The USA is deeply divided in ways that have not been experienced for many decades. This program gives numerous examples of that division and is asking as to where it will lead.
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Hope in Trials
The Gospel of the Kingdom of God is a message of hope-it is God’s good news to man about his future. In times of trials, it is important to remind ourselves about what God has in store for us. Most have no idea, but the Bible clearly reveals that it is the potential of man to become God-“gods” or God beings in God’s Family! Blasphemy? That’s what they said when Jesus preached it. That’s what many say today. And that is why they despair and are without confidence in God’s help when problems come. We are offering you our free weekly Update and our free booklet, “The Gospel of the Kingdom of God.”
Download Audio Download VideoBe Ready for the Gospel of Peace
Ephesians 6:15 tells us that we must have our feet shod with the preparation of the gospel of peace. What exactly does this mean? What about our feet; our preparation or readiness; and the gospel of peace? What is that gospel? Paul warns us not to accept a different gospel, another Jesus, or a different spirit. He also shows us that the belief in the true gospel is absolutely necessary for salvation; and that we ourselves must have peace if we want to stand up for the gospel of peace.