Preaching the Gospel and Feeding the Flock

Our new booklet, “The Meaning of God’s Spring Holy Days,” has been sent to the printer in England. It has also been placed on the Web.

A new StandingWatch program was placed on Google Video and on our Website. It is titled, “Why This Terrible Weather?”

In the program, Norbert Link asked why we hear of severe weather conditions in Southern California, as well as in Germany and many areas around the world. Are there unknown causes and conditions for these terrible situations which have been largely overlooked? And what can we expect to occur in the future?

Annual Conference

The dates for the annual conference in San Diego are:

First Day of Conference: Friday, February 9, 2007

Last Day of Conference: Wednesday, February 14, 2007

Please continue to pray for a successful preparation for these important events.

Time and Location of Memorial Service for Edwin Pope:

Memorial Service for Edwin Pope will be held on Sunday, February 11, 2007. All family members and friends are invited to attend this special occasion. Please share this announcement with those who might be interested in attending, but who might not receive our weekly Updates.

The Memorial Service will begin at 11:30 am, followed by a potluck. The services will be held at the facilities of the Seventh Day Adventist Church, at 102 4th Avenue, Chula Vista, CA 91910-2520. The facilities are located at the corner of 4th Avenue and D-Avenue.

If you are driving from the Los Angeles area, you might want to use the I-5 toward Santa Ana; take exit #9 onto CA-54 east; take the 4th Avenue exit and turn right. The facilities are on your right.

Preaching the Gospel and Feeding the Flock

Annual Conference:

As was announced in Update 275, the dates for the annual conference in San Diego have been finalized. They are:
First Day of Conference: Friday, February 9, 2007

Last Day of Conference: Wednesday, February 14, 2007

Please continue to pray for a successful preparation for these important events.

Time and Location of Memorial Service for Edwin Pope:

As previously announced, the Memorial Service for Edwin Pope will be held on Sunday, February 11, 2007. All family members and friends are invited to attend this special occasion. Please share this announcement with those who might be interested in attending, but who might not receive our weekly Updates.

The Memorial Service will begin at 11:30 am, followed by a potluck. The services will be held at the facilities of the Seventh Day Adventist Church, at 102 4th Avenue, Chula Vista, CA 91910-2520. The facilities are located at the corner of 4th Avenue and D-Avenue.

If you are driving from the Los Angeles area, you might want to use the I-5 toward Santa Ana; take exit #9 onto CA-54 east; take the 4th Avenue exit and turn right. The facilities are on your right.

The editorial review of our new booklet on the Spring Holy Days has been completed, and the material will be sent to the printer shortly.

A new StandingWatch program was placed on Google Video and on our Website. It is titled, “Wars and Rumors of Wars.” In the program, Mr. Link discusses that Europe is upset with Russia for unilaterally shutting down its pipeline which is a major source of European oil imports; that Europe is worried about reports that Israel is preparing to attack Iran with nuclear weapons; and that Europe is appalled about President Bush’s decision to send more troops into Iraq. Mr. Link asks the question: What do all these developments mean?

Norbert Link’s video-recorded sermon, “How To Have a Successful Lasting Marriage,” has been posted on Google video. The audio version (“Successful Lasting Marriages”) has been posted, as usual, on our Website.

Preaching the Gospel and Feeding the Flock

Kalon Mitchell and Manuela Link were united in marriage on Sunday,
January 7, 2007. The marriage ceremony was performed by Evangelist
Norbert Link in the beautiful Rancho Bernardo Courtyard, where the
Church’s former offices were located. Michael Link was best man, and
Johanna Link was matron-of-honor. The weather was gorgeous, and about
80 guests enjoyed the occasion. Kalon and Manuela would like to thank
all for their tremendous help, as well as the many cards, wishes and
presents received from family members and friends around the world. The
couple resides in Escondido, California.

A new StandingWatch
program was posted on Google Video, as well as on our Website ( It is titled, “True
Christianity–Don’t Be Deceived! In the program, Norbert Link discusses
the fact that recently, a popular television broadcast asked the
questions, Who is a Christian?, and, What is true Christianity? The
opinions of those interviewed were astonishing. In addition, a TV
evangelist announced that God spoke to him, telling him that a major
attack on the USA will happen shortly after September 2007. Mr. Link is
posing the question whether such a claim can be believed.

The text for our new booklet on the meaning of the Spring Holy Days has entered its final review cycle.

Preaching the Gospel and Feeding the Flock

The dates for the annual conference in San Diego and the memorial service for Edwin Pope have been finalized. They are:

First Day of Conference: Friday, February 9, 2007

Memorial Service: Sunday, February 11, 2007

Last Day of Conference: Wednesday, February 14, 2007

Please pray for a successful preparation for these important events.

A new StandingWatch
program was posted on the Web. It is titled, “Germany’s Rise and
America’s Decline.” In the program, Norbert Link addresses the fact
that 2007 will be a big year for Germany. Chancellor Angela Merkel will
become president of the European Union and of the G8 organization. At
the same time, we are observing a steady decline of America’s influence
in the world. Are these developments merely “coincidental”?

Preaching the Gospel and Feeding the Flock

A new member letter has been written for January. In the letter,
Norbert Link discusses our individual and collective responsibilities
as Christians. It also announces our tentative plans for the annual
conference and a memorial service for Mr. Pope. The letter will be sent
out in the USA early next week, together with a hard copy of our
booklet, “Human Suffering, Why…And How Much Longer?”

The text for our new booklet on the Spring Holy Days has entered the second review cycle.

A new StandingWatch
program was posted on the Web. It is titled, “The Holocaust Debate.” In
the program, Norbert Link discusses the fact that history clearly
proves and confirms the undeniable atrocities committed by the Nazis
during the Holocaust. But are there dangers involved with criminalizing
those who deny the Holocaust, as at least 11 countries have done?

Preaching the Gospel and Feeding the Flock

Talus Zane Harris was born at 4:00 AM on December 21, 2006. He
weighed 8 lbs and 2 ounces and was 20 3/4″ long. His parents, Robb and
Laura Harris, and brother Caymus live in Fort Collins, Colorado.

Our new booklet, “Human Suffering, Why… and How Much Longer?,”
has been printed and shipped from England to Canada and the USA. It
should arrive in the USA by the middle of next week. We plan to send it
to our U.S. subscribers with the January member letter. The booklet has
been posted on our Website.

Our new member letter for December, which was written by the ministry, has been posted on the Website.

Link’s video-recorded sermons, “Ezra and Nehemiah, Part 2,” and “Flee Idolatry,” have been
posted on Google Video. The audio versions of both sermons have
been posted, as usual, on our Website.

Preaching the Gospel and Feeding the Flock

A new StandingWatch program
was recorded last Friday and placed on our Websites, as well as on
Google Video. The program is titled “How To Solve Iraq’s Problems.” Set
forth below is a brief summary of the program:

This week, the
long-awaited Baker-Hamilton report was released, giving recommendations
as to how to solve the disaster in Iraq. Tony Blair and George Bush
gave a joint press conference on the 65th anniversary of Pearl Harbor.
During the conference, both world leaders took different approaches in
the matter of Iraq. While Tony Blair supported the report’s suggestion
to involve Iran and Syria unconditionally in peace talks, President
Bush insisted that certain conditions had to be met first by both
countries. In addition, Germany has shown a strong interest in playing
a central role in bringing Washington to the table with Damascus and
Tehran, while Israel is becoming increasingly nervous about a perceived
shift in America’s foreign policy. What do all these developments mean?

new member letter was written by the ministry and will be distributed
shortly. The letter reflects on Mr. Pope’s death and the Work which is
ahead of us, discussing new opportunities and projects in the making.

Preaching the Gospel and Feeding the Flock

Our new booklet on Suffering was sent to the printer in England.

new StandingWatch program was recorded and placed on the Web, titled,
“The Pope in Turkey.” Set forth is a brief summary of the program:

Benedict XVI’s visit in Turkey was full of surprises. In his attempt to
diminish or eradicate the damage caused by his speech earlier this
year, stating that Mohammed had brought the sword to the world, he made
some unique statements in favor of Turkey and Islam. The Pope also met
with the leader of the Orthodox Church in an attempt to bring about
reconciliation between these two influential religious entities. It is
the Pope’s declared goal to lead an ecumenical movement involving all
Christian churches and even non-Christian religions. Should you embrace
and support such a movement?

Preaching the Gospel and Feeding the Flock

A new StandingWatch program was recorded, titled, “Why School Shootings?” Set forth below is a brief summary of the program:

is in shock. This week, an 18-year old man went on a rampage and shot
over 30 people at his former high school in Germany, before killing
himself. Subsequently, two other high school students were arrested who
had threatened to repeat such atrocities. Why are we hearing about
those terrible incidents? Some German politicians and experts claim
that violent videogames and the fascination with weapons are the main
causes for such incidents. But could it be that other causes are being
overlooked or ignored?

Our new booklet, “Human Suffering–Why…
And How Much Longer,” has been finalized and will be sent shortly to
our printer in England.

The video-recorded version of Norbert Link’s latest sermon, “The Book of Ezra, Part 1,” was placed on Google Video (The audio version was placed, as usual, on our Web site).

Preaching the Gospel and Feeding the Flock

A new StandingWatch program was recorded, titled, “Nuclear Terrorism.” Set forth below is a brief summary of the program:

a Senate hearing on November 16, 2006, it was pointed out that the
threat of nuclear terrorism is real. It is not a question of “if,” but
only of “when.” Are you prepared to face devastating destruction in
this country and around the world? And why would God let it happen?

video-recorded version of Norbert Link’s latest sermon, “Christian
Suffering,” was placed on Google Video (The audio version was placed,
as usual, on our Web site).

©2024 Church of the Eternal God