Time to build the Third Temple in the face of Violence?

Serious violence broke out at the Temple Mount in Jerusalem during Passover, coinciding with Easter and Ramadan, followed by an exchange of rockets between Hamas and Israel. The Jerusalem Post published an article with the headline: “When Blood Spills on Passover and Easter, it’s Time to Build the Temple.” But is this true? Has the time come to build the Third Temple? And what would the consequences be? This program raises many questions in the light of biblical prophecy.

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How Christian are our Christian Leaders?

What about President Biden’s claim of being a devout Catholic while supporting abortion? What about Pope Francis’ teaching that Christianity replaces the Torah and that the Ten Commandments have expired and are void of meaning? And what about statements by Germany’s ex-council chairwoman of the Protestant Church that the apostle Paul did not condemn practicing homosexuals? Can any of these comments be characterized as truly Christian?

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Pope Warns of a Worldwide Flood

In referring to the “story of the great flood in the Bible,” Pope Francis said that “humanity is facing another ‘great deluge, perhaps due to a rise in temperature and the melting of glaciers.’” He continued that the “biblical flood which destroyed the world except for Noah… may have been a myth.”

What does the Bible say about Noah’s flood and the possibility of another deluge in our time?

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Shutdown Ends Temporarily…What’s Next?—Comments on News and Prophecy (January 26, 2019)

Will there be a second shutdown? Will there be a declaration of national emergency? Why was there a shutdown in the first place? Why did it end? Why was there such a hostile reaction by some hard-core right-wing pundits to President Trump’s ending of the shutdown? Did the shutdown accomplish anything? Why are politicians so dishonest?

Is Nuclear War Unavoidable?

Sadly, the Bible declares that nuclear and conventional war is unavoidable for the carnal human mind. But why? To illustrate the point, we give you three examples to show reasons why natural man does not know–and cannot find–the way to peace. We speak of the use of the atomic bombs against Hiroshima and Nagasaki and the astonishing condemnation of these actions by American presidents and military leaders; the sad legacy of Peace Nobel Prize recipient President Obama as THE American war time president of all time; and ludicrous comments by Pope Francis regarding Islam and Christianity.

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Not of This World

We may have heard the phrase “Not of this World” and seen it branded on clothing and used as decals on car windows and bumpers. But what does this saying mean to the “Christian” world? Are they truly not of this world? The Bible talks about two different categories of people – those who obey God’s commands, and those who don’t. Which category do we, as TRUE Christians, belong to and what sets us apart from all other “Christian” religions who believe that they are “Not of this world?”

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Prophetic Consequences of Our Migrant Crisis

Why do we see such a great migrant crisis in Europe and elsewhere? Why will this crisis become even much bigger? Does sin have anything to do with it? How does God look at mass migrations? What is the future of Syria? How will all of this affect the USA, the UK and the Middle East? Will it lead to a powerful European army under a charismatic leader, bringing about the great tribulation?

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Modern Judaism and True Christianity

Jesus strongly condemned human traditions in Judaism which did away with the Law of God, including man-made Sabbath regulations, dishonoring parents and ritual washings. Today, it is not that much different. This program examines undue restrictions and liberal trends in modern Judaism, pertaining to the Sabbath, same sex marriages and transgender, which are all in total opposition to the Bible and true Christianity.

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Crusades and Inquisition Justifiable?

President Obama’s controversial comparison at a prayer breakfast meeting between ISIL’s demonical murders and “Christian” atrocities has prompted some prominent Catholics to “justify” the crusades and to “explain” the inquisition. These are alarming and deeply disturbing developments, in light of biblical prophecy.

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