Preaching the Gospel and Feeding the Flock

A new member letter has been posted on the Web and sent out this week. In the letter, Dave Harris encourages all of us to increase our efforts to do the Work of God and to overcome individually.

A new StandingWatch program has been posted on the Web and on Google Video. It is titled, “Unsuccessful G-8 Summit.” In the program, Norbert Link remarks that even though the press and politicians have described the G-8 Summit in Germany as a success, in fact, it was not. No binding agreements were reached–only the expression of a “desire” to perhaps do something together in the future. But German Chancellor, Angela Merkel, has emerged as THE world leader. She is even called now “Miss World.” Why is this remarkable in view of end-time events?

Preaching the Gospel and Feeding the Flock

The final text for our new booklet, “The Meaning of God’s Fall Holy Days,” has been sent to our graphic designer, Shelly Bruno.

We have completed the second printing for our booklet, “Jesus Christ–A Great Mystery!” as we had run out of stock for this booklet.

Our new format for our StandingWatch programs is steadily progressing. We bought additional equipment to improve the sound, and are still experimenting to achieve the best lighting for the program. Your continued prayers for the success of the programs are appreciated. The following announcement was sent out on June 3, 2007, pertaining to our new StandingWatch program #124:

No Success for the U.S. — Why?

Why is the relationship between the USA and Europe constantly deteriorating? Why have both power blocs hardened their respective positions? Why is the Iraq War so unsuccessful? Could our approach toward the worship of the true God have anything to do with it?

View it now on Google.

On June 2, 2007, Manuela Mitchell of Escondido, California, graduated from Mesa College with an AS degree in Animal Health Technology/Animal Science in Veterinary Medicine. Unfortunately, as June 2 fell on the Sabbath, Manuela was unable to participate in the graduation ceremonies. She will become a RVT upon passing the examination with the Veterinary Medical Board in San Diego. Our heartfelt congratulations to Manuela for her achievement.

Preaching the Gospel and Feeding the Flock

Our new booklet, “The Meaning of God’s Fall Holy Days,” has entered the final review cycle.

The following announcement was sent out on May 30, 2007, pertaining to our new StandingWatch program #123:

Wars and Conflicts

This world is a dangerous place in which to live. And it is getting worse all the time. What does it all mean?

View it now on Google.

Preaching the Gospel and Feeding the Flock

The following announcement was sent out on May 23, 2007, pertaining to our new StandingWatch;  program #122:

Be Watchful

Are you aware as to what is going on in the world? Are you on guard? Do you care? Do you understand the signs of the time? Are you courageous enough to resist wrong pressure and false indoctrination? Or, are you sailing on a “ship of fools” full steam ahead toward a cliff of destruction?

View it now on Google

The German translation of our booklet, “The Gospel of the Kingdom of God,” has been posted on our German Website, “AufPostenStehen,” under

Preaching the Gospel and Feeding the Flock

The following announcement was sent out on May 17, pertaining to our new StandingWatch program:

Progress Report
New Format

We just wanted to keep everyone abreast of the changes that we are making to the StandingWatch program.  By clicking on the link below, you will see that the efforts of all involved are beginning to make a big difference.

We do ask for your continued prayers as the project comes to fruition.

“Are You an Alcoholic?”

In the above-mentioned program, Norbert Link discusses the following: Many famous people and celebrities have been battling with alcoholism. The list seems to be endless–from Alexander the Great to Josef Stalin, Ernest Hemingway and modern-day Hollywood actors and singers. What is the right approach to alcohol? How can you determine whether you are becoming addicted to alcohol? Where should you turn for help?

On May 10, 2007, Cali L. Harris of Louisville, Colorado, graduated from the University of Colorado in Boulder with double majors–one in Ethnic Studies and the other in Journalism. Our heartfelt congratulations to Cali in reaching this milestone in her life! Cali is the youngest daughter of Peggy and David Harris of Fort Collins, Colorado.

Preaching the Gospel and Feeding the Flock

Our new booklet, “The Meaning of God’s Fall Holy Days,” has entered the second review cycle.

A new member letter has been written and will be sent out early next week. In the letter, Norbert Link discusses the need to cope with problems and to resist Satan the devil, who is filled with destructive rage.

This week, we sent out the following announcement regarding our 120th StandingWatch program:

“Is Russia a Threat?

“In light of Russia’s most recent brutal crack-down on opposition protests, the German and European press used strong words of condemnation. It was stated that Russia is not a democracy; that its course is miles away from Western values; that Russia cannot be a strategic partner for Europe; and that Europe should keep its energy dependence on Russia as low as possible. What do these developments mean, and why should YOU be concerned?

“View it now on Google or StandingWatch.”

Preaching the Gospel and Feeding the Flock

Norbert and Johanna Link will be visiting the brethren in Oregon from May 2 to May 6.  While there, they will also inspect the remodeled facility in Florence where we will hold this year’s Feast of Tabernacles

A new StandingWatch program was placed on the Web, titled, “WHY the shooting rampage in Virginia?” A brief summary is set forth below:

The world is shocked and appalled about the shooting rampage of a mentally ill mass killer, murdering over 30 innocent students and teachers. Why do those incredible atrocities happen in our sophisticated world? Many try to give answers–some of them are in fact contributing causes for those horrible crimes–but it seems that the real reason has been overlooked.

Preaching the Gospel and Feeding the Flock

A new Standing Watch program was recorded and placed on the Web, including on Google Video. The program is titled, “The Don Imus Circus.”

Set forth below is a brief summary of the program:

Don Imus’ inappropriate use of language, maligning young female Basketball players, prompted an ongoing and seemingly never-ending flood of responses. The resulting Imus circus has empowered opportunists and sensationalists to promote their own agendas. But has the undue attention given to the Imus’ statements done more harm than good?

Norbert Link’s video-recorded sermon “How Do You Look at Sin?” was placed on Google Video.

Our booklet, “The Gospel of the Kingdom of God” has been translated into German and has entered the review cycle.

Our new booklet on the “Meaning of God’s Fall Holy Days” will shortly be entering the second review cycle.

We have commenced an Internet ad campaign in England, promoting one booklet, and are working on similar ad campaigns for the USA and Canada.

This week, Norbert Link sent a special update on the Work to our membership via email. We would like to state portions of the same in this Update:

“We would like to share with you some exciting news. Our income has been very sound and stable, and our current balance is very encouraging. In light of this good development, for which we thank God and all of you, we were able to buy a new computer, to be used for the transmission of our live Sabbath and Holy Day services, and a new camera, to be used, together with the new computer, for the StandingWatch programs and perhaps additional programming under discussion. In addition, we purchased another computer which will enable us to continue the production of video sermons, to be placed on DVDs and on Google Video and possibly others.
“When setting up the new equipment for the new format of the StandingWatch programs [to be soon implemented], we realized the need for a small recording studio. As a consequence, we have begun the task of building such a studio, and the progress already achieved is just amazing. This studio will enable me to record programs any time I want, without having to go through the sometimes laborious task of setting up and taking down the equipment, arranging and adjusting lighting, etc.”

Also, our technical team is exploring possibilities as to how to increase the effectiveness and dynamics of the StandingWatch programs, including alteration of the “extro,” by adding text, a voice over and music. The team is also looking at trying Norbert in a few different positions with a few different backgrounds. We have a couple of good ideas that look great in the mind’s eye, but will have to see how that comes out on the big screen.  We are evaluating some software packages that will accomplish these things. After we get the lighting setup in our small studio, which is being built, we will continue exploring these and other possibilities.

Preaching the Gospel and Feeding the Flock

A new member letter was written and posted on the Web. In the letter, Brian Gale discusses the importance to treasure our precious knowledge of the annual Holy Days, and what they picture.

A new StandingWatch program was recorded and posted on Google Video. It is titled, “Why Britain’s Humiliation?” In the program, Norbert Link discusses the fact that the capture and subsequent release of 15 British sailors and marines was extremely embarrassing and humiliating for Great Britain, while Iran ended up victorious. The question is asked WHY it should be that Britain found itself all alone–with no real support from ANYONE.

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