Anger Management

Psychologists misunderstand the nature of anger and give oftentimes wrong advice as to how to deal with it. What does the Bible say about the causes of anger and wrath? Does God tell us very clearly how we are not to deal with anger; and how we can solve this devastating problem which could destroy us and others?

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How Real Is Your Thankfulness?

When Americans celebrate Thanksgiving Day this year on November 24, 2011, are they mindful of Abraham Lincoln’s prophetic words during his proclamation on October 3, 1863? In referring to God’s blessings, he spoke of “the precious gifts of the Most High God, who while dealing with us in anger for our sins, hath nevertheless remembered mercy.” How thankful are we when we are punished for our sins, or when God is allowing trials to test our patience?

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To Tame The Tongue

What should we do when we are in a situation with somebody, where what we say, how we say it and how we act can either determine a positive or negative outcome?  Since we need to focus on a positive outcome, there are several principles that can be applied to do just that, so we can be a shining example to those we converse with.

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Satan Wants You

God established the standards whereby He desires
for all men to live their lives. Satan, the enemy of God and man, has for his
main purpose to persuade mankind not to live their lives by God’s standards.
Thus, he has fostered off onto mankind his own ways, whereby he has beguiled man
to live by them. Most of the world has been tricked by these devices of

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Trials and Temptations

Many have used the phrase. Many are saying it in their church services. Some are saying it in prayer every day. But do they really understand what they are saying? We are referring to a phrase, which is attributed to Jesus Christ. According to the Authorized Version, Jesus asked us to pray to the Father, “Lead us not into temptation.” But, did Christ tell us to pray in that way? Wouldn’t this be a strange request, knowing that God does not tempt anyone? The problem is that the translation in the Authorized Version is very misleading. What Christ actually did say is a puzzle to many. The answer might surprise you.
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