Why the Rise of Anti-Semitism?

“Anti-Semitism is back,” especially in Europe. “Centuries-old stereotypes have reappeared” and Jews are blamed for issues and problems which have nothing to do with them. “The disease of anti-Semitism is being weaponized by nationalist governments and parties on both sides of the political spectrum.” This program mentions the UK and Hungary in particular and brings you appalling examples from Belgium and the Netherlands. It offers you three free booklets on the fate and future of the Jewish people and on the true Jesus Christ of your Bible, the founder of Christianity, who was a Jew.

Governmental Attacks on Jews and Christians in Europe

Anti-Semitism is increasing in Europe, and with it governmental attacks on Jews and minority Christians, including in countries where you might or might not expect it, such as Belgium, Sweden, Denmark, Finland, Austria and Germany. This program gives you examples of blatant discrimination and persecution which will only get worse in the future.

Worldwide Attack on Our Innocent Children

This program gives you several abominable examples of the society’s attack on our children and encourages you to counter-act such vicious and immoral deceptions, from euthanasia of young children at any age, to late-term abortions in the name of science, to cancer-causing glyphosate in vaccines and children’s food, to harmful e-cigarettes, to promotion of transgender, to sexual child abuse by Catholic priests. None of these examples are in line with the biblical admonition to train up our children in the fear of God and allow them to come to Christ.

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Why the West Is to Be Blamed for ISIS Terror Attacks

The ISIS terror attacks in Brussels, Belgium, have reinforced the conviction of many observers that the Western world has utterly failed in its fight against radical Islam. President Barack Obama and German Chancellor Angela Merkel are at the forefront of blame and criticism, especially regarding their mishandling of the “disastrous” migrant crises, the “uncontrollable” war in Syria and the “ill-advised” Iran deal. How did Western leaders contribute to the rise of ISIS? Will we see further terrorist attacks in Europe and in the USA? In this program, we show you from the Bible WHY we find ourselves in such a precarious situation. We also offer you a free booklet, explaining Old Testament prophesies for our modern time.

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The Whole World Is on Edge!

2015 was a “horrible and depressing year.” This program gives a short overview regarding terrible events in the world, the USA, Europe and the Middle East, and raises the pertinent question as to whether we can expect any better news in 2016. Most commentators and global powers are pessimistic, pointing out that the “whole world is on edge” and comparing it with a sick “patient.” They say that America’s “future course is far from settled,” and while Europe’s “aim must be a joint European army,” many Germans fear that Angela Merkel “is plunging the country into chaos.” Even lying demons are raising their voices about the future of the world, desiring to deceive gullible people. What DOES the future hold?

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