Preaching the Gospel and Feeding the Flock

The draft of a new booklet on suffering is almost completed and has entered the first review cycle. In the booklet, Norbert Link
addresses the question why there is so much suffering in the world, and
why even true Christians suffer today. The booklet will also offer
great hope for the not-too-distant future.

A new StandingWatch program has been posted on the Web. It was recorded on Friday, August 18, and is titled: “What’s Next for Lebanon?”

Set forth below is a summary of the program:

warfare between Israel and Hezbollah has come to a standstill. Does
this mean that we will enjoy lasting peace in Lebanon and the Middle
East? Based on the situation in the Middle East, some preachers and
evangelists tell us that Christ could come back tonight. Would this be
possible? The answer to both questions is: Absolutely not!

Preaching the Gospel and Feeding the Flock

A new member letter has been written and sent out. It is also posted
on the Web. In the letter, Brian Gale addresses the importance of watching
current world events, in light of Biblical prophecy, and, most
importantly, our own personal spiritual condition.

Our new book
on Prayer has been sent to our graphic designer, Shelly Bruno, for
finalization and forwarding to the printer in Canada.

A new StandingWatch program has been posted on the Web. It is titled: “Terrorism and Your Protection!”

Set forth below is a summary of the program:

were plotting to destroy, with liquid explosives, several airplanes
flying from England to America. Fortunately, governmental agencies
intervened before the plot could be carried out. What prompts
terrorists–in this case presumably fanatic radical Muslims–to commit
suicide and mass murder? As a consequence to this recent plot to kill
innocent people, new stringent restrictions were implemented for all
travelers, but the security levels differ from country to country. Why
these inconsistencies? And can those restrictions really give us safety
and security?

Preaching the Gospel and Feeding the Flock

Shelly and Frank Bruno, of Boulder, Colorado, have announced the
forthcoming birth of their first child, and would appreciate prayers for a healthy pregnancy. The due date is March of 2007.
Our congratulations to the Bruno family.

Preaching the Gospel and Feeding the Flock

Our new book on Prayer has reached the final review cycle. We should be able to finalize the book soon and send it to the printer in Canada.

A new StandingWatch program has been posted on the Web. It is titled: “Why the Hate Against America and Israel?”

Set forth below is a summary of the program:

Israel is being condemned for the tragedy in Qana, during which many civilians were killed. But Hezbollah continues to kill civilians in Israel, without experiencing the same condemnation. The world demands, with the exception of the USA, an immediate cease fire. But wouldn’t such a move only help Hezbollah and its supporters? And why is the world at odds with the USA in regard to almost every major issue, including the situation in the Middle East?

Preaching the Gospel and Feeding the Flock

A new StandingWatch program has been posted on the Web. It is titled, “Why No Peace in the Middle East?” Set forth below is a brief summary:

When observing the current events in the Middle East, a lasting peaceful and prosperous solution seems to be as elusive as ever. We are not here to assess blame, but just to report the events based on Biblical prophecy. The Bible shows indeed, how current events will lead to the ultimate fulfillment of a situation which has been clearly foretold a long time ago. Why is it that we are seemingly unable to create a peaceful and happy world?

StandingWatch responses from Google Video:

The following sets forth some of the all-time high responses to our StandingWatch programs, so far, posted on Google Video (These figures do not include views on and downloads from our StandingWatch Website):

Is Nuclear War Coming? —  1,245 views and 43 downloads
Ghosts of Departed Ones? — 695 views and 1 download
Da Vinci, Judas and a Fish — 613 views and 20 downloads
Afghanistan’s Radical Islam — 602 views and 15 downloads
Germany in Prophecy — 483 views and 13 downloads
666, the Beast and Antichrist — 477 views and 11 downloads
America’s Illegal Aliens — 441 views and 6 downloads
Evolution or the Bible — 379 views and 15 downloads
What Is Happening in Germany — 355 views and 4 downloads
American Hiroshima — 353 views and 13 downloads
The Pope Is Dead–What Is Next? — 330 views and 1 download

Totals of all programs posted on Google Video so far have been 9,308 views and 212 downloads.

Dwight Armstrong Hymns in Public Domain

Worldwide Church of God officials announced on June 26, 2006, that it is placing all Dwight Armstrong composed hymns to which it owns the copyright into the public domain. Effective immediately, any person or group who wishes to copy or use these hymns may do so without receiving permission from the Church. Church officials have said that the works released into the public domain are only those hymns by Dwight Armstrong to which  the Church holds the copyright. No other hymns or materials of any kind are being placed into the public domain, and the responsibility is on the user to ascertain whether the work it wishes to use is one of the released hymns.

With the copyright holder’s expression of intent to abandon the copyright to Dwight Armstrong’s hymns, they have now entered the public domain.

Preaching the Gospel and Feeding the Flock

A new member letter has been written and sent out. In the letter,
Edwin Pope discusses the terrible consequences of sin, which can be
seen in this world, and our collective and individual responsibilities.

A new StandingWatch program has been posted on the Web. It is titled, “War in the Middle East.” Set forth below is a brief summary:

are observing outright war in the Middle East, which was long in the
making. But its sudden outbreak surprised not only a few commentators.
It was caused by the ongoing provocations of the terrorist organization
Hezbollah, which is operating in Lebanon. Israel’s reaction, however,
has met the condemnation of the Vatican and many countries around the
world, with the notable exception of the USA and Canada. The real
causes for this present crisis are seldom mentioned, and one tragic
consequence of this war–as is the case with every war–is the
suffering of innocent civilians.

A new Study Guide for parents with children has been placed on the Web (under Literature/Study Tools). It is titled “Teaching the Bible to Children.”

Preaching the Gospel and Feeding the Flock

A new StandingWatch program was posted on the Web. It is titled: “Germany’s New Patriotism.” Set forth below is a summary of the program:

the Worldcup, Germans have re-discovered a love for their country and
its accomplishments. They feel proud again to be German. Most
commentators think that this is a good development. But Germany is
presently run by a weak and controversial government–a Grand
Coalition of the two biggest parties. The German press is outraged
about broken campaign promises, describing the government’s current
attempts to accomplish anything as a “declaration of political
bankruptcy” and “the big chaos.” Will and can Germany’s new-found
patriotism bring about an early change in government which is perceived
by many German citizens as becoming increasingly incompetent to rule
the nation?

Preaching the Gospel and Feeding the Flock

Our new booklet on prayer has entered the second review cycle.

The German translation of our booklet, “Is God a Trinity?” has been posted on our different Websites.

new curriculum guide for parents as a help to use in teaching the Bible
to their children has been completed and will be posted soon on our

Preaching the Gospel and Feeding the Flock

“Mr. Kalon Mitchell and Miss Manuela Link are happy to announce
their engagement to be married early next year. Manuela is the daughter
of Norbert and Johanna Link and Kalon is the son of Brad and Kathleen
Mitchell. Let us all rejoice in wishing them every happiness for the

Preaching the Gospel and Feeding the Flock

A new StandingWatch program has been posted on the Web. It is titled: “Why so much cruelty?” Set forth below is a summary of the program:

Foods Market announced today that they will no longer sell live
lobsters for human consumption. Animal rights activists welcomed the
decision. They had pointed out the cruelty with which lobsters are
treated–by dropping them alive into a pot of boiling water. While some
scientists who are presumably supported by the food industry claim that
lobsters cannot feel any pain, the opposite has been clearly proven.
Why do we have so much cruelty in this world–from torturing animals in
laboratories to find some medication for human sicknesses, to brutally
killing unborn children in their mothers’ wombs, by literally tearing
them apart during abortion procedures? And why are we so casual
regarding the death of innocent civilians in war? Has God created us
with such a brutal, cruel human nature? And if not, how did we become
this way, and how can a change of our hearts come about?

©2024 Church of the Eternal God