church of the Eternal God. The wedding will be conducted at 11:00 AM on May 17, 2009, at the Viestenz-Smith Mountain Park, Loveland, Colorado. We wish to offer our heartfelt congratulations to Joe and Erica.

The text of our new booklet, titled, “The Book of Zechariah–Prophecies for Today,” was sent to our Graphic Designer, Shelly Bruno, for finalization.

We have begun new Internet advertisement campaigns in Great Britain, Canada and the USA. Booklets advertised include, “Europe in Prophecy,” “The Great Tribulation and the Day of the Lord,” and, “Angels, Demons and the Spirit World.”

A new StandingWatch program was posted on StandingWatch and YouTube. It is titled, “Obama’s Secret Agenda for Gays and the Economy.”

In the program, Norbert Link explains that the mainstream media is trying to tell us that our economy is on its way to recovery and that the banking crisis is over. The portrayal of this rosy picture is irresponsible and factually wrong. A most influential political, financial and industrial organization expects either “a prolonged and agonizing depression,” or “an intense-but-shorter depression.” Why is the mainstream media not reporting what our leaders REALLY believe? Gay activists state that President Obama “has a plan.” What is this plan? More importantly, is there a plan in the spirit world which directs the affairs of man?

Norbert Link’s new video-recorded sermon of May 2, 2009, titled, “Lessons from the Book of Job, Part 2,” has been posted on our Website, in addition to the audio version. Just click on “Audio” and go to “Sermon Videos.”

Preaching the Gospel and Feeding the Flock

A new StandingWatch program was posted on StandingWatch and YouTube. It is titled, “The Swine Flu–What They Don’t Tell You!” (A similar program was also posted, in the German language, on YouTube and, titled, “Die Schweinegrippe–was man uns nicht sagt.”)

In the program, Norbert Link is asking the following questions: Where exactly did the swine flu start, and why? Is it really safe to eat pork? If so, why do Russia, South Korea and Serbia prohibit the import of pork from the USA and Mexico, and why do Egypt, Jordan and Iraq slaughter their pigs? How does the swine flu pandemic affect the US economy? And how is the US doing in combating the virus of an ever-increasing recession?

Preaching the Gospel and Feeding the Flock

A new StandingWatch program was posted on StandingWatch and YouTube. It is titled, “Torture, Poverty, Unemployment and the American Dream.” In the program, Norbert Link discusses the fact that the declassification of CIA memos pertaining to torture, as well as bad news regarding the constant deterioration of the U.S. economy, have done nothing to restore confidence in the American leadership. The euphoria over the country’s first black president has ebbed considerably, and the current crisis has become Mr. Obama’s crisis. Did you know that all of this was prophesied to happen thousands of years ago, and that things will get much worse, before they will get better?

A new German StandingWatch program (“AufPostenStehen”) was posted on YouTube and on our German Website ( It is titled, “Gottes Sohn War der Torah Treu” (“The Son of God was Faithful Towards the Torah”) and discusses an article in the Catholic newspaper “Zenit,” admitting that Jesus did not come to abolish the Old Testament or the Law.

A new member letter for the month of May was written and will be sent out early next week. In the letter, Rene Messier discusses the meaning of the Feast of Pentecost for true Christians today, and for mankind in general.

Norbert Link’s new video-recorded sermon, “Lessons from the Book of Job,” has been posted on our Website, in addition to the audio version.

Norbert Link recorded two new German sermons this week, titled, “Der Weg Gottes, Teil 1” and “Der Weg Gottes, Teil 2.” (“The Way of God, Part 1” and “The Way of God, Part 2.”) Both sermons will be posted shortly on the Internet. 

This is a reminder to make reservations with the Woodfin Hotel in San Diego, for the Feast of Tabernacles 2009, if you have not already done so. For more information, please go to our Website ( and click on “Feasts.” Also, you might want to begin sending to Headquarters your T of T and any excess 2T.

Preaching the Gospel and Feeding the Flock

A new StandingWatch program was posted on StandingWatch, Google Video and YouTube. It is titled, “Worse Economic and Political Troubles Ahead for USA.” In the program. Norbert Link is asking the question whether we are really going to see soon an economic recovery in the USA. According to the FDIC, the insurance fund needs about $65 billion through 2013 to help many of the designated 252 troubled banks, but we only have $18.9 billion in the fund. Decisions at the G-20 summit in London early April have laid the foundation “for the next crisis, which will be larger.” And America’s closest allies feel betrayed by the Obama Administration and are encouraged to build alliances among themselves–while isolating the USA. WHY is all of this happening?

A new German sermon was recorded this week, titled, “Nicht Aufgeben” (“Don’t give up.”). It will be posted shortly on Google Video and our German Website (

This is a reminder to make reservations with the Woodfin Hotel in San Diego, for the Feast of Tabernacles 2009, if you have not already done so. For more information, please go to our Website ( and click on “Feasts.” Also, you might want to begin sending to Headquarters your T of T and any excess 2T.

Preaching the Gospel and Feeding the Flock

Norbert Link’s video-taped sermon, “God So Loved the World,” from April 9, 2009, has been posted on our Website and on Google Video.

Norbert Link’s video-taped sermon, “Proofs for God’s Existence,” from April 11, 2009, has been posted on our Website and on Google Video.

©2024 Church of the Eternal God