Yellowstone’s Supervolcano-How Real Is the Threat?

A recent visit to the Yellowstone National Park brought into focus the enormous size of the Supervolcano and the doomsday predictions of its impending eruption, which would kill instantly close to 100,000 people and which would leave two-thirds of the country completely uninhabitable. But is such an eruption likely? Most scientists deny this, but others are not too sure. In the end, no scientist knows or can predict anything with reasonable accuracy. What does the Bible tell us? This program includes extensive footage of the beautiful and at the same time scary environment of Yellowstone. Our booklet, “The Great Tribulation and the Day of the Lord” is offered free of charge.

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Are Your Loved Ones in Hell?

In a recent TV program, Pat Robertson said that the wicked are suffering in hell fire, and that even Samuel was in the darkness of hell at the time of King Saul. But is this true? Where does the concept of an ever-burning hell come from? What does the Bible mean when it speaks of the lake of fire where the wicked would be cast into? And what is the outer darkness where there will be weeping and gnashing of teeth?

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Why Not Vote?

We need to understand that the world we live in today is not ruled by God, but by Satan.  So why then would we involve ourselves in the political scene by voting, when everything they stand for is not in concordance with God’s laws?  What does God think about this?

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Religious Persecution

Religious Intolerance and rejection of godly standards are on an unparalleled rise. In Isaiah 5:20, God pronounces a curse on those who call evil good, and good evil, who put darkness for light, and light for darkness. Satan the devil, the prince of darkness, transforms himself as an angel of light, putting darkness for light. In this program, we give numerous examples, showing what God condemns and our society upholds, and what God upholds and our society condemns. And yes, those who want to live godly will suffer persecution.

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In the Beginning – Part 1

Correctly understood, only the Bible tells us how it all
began; why we live today in a world cut off from God; and what is going to
happen in the future. In order to find the answers to these questions, we must
go back to the very beginning. The first few chapters of the book of Genesis
tell us why we exist, and what is man’s ultimate potential. We are also taught
why man sins and comes short of the glory of God.

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