Prophetic Relevance of the US-Iran Conflict

The murder of an American contractor by an Iranian proxy; the subsequent American assassination of Iran’s General Soleimani; the following Iranian missile attack on two Iraqi bases housing US troops; and the almost simultaneous crash of an Ukrainian airline shortly after taking off from Tehran Airport have shown the world again how an outright war in the Middle East can break out. Threats and counter threats, as well as some news analysis, paint a picture which is very close to prophesied events as revealed in the Bible.

What’s Ahead for 2020?

While preparing for Christmas and during all the Christmas celebrations, most people have lost sight for what has happened on the world scene in 2019 and how these events relate to the fulfillment of biblical prophecy. More of the same, and worse, can be expected for 2020.

Johnson’s Brexit; Trump’s Impeachment; Netanyahu’s New Elections… What Do They Have in Common?

After the momentous election victory of Boris Johnson, Brexit is given and
will occur very soon. But new troubles with Europe and within the UK are on
the horizon. The morbid efforts of Democrats to impeach Donald Trump have
guaranteed his re-election. And Benjamin Netanyahu will remain in power
until the next election in March and beyond. The friendship between these
three leaders and the close cooperation between their three countries
against virtually the entire world is biblically remarkable from a
biblically prophetic standpoint.

Mass Shooting, Satanism and the Third Temple–Comments on News and Prophecy (August 10, 2019)

It is obvious that the Dayton Ohio murderer who killed nine innocent victims was acting because of his fascination with Satanism, while being demonically influenced or possessed. Satan’s activities are becoming more and more blatant. At the same time, the fulfillment of other end-time prophecies evolves around the building of the Third Temple in Jerusalem and President Trump’s potential role regarding the same, as he himself seems to be aware of. You might be surprised to learn about the most recent developments in this regard.

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Europe, Britain and the USA… How Prophecy Moves On!

During the last two weeks, we have observed some interesting and important personnel changes in Europe and Great Britain. How will the new European Commission President, Ursula von der Leyen, and the new British Prime Minster, Boris Johnson, contribute to the development of biblical prophecy in view of a European Army, Brexit and their interaction with President Donald Trump?



Comments on News and Prophecy (November 24, 2018)

In this edition, we are addressing Europe’s desire for creating a powerful army and core Europe’s last revival of the ancient Roman Empire; the ongoing Brexit debacle with no good solutions for the UK; the future of Gibraltar; the false alternative Temple Theory and Israel’s desire of building a massive third temple on the Temple Mount; the non-exiting German-Israeli Friendship and Europe’s growing anti-Semitism; the Church of God’s debt of gratitude towards the 9th Circuit Court of Appeals; the European arms embargo on Saudi Arabia; and the curse of rising nationalism.

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Iran Deal Gone… Europe furious with USA

With America’s withdrawal from the Iran nuclear deal and the announcement of heavy sanctions against Iran and possibly other countries, the relationship between the USA and Europe has further deteriorated. Europeans are determined to oppose America’s decision and are threatening America, while America, in turn, is threatening Europe. The big question is, what are Iran and Israel going to do?

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NO! The Holy Roman Empire Is NOT Dead!

The Bible shows us, and history confirms, that after the fall of Rome, the ancient Roman Empire (later known as the Holy Roman Empire) would revive numerous times. The last and final revival is happening right now in Europe. Recent news articles, totally oblivious to biblical teaching and prophecy, nevertheless confirm that the concept of the Holy Roman Empire is not dead at all. However, the devastating and terribly destructive consequences of nuclear war, following the last European revival, are mainly overlooked. Do YOU know what is going to happen on the world scene within a very few years from now?

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Does the EU Follow Napoleon and Hitler?

Boris Johnson, former major of London and presumptive successor of David Cameron, claimed that the EU is pursuing a similar goal to Hitler and Napoleon in trying to revive the ancient Roman Empire and to create a powerful superstate. While he was severely criticized for this comparison, the Bible shows that he is absolutely correct.

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