Lockdowns and Governmental Restrictions—Comments on News and Prophecy, August 22, 2020

While governmental restrictions are being imposed on American citizens, thereby causing economic hardship and ruin for many businesses and people, medical experts and governors kept enjoying their monthly paychecks.  But how dangerous is the pandemic? One professional magician claims that it is all an illusion. How is that “new reality” affecting your life and your personal choices? And how does it affect the Church of God and important decisions as they relate to Church services?

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Quarrelling with God over being gay?

Breitbart reported that IN Mayor Pete Buttigieg, who is openly gay and married to his husband Chasten, recently stated that his marriage has moved him closer to God and that those who have a problem with his sexual orientation (such as Vice President Mike Pence) are quarrelling with his creator. He also said, according to CNN, that those who don’t share his views are hypocrites and act in a way not consistent with scripture taught in church. What DOES God’s Word say about all of this?


How convicted are we in what we believe, to the Truth, and are we committed to it for life?

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Pope Francis: “God Made People Gay!”

Are people born gay or is it their choice to become this way? Did God create gay people, as Pope Francis seems to suggest? Are there any differences in role and responsibility between husband and wife? Do we have to adopt gender neutrality, even in advertisement? What are TRUE biblical standards in regard to sexual relationships?

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Stay Close

Our relationship to the Father and Jesus Christ depends on staying close to them—otherwise, we fail!

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Our Actions

We all make choices everyday. But how often do we think about how our choices, and consequently our actions, have effect and impact on others and the church? We can either have a good impact or a negative one. Looking at two stories, we will see just how much impact we can have.

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