Satan Rules the Entire World!—Comments on News and Prophecy, August 28, 2021

Do we really understand that all of today’s human political leaders and nations are being held captive by Satan? From the terrible events in Afghanistan to worldwide coronavirus restrictions, we in God’s Church should be able to see a common denominator. At this point, the Western world is plagued with weak and incompetent leadership. But this will change soon when Satan will bring a man to power whom the Bible calls the beast, and who will establish a worldwide totalitarian dictatorship. Satan is preparing mankind for this event, but most are too blind and don’t see what is happening. At the same time, Satan is attacking God’s people by trying to persuade them that they do not have to keep His Holy Days and personally attend God’s Feast sites.

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Adultery – A Trivial Offense?

God prohibits adultery. Even though it may be normal in the eyes of many to break the marriage, God pronounces the most severe penalty for the adulterer and the adulteress. Adultery is not a trivial or minor offense, but a terrible sin against God, and He will judge those involved.

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God or Man – Part 2?

How do we correctly manifest love towards our neighbor? Are there laws or biblical teachings which man doesn’t consider to be sinful when God clearly does? In this second part, the next 6 commandments will be covered which describes the love towards our neighbor, or fellow man.

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You Shall (Not) Desire!

The Bible tells us that we must not “desire”, “lust” or “covet.” But what, exactly, do we need to avoid or fight against, and what can we do so that we do not become or remain to be victims of evil, deceitful, worldly and fleshly lusts, which enslave us?

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The Prophets Hang on Love, Part 2

The last six of the Ten Commandments tell us how we are to love our neighbor. In this sermon, we will see how the Prophets describe godly love towards our fellow man, emphasizing the need to honor our parents, to avoid and shun hate and murder, as well as adultery and fornication, stealing, lying and covetousness. Many reject God’s law and as a consequence, they love the evil, while hating the good, and when they are told what they are doing, they do not want to listen. But God knows and sees their ways, and He will not be silent forever. God chastises whom He loves.

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The Old Testament Commandments, Statutes, and Judgments

Jesus said that all the Law and the Prophets hang on the two great commandments of loving God and neighbor. The first four of the Ten Commandments hang on the injunction to love God, and the last six of the Ten Commandments hang on the injunction to love our neighbor. In addition, certain Old Testament statutes and judgments hang on each of the Ten Commandments, in that they tell us specifically and in detail as to how we are to keep them.

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The Ten Commandments and the Model Prayer

Is there any relationship between the Ten Commandments and the Model Prayer in Matthew 6? Some parallels are obvious, such as, “Thou shalt not take the name of the LORD thy God in vain” and “Hallowed be thy name,” but in other cases, the connection may be less clear at first sight. However, this sermon shows how the different phrases in the “Lord’s Prayer” complement each and every one of the Ten Commandments.

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Self Examination

The importance of a thorough self examination prior to the Passover using the ten commandments as the criteria to do so.

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