Killing Sabbath-Keeping Aliens

A new science-fiction movie, titled “The Tomorrow War,” describes the “need” to destroy hostile Sabbath-keeping aliens, called “White Spikes” who have been on this planet for a long time without having been noticed. What is of concern is an old demonic prophecy which contains astonishing and frightening parallels.

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You Shall (Not) Desire!

The Bible tells us that we must not “desire”, “lust” or “covet.” But what, exactly, do we need to avoid or fight against, and what can we do so that we do not become or remain to be victims of evil, deceitful, worldly and fleshly lusts, which enslave us?

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Brace Yourselves – The End is Near

The Bible is very clear stating that NO ONE knows the exact date of the return of Christ and the end of the world, yet there are many who try to predict exactly when that will be, to no avail.  The Bible, however, does say that we need to WATCH what is going on in the world and BE READY for Christ’s return, pointing out in several scriptures what we can expect to happen in the near future.  What does the Bible prophecy for this nation and the rest of the world? What is the TRUE way to peace?  What does God think about war and fighting? Who is the god of this world? What are the significant warnings that we MUST heed to if we want to be protected from the tumultuous events that are sure to take place in the not too distant future, based on Biblical prophecy?

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The Shield of Faith

Ephesians 6:16 commands us to take the shield of faith, as an important part of the armor of God, which will enable us to quench all the fiery darts of the wicked one. How does the Bible describe this shield, and what is meant with the fiery darts of the wicked one? Further, what kind of faith is necessary? Is true faith just a defensive “weapon,” or is more required?

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How to Stop ISIS!

The murderous and abominable activities of the terrorist group, ISIS, are deeply troublesome. What are the solutions dealing with this depraved, ungodly and demonically inspired group of people? Does the Bible give us answers? Indeed it does, but are we willing to listen? We offer our free booklet, “Should You Fight in War?”

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Applying Old Testament Today – Part 3

Applying 4 examples of Old Testament Laws and Teachings Today:  1)Stealing oranges,   2)Marrying outside religion,   3)Hijacking kidnapping,   4)Medical bills from a fight.

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