Is the Soul Immortal?

Most religious people, Christians and non-Christians alike, believe in the immortality of the soul. What does the Bible say about this question? Do people have souls, or are they souls? Are there dead souls? Can a soul die? Why does the Bible speak about the resurrection of the dead, if the dead are not really dead, but keep on living after death as “immortal souls”? What is death? And what is hell, in which God can destroy body and soul?

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Are Your Loved Ones in Hell?

In a recent TV program, Pat Robertson said that the wicked are suffering in hell fire, and that even Samuel was in the darkness of hell at the time of King Saul. But is this true? Where does the concept of an ever-burning hell come from? What does the Bible mean when it speaks of the lake of fire where the wicked would be cast into? And what is the outer darkness where there will be weeping and gnashing of teeth?

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Life After Death

Most professing Christians believe that a person who dies will immediately go to heaven or hell or purgatory. But the Bible teaches us about the resurrections from the dead. The Old Testament reveals that God will bring the dead back to life, but that this does not mean that all will be resurrected at the same time, or to the same condition. The New Testament confirms that there will be more than just one resurrection. This sermon explains why.

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Deliver Us From Evil

God does not only help us not to fall into temptation, but
He is also willing to deliver us, or free us from evil. What, exactly, is the
“evil” from which God needs to deliver us? This sermon will discuss the three
most important aspects of “evil,”of which we must be aware. These are our
enemies from which God will have to free us. And God has promised that He will
do so, when we ask Him and when we really want Him to.

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