True Success

by Louise Amorelli
Throughout my lifetime, I have often pondered on the definition of success, asking myself: What makes a person successful?  What is the real meaning of success and how do I get there?  Is it merely being part of the wealthy elite or being educated with worldly scholarly knowledge with a broad and diverse vocabulary? Are this world’s standards of success the same as mine or God’s?

As a child and even in college, certain subjects did not come easy for me and I became frustrated. I always wanted to succeed and be in the top of my class. Although I endured, I sometimes just passed the class. As time went by, and I became a parent, I certainly wanted to succeed at parenthood!  But even then I wondered if I was doing and had done a good job. I was and still am a person who has a “type A” personality who desires to do it all, want it all and be all, to the fullest!

Being called into God’s Truth, I began to appreciate success in a different light. Although still a struggle, I try not to set my standards of success as the world views it. I understand that God defines success as growing in the fruit of His Spirit and having His Godly character. I am learning  to focus on, not only doing my best with the gifts God has bestowed upon me, but also  being patient, gentle with longsuffering, having self-control and a loving heart in each situation, along with fervently praying for His help and strength to grow in grace with Godly knowledge, wisdom and discernment.

Whatever my hand finds to do, I try to remember to do all things mightily and pleasing to God, with the underlying theme not to impress or please men or myself.  That’s when I become a true success, which produces Godly peace and joy!

©2025 Church of the Eternal God