Why Mass Murder in Colorado’s Gay Nightclub?

Another terrible mass murder has been committed in Colorado Springs when a 22-year-old man went into a gay nightclub with a long gun and killed five people.  How could this happen? What could have been done to prevent this heinous crime? How can we make sure those mass murders won’t happen again? What do we know about the childhood of the murderer? And could our society’s approach towards violence have any role to play in this? What does GOD tell us what the only true solution is?

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A Catalog of Sins—Not that Important?

Have you created a catalog of sins that distinguishes between important and not so important actions? Does the Bible teach the concept of the seven deadly sins? Or is every sin wrong and an abomination in God’s eyes? What does God call sin and an abomination anyway? And what does God say who will not inherit the Kingdom of God? Why does God designate certain character traits as “most important” in the law? And do you love God and neighbor when you break the spiritual law of the Ten Commandments?

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Civil Courage

Civil courage or the courage of one’s conviction can be described as the courage to speak up and act for one’s position. Even though the term “civil courage” is not used in the Holy Scriptures, there are many biblical examples of people who boldly and strongly stood up for their convictions and for others in need, even if that included the possibility of suffering and persecution.

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Joseph in Egypt and God’s Incredible Work in our Lives

God is with us, no matter in what situation we might be. If we go through a valley of death, through scourging fire, through howling wind or through overflowing water, God is right there with us. God works in our lives in mysterious ways and brings about events which we would not have believed to be possible. We find a very vivid and compelling example in the life of Joseph, one of the sons of Jacob or Israel.

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Pope Francis Attacks True Christianity!

In recent comments, Pope Francis displayed his utter ignorance of what true Christianity is all about, and he attacked true Christians in a totally inconsistent and contradictory way. WHAT DID HE SAY which was so terribly wrong? And WHY were some of his comments so utterly hypocritical? Please stay tuned to the END of this program for a very important announcement.

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Adultery – A Trivial Offense?

God prohibits adultery. Even though it may be normal in the eyes of many to break the marriage, God pronounces the most severe penalty for the adulterer and the adulteress. Adultery is not a trivial or minor offense, but a terrible sin against God, and He will judge those involved.

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God or Man – Part 2?

How do we correctly manifest love towards our neighbor? Are there laws or biblical teachings which man doesn’t consider to be sinful when God clearly does? In this second part, the next 6 commandments will be covered which describes the love towards our neighbor, or fellow man.

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Sexual Relationships—Everything Goes?

The “sexual revolution” of the last century has taken its toll. What was once looked upon as evil and wrong is now considered to be good and acceptable. In this program, we will discuss facts and statistics about marriage, adultery, cohabitation and the LGBT movement. This program might shock you… or maybe not. But please ask yourself: What does the true God of the Bible say about the modern “sexual liberalization”?

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You Have Been Warned!

World conditions become worse and worse, and the great tribulation cannot be far off. But what do YOU do with this knowledge? Do you belong to those who once had understanding of the Truth, but who have lost it? Are you compromising to appease your relatives and friends? Do you think that just as little bit of “giving in” does not matter?

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