Germany’s March into its Prophesied Horrible Dictatorship

Do we realize how much Germany has already embraced a dictatorial system? This program gives some examples about Germany’s autocratic school system, from schools to governmental officials to judges, punishing and persecuting parents who are willing to follow God and obey His commandments. Most Germans are in support of the government’s dictatorial conduct, and the war against minorities on so many different levels  is escalating on a frightening scale. What can the induvial Christian do?

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Are You Keeping God’s Commandments?

Most Christians would answer this question in the affirmative, but would they be correct? What about the weekly Sabbath? Has it been replaced by Sunday? If so, by what authority? What is the Roman Catholic’s position on that important question? What about God’s annual Holy Days? Can you keep the weekly Sabbath while neglecting God’s annual Sabbaths? At the end of this program, we show you an important video, addressing these questions even further and offering you absolutely free literature.

It’s All About the Work

4>Dave Harris | March 12th, 2016

Stunning, unimaginable accomplishment is described in the Word of God. It is about the work of God—the things He has done, continues and even plans into the endless future of eternity!

Sabbath PPF

A look at the origin of the Sabbath and what it points to, as part of the creation week. Also, how Christ and the apostles kept the Sabbath and how we will keep it in the millennium since it is a perpetual covenant between God and His people forever, and points to the true God of the Bible.

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The Sabbath

The Sabbath was made for man and was instituted by God on creation week as a day of rest and worship to Him.  It is also the only sign  given to true Christians that we are worshipping the one and true God .  No other day has been designated for true Christians to worship God.

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