Is the Holy Spirit an independent Personality or Person, or does it at least exist in some way as a conscious entity which is separate from the Father and the Son? If not, how are we to understand biblical Scriptures which seem to indicate that the Holy Spirit speaks or acts; and that this happens independently of God the Father and Jesus Christ? Upon closer examination, we will see that those passages, as well as the entire teachings of the Bible, convey something completely different from what is commonly assumed.
The Girdle of Truth
We are told in Ephesians 6,14, to have our waist girded with truth. This admonition includes two important aspects for our fight with Satan, which we will examine in this sermon: What is truth, and how can we wear the truth as a girdle?
The Angel Lucifer
When Lucifer rebelled against the Almighty God he had a specific, all consuming purpose in mind for what he did. That purpose is still his major objective today. He continues to work toward that all consuming objective.
The Watchers
Events of our future are already looming darkly on our horizon. Can we see, that is, are we watching for, what is ahead through the prophecies of God’s word? Who is ready for what is coming upon our world? Jesus Christ warns us of our time–the prophesied end of this age, and He explicitly and with all gravity tell us to watch and to be ready!