Pope Warns of a Worldwide Flood

In referring to the “story of the great flood in the Bible,” Pope Francis said that “humanity is facing another ‘great deluge, perhaps due to a rise in temperature and the melting of glaciers.’” He continued that the “biblical flood which destroyed the world except for Noah… may have been a myth.”

What does the Bible say about Noah’s flood and the possibility of another deluge in our time?

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Modern Judaism and True Christianity

Jesus strongly condemned human traditions in Judaism which did away with the Law of God, including man-made Sabbath regulations, dishonoring parents and ritual washings. Today, it is not that much different. This program examines undue restrictions and liberal trends in modern Judaism, pertaining to the Sabbath, same sex marriages and transgender, which are all in total opposition to the Bible and true Christianity.

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ALL WRONG-Evolution, Creationism and Intelligent Design!

On February 4, 2014, a debate took place between two proponents of the (atheistic) Evolution concept and of Creationism. The subsequent responses were telling-TV Evangelist Pat Robertson rejected “Young Earth Creationism” and stated that he believes in God-guided Evolution-a position which is also embraced by the Catholic Church. Others felt that “Old Earth Creationism” and “Intelligent Design” (ID) should have been discussed as alternatives. This program shows that all of these concepts are wrong, and explains what the Bible REALLY SAYS about the origins of the earth and of man.

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France in Prophecy

Does the Bible say anything about the future of France? Do current developments in France give us a clue as to what will happen next-including France’s restrictions of freedom of conscience; its immigration policy and deportation scandals; and its anger with the USA over NSA’s spying policies?

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Sex between Angels and Women?

Many believe that at the time of Noah, angelic beings had sexual intercourse with women and produced giants. Is this the teaching of the Bible? If not, what are the origins of this concept? And how are we to understand the biblical statement in the book of Genesis, chapter 6, that “sons of God” “took wives for themselves” from the “daughters of men” who “bore children to them”?

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The Heresy of Cain and Independence Day

One author wrote that when God approached Cain and asked him, Where is your brother Abel?, Cain committed a heresy, when he answered, I do not know. Am I my brother’s keeper? The author continued that to many Americans, Independence Day is a day to celebrate their liberation from having to be our fellow’s keeper, our independence from others. He said that the Cain Heresy is alive and well in our culture, threatening to totally devour the freedom it claims to defend. What about it? Does the Bible say that we are to be our brother’s keeper? And if so, how?

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Religious and Scientific Deceptions

In a recent public debate on the origin of life between the Archbishop of Canterbury, Rowan Williams, and the most famous atheist, Richard Dawkins, both gentlemen presented utterly false ideas. The wrong concept that man has evolved from non-humans, whether by accident or with godly involvement, rejects God’s Word and has contributed to a world without true moral and ethical standards.

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