As God will end the rule of the physical powers of this world, including the last resurrection of the Roman Empire in Europe and the Babylonian system, so He will also deal with the responsible evil spiritual powers which are working behind the scene. Satan and his demons will be imprisoned in the bottomless pit, also called the abyss, so that they cannot deceive the world anymore during the Millennium. But where will this prison be, and what is it, exactly? And what is the relationship between the abyss and Europe?
The End of Europe – Part 1
In a decisive battle after Christ’s return, the armies of this world, including the European beast power, will be defeated in the Kidron Valley or the Valley of Jehoshaphat. There will be no battle of Armageddon. The saints, as immortal and born again members of the Kingdom of God, will reign with and under Christ over the earth—but they will rule on the earth, and not in or from heaven.
The Seventh Trumpet
When the seventh or last trumpet sounds, historic events will take place. Seven angels will pour out the seven bowls of God’s wrath; Jesus Christ will return; and the saints will be resurrected and changed to immortality. Will a battle take place at Armageddon? What will happen to the beast and the false prophet and all those who will fight against Jesus Christ? Why are they going to oppose the Son of God in the first place? Will Christ come twice, as some claim? Will the saints ascend with Christ to the third heaven and return with Him later to this earth?
The Predestined Future of Europe
Why did some proclaim correctly more than 80 years ago what is happening in Europe right now? Why did they understand the Bible, while others did not? Why is it that today some announce accurately the future of Europe, while most are oblivious as to its destiny? While speaking of the euro crisis or a socialist Europe, they are blind as to what the Bible says.
Download Audio Download VideoGlobal Economic Governance IS Coming!
Recent developments pertaining to the accusations against Dominique Strauss-Kahn cast great and shameful doubt on the integrity of our American legal system and the American press. But why is the appointment of “convicted European” Christine Lagarde as the new head of the International Monetary Fund (IMF) so meaningful? In what way is her goal to create a “global economic governance organization” in line with biblical prophecy? And why will united Europe-and not America or China-become the most powerful economic might in the world?
Download Audio Download VideoThe Solution to Our National Debt Crisis!
How can we possibly conceptualize the enormous amount of our national debt, and now we are told that we must even borrow more. What are the causes for our financial demise and insolvency? God is very clear that unless we change our lives, we are going to face terrible inevitable consequences.
Download Audio Download VideoWhat is Prophesied for Syria?
Violence is erupting in Syria. Does the Bible tell us anything about the past and future of Syria and its capitol, Damascus?
Download Audio Download VideoSyria in the Bible
Violence is erupting in Syria. Does the Bible tell us what the future holds for Syria, and where it is all leading?
Trust in the USA Gone
The release of secret diplomatic memos by Wikileaks caused incalculable damage for the USA. Notwithstanding some nice lip services from embarrassed politicians, the overall consensus in the European media is that the revelations are a disaster for America, hugely damaging and a political meltdown for US foreign policy, and that they expose the superpower’s weaknesses and create a crisis for German-American relations with unpredictable consequences. One German paper wrote that Americas reserve of trust is empty and those documents are like a weapon of mass destruction on the last traces of trust. Why is all of this happening? The answer, even though VERY clear, might surprise you.
Download Audio Download VideoWill the Euro Survive?
Some predict that the euro-zone will disintegrate and that the euro is finished. But what would be the practical consequences, if the euro-zone countries were to abandon the euro and replace it with national currencies? Why do some feel that such a scenario is “massively unlikely” and “unrealistic”? Why do they conclude that the euro will remain one of the “world’s most important currencies”?
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