Fight Our Fears

There are many different types of fear that people all over the world suffer from. Do we have a fear and is there anything that we fear in particular? Do we fear God and how do we fear Him? There are examples in the Bible of those who had fear but how were they able to overcome it?

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Holy Sabbath Convocations

How are we to observe the Sabbath… especially during Church services? How should our children behave? Why should they even be present in Church services? What should they do during services? Does it make a difference whether we participate in person or over the Internet?

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True Repentance

What is the difference between true repentance—godly sorrow in a godly manner—and the sorrow of the world? What are the seven aspects of true repentance, and what is its end result?

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Strength in Unity

When we are faced with trials, how do we respond, how do we react? Do we neglect the power of prayer when we go through difficult times?  Are we strong enough?  Is there a purpose for the trials we may be going through?  We must understand that we are not alone, as we ALL struggle at times,  which is why it is important to pray for one another, and if we put our problems into God’s hands, anything is possible.

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Stripes at the Great White Throne Judgment

In the Second Resurrection or the Great White Throne Judgment, God will offer salvation to all those who died without having been called. But what is meant with the stripes which some will receive? Why will it be more tolerable for some than for others, and why will some receive greater condemnation? Will God just ignore the horrible crimes and atrocities of mass murderers and perverts? What is meant with the statement that tax collectors and harlots will enter the Kingdom of God before the Pharisees?

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Enemies of Faith

How strong are we when it comes to our faith and when our faith is being tested, will we give in to the enemies of faith? What are these enemies of faith?

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Does Sin Lead To Success?

Does sin pay? Are sinners happy people? Are they more successful and blessed than others? Can they look with confidence at a peaceful future? The Bible shows us that none of this is true. Sin leads to disaster. It sets in motion an automatic chain of events. There is a cause for every effect. There is a fundamental difference between the righteous and the wicked. We will reap what we sow. Our sin will find us out.

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Examination and Self-Deception

We are admonished to examine ourselves to make sure that we are in the faith and walk worthy of the gospel of the Kingdom of God. But are we the victims of self-deception, thinking we are doing fine, while we are not?

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Hope and Desire in Trials

When we go through trials, do we have the faith and trust in God that He will carry us through; that He will give us the strength to endure the trial; and that He will give us the desires of our hearts? This sermon shows how we can have this confidence, and what God expects of us.

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Living Without Fear

What are you afraid of? Do you fear people or the future? Are you too fearful to make necessary decisions? Do you fear death? Are you afraid of God and His Word? Do you fear that you might forsake God? That you might not make it into His Kingdom? That you might stop repenting? Christ came to free us from fear. This sermon shows you how you can live without fear.

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