In this sermon, we will discuss historical events which took place during the Days of Unleavened Bread. These occurrences do not only have literal meaning, but they also have symbolic relevance for us. The godly injunctions and admonitions are surely important for us today.
Was Christ’s Mother His First Disciple?
Recently, Pope Francis claimed that the Virgin Mary, Christ’s mother, was Christ’s first disciple. Why is this comment false, and why is it important that you understand who Mary was?
Download AudioAngels Among Us?
What is the role of angels regarding Christians and their children? And what is the Church of God’s responsibility towards angels?
Which Cross?
It is well known that the Tau-Cross (commonly pictured as the type of cross on which Christ was crucified) has been used as an object of worship long before Christ was born. But does the Bible even support the idea that Christ was nailed to such a two beamed cross? If not, what does God’s Word reveal?
The Sufferings of the Apostle Paul
Paul had to endure much hardship, but he never gave up. This sermon discusses many of his trials, including his unjust arrests and illegal imprisonments; several attempts to murder him; numerous false accusations against him by Jews and Greeks; and many conspiracies by unbelieving Jews with the declared goal of assassinating him. But Paul knew that his trials served a godly purpose. And we will see how he received strength to endure victoriously, becoming worthy for the Kingdom of God.
The Work in Germany
The Bible prophesies that at a time when a short powerful work of preaching the gospel message is being revived, modern Babylon will rise once again in Europe as the final short-lived resurrection of the ancient Holy Roman Empire. We are seeing the beginning of this prophecy being fulfilled in Germany; and Satan is very angry, knowing that his time is short.
The Mystery of the Holy Spirit
Who gives us the Holy Spirit? In what way is the Holy Spirit “one”? Who resides in true Christians? Is the Holy Spirit a person? The Bible uses many times figurative language when referring to the Holy Spirit. Still, why are descriptions used which seem to imply person-hood and conscious activities of the Holy Spirit? Are we unduly restricting and misunderstanding some of those passages?
The False Prophet and Simon Magus
The coming false prophet will be possessed. Satan will give him the power to perform lying signs and wonders. One forerunner was Simon Magus, an influential sorcerer from Samaria, who was confronted by the Apostle Peter, as mentioned in Acts 8. This program gives interesting facts about Simon Magus’ demonic powers, and explains who was really the first bishop of Rome.
Download Audio Download VideoWhat Does God Say About Circumcision
A recent German court ruling that criminalizes the circumcision of babies and young boys for religious reasons, has caused an outcry of condemnation around the world, but most Germans welcome and approve of the decision. What does the Bible say about circumcision? Is it still binding for Christians today? Is it allowed or prohibited? The answer may surprise you.
Does Lincoln’s Ghost Haunt the White House?
Could we communicate with ghosts or the spirits of deceased or departed loved ones? Is it true that the ghost of Abraham Lincoln appears in the White House, and that, in general, the White House is haunted? What is necromancy? And what does the Bible have to say about all of this?
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