We are to overcome sin continuously, but sin is very deceptive. This sermon will give many examples from the Bible of people who were not immune to sinning… who were at times easily ensnared by sin; who did not feel that a particular sin was such a big deal; or who did not even recognize sin for what it was, thinking that their actions were justified.
Let Us Be Clean and Holy!
As members of the spiritual Body of Christ we must be clean and holy, and we may think many times that we are, but may deceive ourselves. We must recognize our uncleanness and eradicate it with God’s help.
You Shall Not Swear!
The topic of swearing and giving an oath is not as easily answered as some may think. Many concepts abound, pro and con. The Bible tells us that God swears; that angels swear; that righteous people in the Old Testament have sworn, and that people in the Millennium will swear. But don’t Jesus and James tell us that we are not to swear at all? However, some claim that Jesus and Paul have sworn. What is the answer?
You Shall (Not) Desire, Part 2
As the last sermon showed, we are prohibited to have wrong and evil desires. On the other hand, the Bible COMMANDS us to have right desires. But what exactly is it that we should or even must desire, in order to obtain eternal life in the Kingdom of God?
The Man of Sin in the Temple of God
Jews will build a Third Temple on the Temple Mount, and this will cause unparalleled turmoil in the Middle East. Already today, Muslims are asked to “save” parts of the Temple Mount by building on the site, and Israel is charged with plans to build a synagogue and to open the “Gate of Mercy” on the eastern side of the Temple Mount. Expectations for the arrival of a red heifer in 2018 are high, which orthodox Jews maintain is necessary to purify the area and permit animal sacrifices and the building of a Temple. The world is already condemning Israel for its occupation of the West Bank, including Hebron, and it cannot rely on any help from the USA. Soon, European armies will occupy Israel, and the man of sin will sit in the Third Temple in Jerusalem, claiming to be God.
Download AudioLot in Sodom
Jesus warned us that the time of His Second Coming could be compared with the days of Lot and the conditions in Sodom. Was Lot a righteous man? Why did he live in Sodom? Why was Sodom destroyed? Was it only because of homosexual conduct? Are there archeological proofs outside the Bible showing us that Sodom was indeed destroyed? Why did Lot’s daughters commit incest with their father? What can we learn from Lot’s life?
Growth in the Church – Feast Sermon 2016
If we want to grow, we must be faithful in the small things; we must help the little ones; and we must not despise the day of small beginnings. We must control our thoughts and avoid wrong ideas and hypocrisy. When God begins something, He does so in a small way, so that it can grow and become bigger. Even His kingdom and rule must and will grow. God’s Church is small today—a little flock—but its growth is predestined, if it fulfills its godly mission. Individual Christians must have a part in this growth.
Testing Faith
How is our faith being tested? There are many examples of individuals in the Bible who have had their faith tested many times, but how did they respond? What about second chances? What does the Bible have to say about that?
Do Dreams Influence Your Life?
Do dreams come from God? Does God give us secret instructions through dreams, which could be interpreted in different ways? How can we ascertain whether someone has received a dream from God, or whether someone tells false dreams? Is the concentration on dreams often times nothing but superstition? Do we need dreams and signs in order to believe God and obey Him?
Hope in Trials
The Gospel of the Kingdom of God is a message of hope-it is God’s good news to man about his future. In times of trials, it is important to remind ourselves about what God has in store for us. Most have no idea, but the Bible clearly reveals that it is the potential of man to become God-“gods” or God beings in God’s Family! Blasphemy? That’s what they said when Jesus preached it. That’s what many say today. And that is why they despair and are without confidence in God’s help when problems come. We are offering you our free weekly Update and our free booklet, “The Gospel of the Kingdom of God.”
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