How does God work in your life, and when did He begin to do so? Was it when He called you and when you began to understand more and more of the truth? Or did God know you long before your calling, and did He influence some of your decisions prior to your calling, in order to fulfill His plan for you? And if so, what consequences might this have for you today?
How Wise Are You—Really?
Are we wise in God’s eyes, or do we possess the wisdom of this world, which God describes as foolishness? What is true wisdom, and how does it manifest itself? How can we obtain godly wisdom? The Bible speaks of knowledge, understanding and wisdom. What is the difference? Why is it necessary that we have all three qualities, even though they do not guarantee that we will not fall away from God? What else is there to consider?
The Purpose of Fasting
We are commanded to “afflict our souls” on the Day of
Atonement. Does this really mean that we must fast for 24 hours? And if so, do
we fast by just abstaining from solid food during that time, or do we also have
to abstain from liquids? What are some of the reasons and purposes for
fasting? On the other hand, what are some of the motives which we should not
have when we fast? Does fasting have rewards? Can we fast in vain? And what is
the connection between reconciliation or at-one-ment and fasting?