FOT Opening Night: Coming Out of This World… Why and How?

The Bible tells us that we must leave this rotten world of Satan behind and that we are instead pilgrims, strangers and ambassadors for Christ. The consequences for us in regard to the evils of this world and what is in it, including selfish desires, its politics, corrupt leaders, false philosophies, terrible wars and deceiving religions are wide-ranging, but many are confused about God’s directives. Likewise, our desire for God’s Kingdom to be restored on earth can be overshadowed and clouded, if we are not careful, by the knowledge of the pain and suffering which the Great Tribulation will bring first. It is vital for our salvation that we have the right understanding in this regard.
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Europe’s Rise and Fall

We find an amazing end time prophecy in the Book of Ezekiel about the political, economic, military and religious European power bloc, and its sudden demise and fall that will result in its total annihilation and destruction. Who will be the main players in this development; who are the modern Medes; and what is the connection between the prince and the king of Tyre, and the false prophet?

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Rumors, Fake News and the Truth

All of us are potential victims of fake news, false reports and rumors. We are confronted with them everywhere—including and especially in regard to the teachings of the Bible, but we also find them in the worldly mass media and the propaganda of the lying press.  Why do so many believe rumors and false reports so quickly? And how can we distinguish between what is true and what is false?

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Making America Great Again?

The debacle in Afghanistan and the shameful incompetence of the Biden Administration have totally destroyed America’s image in the world and as a reliable great superpower.  In addition, Europe and especially the German government under Angela Merkel are not escaping strong criticism either. But why? Does Bible prophecy tell us something about the reasons?

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The Deceitfulness of Sin

How and in what way does sin deceive us? Why is the way of sin a way of error and of fraud? How can people and Satan deceive us and lead us into error? Why is sin compared with leaven, and why are we to beware of the leaven of the Pharisees, the Herodians, and the Sadducees? Can we, on our own, overcome sin?

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Political Alliance and Friendships are Useless

The Bible has much to say about political alliances, covenants and “friendships,” and it shows that they transform very soon—almost without exception—into hostile relationships. God condemns modern political alliances, especially by the USA, the UK and Israel, which are not based on consideration for God but which are made because of selfish interests. All of this will contribute to the national downfall of those countries. Even friendly alliances, which will be or have been entered into by Europe with other countries, will end very soon in animosity.

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How to Love our Country

Are we to love our country in which we live… to be true patriots? If so, what does this mean exactly, and what does it not mean? Many have a wrong concept of true godly love, and this program will give you answers to many misunderstood ideas.

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Satan Rules This World—Does He Rule You?

Satan has been very busy. Many are falling for his evil devices. But God requires of us that we love and obey Him in everything. Through governmental restrictions under his influence, Satan is using the same tactic as he did when deceiving Eve in the Garden of Eden. Eve fell for it, and Adam followed his wife, convincing themselves that a “little” disobedience did not really matter. Far too many of God’s people are following today Adam and Eve’s bad example. Don’t you be one of them!

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The Rise and Fall of the Beast

The Old Testament Book of Habakkuk contains prophecies for our time. It predicts the rise of the modern Chaldeans under a political and military leader, the beast, to destroy the modern descendants of the ancient houses of Israel and Judah. We are also told that God will use the modern Medes to destroy the end-time Babylonian system. In spite of all the terrible warnings of worldwide destruction, the Book of Habakkuk contains a message of hope and encouragement for His people and the reassurance of God’s righteousness and unlimited almighty power.

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