Preaching the Gospel and Feeding the Flock

New StandingWatch program and sermons in English and German

A new StandingWatch program was posted on StandingWatch, GoogleVideo and YouTube. It is titled, “Israel Lost the Gaza War against Hamas!”

Norbert Link points out in the program that in spite of Israeli Prime Minister Ehud Olmert’s declaration of victory, many commentators and news analysts have concluded that Israel was defeated. Why is this? Will American President Barack Obama’s announced efforts to bring peace to the Middle East have any lasting success? Who will become the most important nation to get involved in the Middle East–a nation which the Arab countries are waiting for? It is not the USA! The answer might surprise you.

A German version of the above-mentioned program (“Israels Verlorener Krieg”) was posted on YouTube and our German Website.

Norbert Link’s video-recorded sermon, “Poetry in the Hebrew Bible,” which was given on January 24, 2009, has been posted on our Website and on Google Video

A new German sermon (“Hat Jesus das Fleisch Unreiner Tiere Gereinigt?”), dealing with the question whether Jesus purified all unclean animals to make them fit for human consumption, was recorded this week to be posted soon on Google Video and our German Website.

Preaching the Gospel and Feeding the Flock

New StandingWatch program and sermons in English and German

A new StandingWatch program was posted on StandingWatch, Google Video and YouTube. It is titled, “Ambassadors for God?”

In the program, Norbert Link asks the question how converted Christians can live in a world plagued with problems? Just consider the recent war in Gaza, affecting many innocent people; renewed discussions about a mandatory draft in the USA; the recent economic warfare between Russia and the Ukraine, leaving many Europeans freezing; more big American banks asking for bailouts; or a new U.S. stimulus package on the horizon. Do we realize that none of these activities or plans are in accordance with godly standards? The Bible says that true Christians are to live as ambassadors for the Kingdom of God. But HOW are Christ’s representatives supposed to conduct themselves today?

Norbert Link’s video-recorded sermon, “The Church of God–A Great Mystery,” which was given on February 3, 2007, has been posted on our Website and on Google Video.

A new German sermon, dealing with the biblical dietary laws (“Ist Alles Fleisch Essbar?”), was recorded this week and has been posted on Google Video.

Preaching the Gospel and Feeding the Flock

New StandingWatch programs and sermons in English and German

A new StandingWatch program was posted on StandingWatch, GoogleVideo and YouTube. It is titled, “Israel’s Unpopular War in Gaza.” In the program, Norbert Link discusses the fact that while Israel and Hamas continue their fighting, civilians are suffering the most. Europe has warned Israel that it is destroying its image and prestige. Aid agencies blame Israel for a humanitarian crisis in Gaza. Europe is considering sending troops to the Middle East, if peaceful solutions cannot be found. What does all of this mean?

Norbert Link’s new sermon, “Converting Others? Why Not!,” which was given on December 10, 2009, has been posted on Google Video. 

A new StandingWatch program, dealing with the war in Gaza, was posted on our German Website and on YouTube.

Two new German sermons, addressing the Sabbath and the Ten Commandments (“Der Sabbat und die Zehn Gebote“), as well as the annual Holy Days (“Gottes Heilige Festtage“), were posted on Google Video and on our German Website.

Recent Comments from our StandingWatch Viewers

Israel’s Unpopular War in Gaza:

I appreciate the diverse references and sources you include in your updates… you won’t hear them mentioned on CNN or Fox News. It helps give a broader perspective on these world events in light of biblical prophecy.

Soon, we shall see a “charismatic” individual who will (deceivingly) bring about “Peace, Peace” … and then … we shall truly shake our heads, bow our knees and cry out to our “Abba Father”. Your comments always inspire me into deeper, meaningful Bible study ; you are continually in my prayers. Thank you from Canada.

I appreciate your news updates especially using the holy scriptures.

Preaching the Gospel and Feeding the Flock

New StandingWatch program

A new StandingWatch program was posted on StandingWatch, GoogleVideo and YouTube. It is titled, “Israel’s War with Iran’s Proxy Hamas.” In the program, Norbert Link points out that in attacking Hamas, Israel struck Iran! How and why was it done? Will this war escalate? Will other groups such as Hezbollah get involved? What about other countries? And if so, which ones will try to intervene?

New Member Letter

A new member letter was written and has been posted on the Web. In the letter, Norbert Link discusses current world events in the light of biblical prophecy for us today, and he reminds all of us of the importance of the Work of God in these very end times.

Recent Comments from our Readers

I see where Israel has “bisected” Palestine and surrounded Gaza City, with the same spirit of determination to put an end to terrorist strikes, so reminiscent of us marching into Baghdad, only to “die there” as Saddam predicted, and Hamas now also predicts for Israel. In considering the whole panorama of the history of humankind, I’m glad it’s near the end of Satan’s rule and the beginning of Christ’s rule. 

The update was quite informative this week  and more alarming news all the time.  We get more news from the CEG updates than we ever do from the TV.  Whoever puts them together really does a complete and great  job of keeping us informed on world events.

Recent Comments from our StandingWatch Viewers:

Is Homosexual Conduct Sinful?:

Although it should come as no surprise, I am always astounded when “Christians” dismiss the Old Testament Scriptures stating they are no longer valid. Perhaps their Bible is missing Matthew 5:17? Thanks for addressing the issue of homosexuality head on instead of dancing around it like many so-called Christians do.

Israel’s War with Iran’s Proxy Hamas:

I recall from the Update from July 2008 that you had said it was inevitable that Israel would strike Iran. I appreciate the time you take to watch the world events and present them in an unbiased manner in light of biblical prophecy. I particularly like the Current Events Section in the weekly Update.

Halleluiah! Thank God we will see the coming of the Lord in Glory soon. These events which seem catastrophic and are/will be, are in a way very positive since they will complete the Biblical prophecies and herald in the second coming of Christ. I can’t wait to greet HIM

Thank you for letting us know what is truly happening and how this coincides with what the Bible prophecies. The United States is becoming less and less popular and it is clear to see that. It’s hard to believe that things are going to get better, but as long as we believe in and DO what the Bible says, we will be protected.

It appears that we are now entering the beginning of the time of the end of this age, and soon European armies will surround Jerusalem. Then we will see the fulfillment of Matthew 24:15. It is time to be studying the Bible, and understand we are very near this time Christ warned about.

Preaching the Gospel and Feeding the Flock

New StandingWatch program and German Sermon

A new StandingWatch program was posted on StandingWatch, GoogleVideo and YouTube. It is titled, “Is Homosexual Conduct Sinful?” In the program, Norbert Link pointed out that Pope Benedict declared this week that saving humanity from homosexual behavior was just as important as saving the rainforest. The reaction of portions of the gay community was swift and predictable. The Pope’s words were characterized as “agitating,” “threatening,” “totally irresponsible” or “absurd.” What does the New Testament say about this question? Many have misunderstood the biblical teaching in this regard.

Norbert Link recorded a sermon in German (“Gedenke des Sabbattages…”), which was posted on Google Video and on our German Website, AufPostenStehen. The sermon discusses the Sabbath in general and especially the Sabbath covenant in Exodus 31; the creation of the Sabbath for man; the reinforcement of the Sabbath in relationship with the giving of the Manna; and the pronouncement of the Ten Commandments; and it quotes many admissions from Catholic and Protestant commentators to the effect that the Sabbath was not abrogated in the Bible, and that Hebrews 4:9 enjoins it for Christians today.

Recent Comments from our StandingWatch Viewers

Program on “Is Homosexual Conduct Sinful?”:

— A truly balanced presentation with real answers and hope.

— To be homosexual is NOT a sin. It is mentioned less than 5 times in the Old Testament – and these are injunctions against male prostitution/concubines/gross hedonism. Jesus DID NOT condemn or even mention gays! Yet – there are hundreds of biblical injunctions against RAPE, ADULTERY, DIVORCE, INCEST, and hetero hedonism. Which is the more serious problem? The answer becomes obvious – and obvious that the church has persecuted gays unjustly!

— The view presented is not a popular one in today’s world where continued acceptance and tolerance is the norm. If the Bible only said once that being homosexual was wrong, that would be enough for me.

— God did not make anyone homosexual anymore than He made someone a thief, or an adulterer, this is why we need to repent and be baptized in the name of the Lord the Bible says for the remission of sins, if you do not believe that then stop pretending to believe the Bible.

— It is good to hear the truth of God’s words from the Bible, it is the only real guide to making the changes in our lives that will lead us in to the coming kingdom of God. Keep proclaiming the Bible truths.

— It’s clear to me how God views homosexuality. Marriage is meant for a man and a woman, and His creation is beautiful.

— The views of the Pope is that of an uneducated person who comes from the middle ages. The Bible is NOT written by God. It is written by man for those (the masses) who had no formal education. It guided the people at the time however we have since moved on. I am an Atheist!

— You handled the latest Standing Watch in a gentle, delicate and restrained manner. You will get criticized no matter what you speak on since man is hostile towards God’s laws. 

Program on “Our Terrible Healthcare System“:

— Thanks again for another “tell it like it is” video! We truly are sick from the head down. Until we repent and turn to the True God and begin to obey Him we will only continue to spiral down to our demise. He alone is the only One who can heal us physically and spiritiually! Keep telling it like it is! Maybe someone will get the message.

Program on “No Christmas in the Early Church”:

— Thanks again for another great program of telling the truth the way it is. It is absolutely amazing how this particular holiday has become a worldwide celebration – in all it’s different forms. Guess we know who is behind that, eh? Anything to get man to take their eyes away from the True God and what He has decreed to be His True Holy Days. Thanks again!

Preaching the Gospel and Feeding the Flock

Reminder–US Contributions for 2008:

Donations and contributions received with letters postmarked in 2008 AND with enclosed written checks, dated in 2008, will be included in the detailed donation receipts for 2008. These receipts will be printed and sent out in mid-January of 2009. Cash contributions must also be received prior to January 1, 2009 (or, if sent by letter, the letter must be postmarked in 2008), in order to be included in the donation receipts for 2008. All contributions not falling into the categories described above will not be included in the donation receipts for 2008.

New Sermon and StandingWatch program:

Norbert Link’s sermon, “Bible Study: Live in Peace, Part 2,” dated December 20, 2008, has been posted on Google Video and on our Websites.

A new StandingWatch program was posted on StandingWatch, Google Video and YouTube. It is titled, “Our Terrible Healthcare System.” In the program, Norbert Link is asking the question, Why are political promises to provide universal healthcare illusionary and unrealistic? Insurance companies are charging astronomical figures for premiums which very few can afford. Many doctors and hospitals seem to be incapable of correctly diagnosing certain sicknesses, let alone curing them. Listen to some personal examples regarding incompetent or outrageous treatment of sick persons. Is there no way out of this disastrous spiral, which is destroying our nation?

Recent comments from our StandingWatch viewers:

Program on “No Christmas in the Early Church”.

— Thank you for reminding everyone of the REAL truth about christmas! I don’t understand how the whole world is in the worst economic financial crisis since the Great Depression ( maybe even surpass that!) and people are still spending money they don’t have on christmas gifts, which will bring the debt even higher. People can’t and will not let go of christmas! It’s a hoax and a lie!!!!

— Praise the Lord! I am happy to know brothers in Christ around the world don’t celebrate this. Let’s pray that God [will] open the eyes of many more Christians.

Program on “Our Terrible Healthcare System” [Google Video and YouTube]:

— As a former healthcare worker, I could not agree more with your assessment on this country’s healthcare system The fact that Congress had to enact the “Medical Bankruptcy Fairness Act” earlier this year supports your critique as well. Now that my husband and I are self-employed, we have gone without health insurance for a number of years because of the premium and deductible costs. Fortunately, we’ve been relatively healthy and have not incurred debt as a result of medical bills.

— What I find sad is the only place we have “In God We Trust” is on money. I really think it is not sincere and only a sick joke from whoever put it there. As if the money is their god.

— I like this video and it’s so true. I was sick for a long time with unforgiveness in my heart, when I finally forgave and asked for forgiveness I was healed very rapidly. I like your vid[eo]s, keep posting!

Preaching the Gospel and Feeding the Flock

Terry McQuire’s Funeral

Terry McQuire’s funeral took place on Monday, December 15, at Beeston Cemetery Chapel, near Nottingham, England. Terry, who was 72, had been a faithful and loyal member of the Church of God since the 1960’s. Brian Gale officiated at the service, which was followed by interment at a nearby cemetery. Terry was buried alongside his wife, Jean, who died in June of 2005 from a brain tumor. Terry is survived by two children, Kathryn and Mark, and 4 grandchildren. 

The chapel for the service was full, with all the standing room at the back of the chapel completely occupied which is an indication of the love and esteem in which he was held. He will be greatly missed.

Terry had said that the Feast of Tabernacles at Chatsworth House just a few weeks ago was the best Feast he had ever had. Even though he was terminally ill at the Feast, he shared his chalet with others and was still of service to everyone, as he had always been. During the Feast he, alongside with John Dunn, was interviewed by Norbert Link for the StandingWatch program (“Comfort in Terminal Sickness”), which can be seen on our Website and on Google Video and YouTube.

Norbert Link’s sermon, “Bible Study: Live in Peace,” dated December 13, 2008, has been posted on Google Video and on our Websites.

The German video program on Christmas was posted on our Web ( and on YouTube.

Our Technical Team is developing an outstanding new layout and design for our StandingWatch Website. More information will be announced very soon.

Recent Comments from our StandingWatch Viewers:

— Thanks for another great program [on No Christmas in the Early Church]. This message needs to be heard in the whole world. I’ll keep praying that these programs find their way to those that have an ear to hear.

— Good job. As a Christian I have not celebrated it for twenty two years, and I abhor it more and more every year.
— Fear mongering has its place in the rhetorical toolbox; however, you shouldn’t use it [referring to Food Shortage in the USA]. You sound too much like Hitler. Sorry.

— He sounds like Stalin, but he is right about the self-destruction caused by those who break and rebuild the structures and the systems of the nations and the world [and] the life of the poor.

Preaching the Gospel and Feeding the Flock

US Contributions for 2008:

Donations and contributions received with letters postmarked in 2008 AND with enclosed written checks, dated in 2008, will be included in the detailed donation receipts for 2008. These receipts will be printed and sent out in mid-January of 2009. Cash contributions must also be received prior to January 1, 2009 (or, if sent by letter, the letter must be postmarked in 2008), in order to be included in the donation receipts for 2008. All contributions not falling into the categories described above will not be included in the donation receipts for 2008.

New StandingWatch programs and German translation:

A new StandingWatch program was posted on StandingWatch, Google Video and YouTube. It is titled, “No Christmas in the Early Church.” In the program, Norbert Link asks the following questions: Why did Christians fail to observe Christmas until the fourth century? Why did, at times, England and the USA outlaw Christmas celebrations? Why and when was December 25 chosen as the birthday of Christ? What does the Christmas tree have to do with the birth of Jesus? The answers might surprise and challenge you.

Norbert Link recorded a German version of the program on Christmas, which will be posted shortly on You Tube and our German Website, “AufPostenStehen.”

In addition, the new German translation of our booklet on Christmas was also posted on our German Website.

Recent comments from our StandingWatch viewers:

— Personally I take offense to people celebrating this pagan holiday and pretending that my Lord has anything to do with it. The word Christ means “anointed one or messiah”– now tell me how you can have an “anointed one” tree?

— We live in a blind and weak society. Blind because we refuse to see the truth, and weak because some see the truth and refuse to live by it.

— The origins of Christmas and other man-made holidays are so easy to find, but people really don’t want to know the truth. They would rather engage in holiday activities for the sheer entertainment and self-indulgence than adhere to God’s Word.

Preaching the Gospel and Feeding the Flock

We are sad to report that Terry McGuire, a long-time faithful Church member in England, died Thursday morning after a short battle with cancer. This was not the outcome we all hoped and prayed for, but we must submit to God’s Will. Thank you all for your prayers.

Terry’s last interview for the StandingWatch program (“Comfort in Terminal Sickness”), which was recorded during the Feast of Tabernacles in October, can be watched on StandingWatch, Google Video and YouTube.

A new StandingWatch program was posted on StandingWatch, Google Video and YouTube. It is titled, “Insane–Bailouts Topping $8.5 Trillion.” In the program, Norbert Link asks the question: What else must happen before we realize that our leaders don’t seem to have a clue as to how to solve our financial problems–that we are facing an inevitable and unparalleled disaster, unless we change course immediately? It is as if a spirit of intoxication had swept the land. Don’t you become victim of it. There are solutions, but you won’t find them in the political arena.

The following new sermon was posted on Google Video and on our Websites:

Norbert Link, “Bible Study–When the Sons of God Saw The Daughters of Men,” November 29, 2008

We received the following comment to the above-mentioned sermon from a prospective member:

“This last Sabbath, Mr. Norbert Link tackled one of the most important issues and it is about the interpretation of Genesis 6. We were very glad to hear all angles and interpretations about the former and the book of Enoch. Yes, Mr. Link perfectly explained all about the mistranslation of Genesis 6 and the erroneous information about the book of Enoch. Most people will disagree with it, but what can we do, it is what it is. It is the truth. I had asked so many pastors regarding the subject and had [received] so many different interpretations.”

We are currently advertising, for the month of December, the following booklets over the Internet:


Human Suffering–Why…and How Much Longer?
And Lawlessness Will Abound
Don’t Keep Christmas

With the booklet on Christmas, we also offer the following additional booklets:

Angels, Demons and the Spirit World
Jesus Christ–A Great Mystery
God’s Commanded Holy Days


And Lawlessness Will Abound

With that booklet, we are also offering:

Angels, Demons and the Spirit World
The Gospel of the Kingdom of God
Jesus Christ–A Great Mystery

Great Britain and Europe:

Europe in Prophecy
Don’t Keep Christmas

With the booklet on Christmas, we are also offering:

Angels, Demons and the Spirit World
God’s Commanded Holy Days
Jesus Christ–a Great Mystery

Preaching the Gospel and Feeding the Flock

A new member letter was written for December. In the letter, Dave Harris discusses several prophecies dealing with the future of the USA and Britain, as well as the endtime Church of God, and concludes with a challenging warning for God’s people.

The following new sermon was posted on Google Video and on our Website:

Norbert Link, “Bible Study–Stubbornness, a Sure Way to Destruction,” November 15, 2008

Set forth below are recent comments from our readers and StandingWatch viewers:

I have watched the website. It’s really a great blessing for us as we could understand about the prophecies in the Bible. I just want to have a copy of The Gospel of the Kingdom of God. And if you can send some more booklets which may be helpful to us, please do send us, so that we can spread the word. (Viewer from England)

Circuit City is closing hundreds of their stores. When that happens. people will lose their jobs. When people lose their jobs, they have no money to spend. When they don’t have money to spend, companies will have to go bankrupt or just close down their businesses (Viewer from the USA)

Thank you for your lovely teaching about the word of God, more especially the teachings of holy days of God. I have been a member of… conference church but I have never heard this wonderful teaching [as explained on] your web site [church of the eternal God]. Friends, because of this truth which I have found on your web and I believe that even if I can take this teaching to the church…, I know they will reject the message, but the coming Sabbath I will give it a trial to see if they will accept your message, and I will let you know next week. Be continually blessed in the Christ, and I request you to send to me the literature of [Mr. Herbert W.] Armstrong to help me to understand more of the truth (“Elder” from Kenya)

I want to thank you for all the strength you give me in my knowing [for] sure that Jesus Christ is my only savior (Reader from Holland)

©2024 Church of the Eternal God