We Are in a Recession Now!

We are experiencing terrible economic times, and we are told that things will get worse. The “solutions” offered by our government, if any, are failing miserably. Is there hope to see an end to this total misery and disaster?

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Economic Crash in 2020? – Comments on News and Prophecy (December 28, 2019)

Many speak about a booming economy, especially in the USA, but others speak of “the mother of all bubbles” and warn of a crash of unparalleled proportions in 2020 due to a broken and rotten economy which is only held together superficially on the surface. Who is right? Are we already in a worldwide recession, as some contend? How long can a country survive with a $1.4 trillion federal government spending package for 2020 and American spending of $1 trillion during the Christmas season of 2019? What does the Bible say about a coming worldwide depression and a total collapse of our global economy?

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