The concept of eternal judgment is a fundamental biblical doctrine. It is so important because it applies to all men. Everyone, including true Christians, will be judged after they die. But when exactly will that judgment take place; who will judge; and what is meant with “eternal” judgment or the “day of judgment”?
Family of God
The Passover and Christ’s Sacrifice
Properly baptized members of God’s Church who have received the Holy Spirit are commanded to partake of the New Testament Passover, but they must do so in a worthy manner. They must be able to appreciate the significance of Christ’s Sacrifice for their personal lives. They must understand what Christ did and does for them, and they must respond accordingly. But far too often, they do not. This sermon will show some pitfalls and dangers in thought and action.
Is Now the Day of Salvation?
We read in 2 Corinthians 6:2 that now is the accepted time and the day of salvation. Does this mean that salvation is offered today to everyone? If so, then most of humanity would be lost. But how can one come to God in a world which is ruled by Satan and his demons? And can the overwhelming majority of mankind even believe in God and His salvation at this time? What does 2 Corinthians 6:2 really mean?
The Sword of the Spirit
Paul admonishes us to take the sword of the Spirit which is the Word of God. This is a vital part of the armor of God. Paul does not refer to a physical sword, and when we take the spiritual sword, we must know what God’s Word is; how God’s Spirit motivates us; and why we must speak and do the Word of God. Only then will we be able to conquer Satan and his servants.
Hope in Trials
The Gospel of the Kingdom of God is a message of hope-it is God’s good news to man about his future. In times of trials, it is important to remind ourselves about what God has in store for us. Most have no idea, but the Bible clearly reveals that it is the potential of man to become God-“gods” or God beings in God’s Family! Blasphemy? That’s what they said when Jesus preached it. That’s what many say today. And that is why they despair and are without confidence in God’s help when problems come. We are offering you our free weekly Update and our free booklet, “The Gospel of the Kingdom of God.”
Download Audio Download VideoBe Ready for the Gospel of Peace
Ephesians 6:15 tells us that we must have our feet shod with the preparation of the gospel of peace. What exactly does this mean? What about our feet; our preparation or readiness; and the gospel of peace? What is that gospel? Paul warns us not to accept a different gospel, another Jesus, or a different spirit. He also shows us that the belief in the true gospel is absolutely necessary for salvation; and that we ourselves must have peace if we want to stand up for the gospel of peace.
One Nation Under WHAT God?
What God are we worshipping? Is it enough to believe in just any “god”? Does the true God of the Bible accept our worship of pagan idols? Does He want us to worship Him as just one Person, or as three Persons in one Person, or as one Person in three hypostases or modes of being? Who and what IS God? Who was and is Jesus Christ? Are the Jews or the Moslems correct, who worship just one God Being, or orthodox Christians, who worship a Trinity, believing that the Holy Spirit is God? Or are they perhaps ALL wrong?
Download Audio Download VideoUnity
What comes to your mind when we mention the gospel of the Kingdom of God? How do you understand the gospel message? What is it about? Whom is it from? What IS the kingdom of God? What does the Church need to proclaim today? Is it just a message about Christ’s coming rule over the earth? Or is there much more? Do we live up to our individual and collective responsibilities, as revealed in the gospel? Since the gospel message includes the peace and unity of the God Family, why is there disharmony in the Church and among fellow brethren? God the Father and Jesus Christ are unified, even though there is authority in the Godhead. How are we using our authority given to us from God? Are we trying to reconcile with our fellow man, or are we content to live in disunity?
A New Creation
The Scripture tells us that one who is “in Christ” is a “new creation.” Such a person has the potential of becoming “…as God is”! But this progression requires “God’s Spirit in us” and our continually striving to live our lives according to the Way of God. We must not limit God’s Power in us in achieving this wonderful calling of the Eternal God!