Hope For the World

What is the only hope for mankind? What is the atonement for sin, which brings about forgiveness and reconciliation? Did animal sacrifices really provide the kind of atonement which God was looking for?  If not, what is it, and what does the Day of Atonement symbolize?

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What’s Behind the Norway Massacres?

The horrible mass murders in Norway have shocked the world. But disturbing is also the reporting of our media, using these incidents to further their own political agendas. Beware of false labels or the attempt to make you feel guilty for the atrocities of a lunatic.

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Paul’s Letter to the Philippians – Part 8

In this final installment, we discuss how Paul learned to be content and self-sufficient, and to be full and hungry. We will also see how our gifts abound to our account; and why God views our gifts to others as acceptable sweet-smelling sacrifices.

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The Footsteps of Christ

The importance of walking in the footsteps of Christ, using the fruit of the spirit as a guide to accomplish that task to ensure we are staying on track.

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Could Jesus Return Tonight?

A strong minority of Americans believes that we are living in the End Times, while 52 percent disagree. Some believe and teach that Jesus could come back tonight, while others say that He won’t return at all. What does the Bible tell us?

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Sabbath PPF

A look at the origin of the Sabbath and what it points to, as part of the creation week. Also, how Christ and the apostles kept the Sabbath and how we will keep it in the millennium since it is a perpetual covenant between God and His people forever, and points to the true God of the Bible.

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The Future of the Middle East

What is the meaning of the tumultuous developments in Tunisia, Lebanon and Egypt? Where is it all heading? What will Europe and the USA attempt to do to solve the fragile situation in that part of the world? Does the Bible give us answers as to what the future holds?

Summary Terms:

Hezbollah New York Times Spiegel Israel Islamists MSNBC Biden Mubarak Christian Science Monitor Italy Frattini Psalm 83 Daniel 11 Ishmael Turkey confederacy alliance Germany Assyria Syria PLO Saudi Arabia Iran Jordan Jesus Christ armies Jerusalem escape Kingdom Millennium King of the North Beast

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Arizona’s Real Murderer!

Some on the political left were anxious to blame some on the right for the terrible mass shooting in Arizona. This absurd and baseless accusation negates the real causes for such horrendous crimes. But our sophisticated Western World is unwilling to consider the evil influence of the powers of darkness, while moving farther and farther away from the true God of the Bible.

Summary Terms:

Jared Loughner Tucson Gabrielle Giffords Tea Party Sarah Palin Olbermann Paul Krugman Spiegel USA Today Yahoo News Communist Manifesto Hitler Mein Kampf devil worship occult paranoid schizophrenic alcohol drug Franklin Graham Billy antichrist memorial service father sky mother earth persecution

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Birds and Fish Will Waste Away

What is the meaning of the worldwide deaths of thousands of birds and over 150,000 fish? What will happen next? Is the Great Tribulation about to begin? Will Christ the Messiah return soon? Will mankind rejoice when He appears?
Summary Terms:
Arkansas, blackbirds, poisoning, trauma, midair, collision, weather, lightning, hail, fireworks, Louisiana, Sweden, Texas, Maryland, Florida, Brazil, England, sardines, catfish, crabs, Hosea, Examiner, CNN, MSNBC, Haaretz, orthodox, Christianity, Jews, Israel, rabbis, antichrist, Satan, deceive

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