What do the concepts of Hell and Halloween have in common? What is the difference between friends and allies? Why so much censorship in the USA? Do we move towards a worldwide economic crisis worse than the Great Depression in 1929? Are those who keep God’s Law heretics? Who is really controlling the upcoming US election?
How our Wrong Values Destroy our Children
Are the “values” which we teach our children in conformity with God’s standards? Sadly, in far too many cases, they are not! While German Roman Catholic bishops, Pope Francis, Protestant organizations, governments, politicians, educators and school teachers convey many ungodly principles on sex and other matters to our young people, YOU must know and teach them the Truth.
Do You Keep Satan’s Feast of Halloween?
Do you know that Halloween is evil and demonic to the core, and a most important day for Devil worshippers and Satanists? If you participate in it in any way and induce others to do so, you stand condemned by God who is not mocked. The biblical warning is clear and unambiguous.
Our Unrighteous World–Our Religions
We have a hotchpotch of different religions and religious beliefs which are divided and estranged, but all of them proclaim that they show us the way toward salvation and eternal life. Is this really the case? What is their origin, and what does the only one and true God tell us about the only way to salvation?
Can You Follow God as a Young Person?— Not Only for Kids and Teens!
How old are you? Do you think that you are too young to obey God? Is there any reason for not following God? How old were some of the biblical heroes who did seek and find God? You might be surprised.
Europe, Britain and the USA… How Prophecy Moves On!
During the last two weeks, we have observed some interesting and important personnel changes in Europe and Great Britain. How will the new European Commission President, Ursula von der Leyen, and the new British Prime Minster, Boris Johnson, contribute to the development of biblical prophecy in view of a European Army, Brexit and their interaction with President Donald Trump?
Does God Bless Our Christmas Celebrations?
Ninety percent of Americans celebrate Christmas, but only a slight majority observe it as a religious holiday. Many who keep Christmas do not even believe in the virgin birth. In many countries, a demonic creature is celebrated around this time of year, which has become popular in the USA as well. Did you know that Christmas was not an official holiday in the USA until after the Civil War? Why is there so much anxiety, grief, depression, increase of heart attacks and alcoholism associated with Christmas? And why do we, as a Christian nation, willfully lie to our children about it and become upset with those who tell the Truth?
Resist the Devil!
Satan rules mankind, but most don’t know about it. And very few understand that Satan’s great wrath and his desire to destroy are directed foremost against God’s people–the true followers of Jesus Christ. We must be aware of the temptations, deceptions and wiles of the devil and of his human instruments, so that we can withstand, conquer and defeat them with God’s help.
But Isn’t Halloween just Harmless Fun…?
Not, if you consider its origin and the fact that today’s Halloween is THE most important RELIGIOUS feast for Satanists and witches. Do you really want your children to observe this festival together with worshippers of Satan? This program should open your eyes.
Download AudioGod or Man? – Part 1
When is it justified to obey God rather than man, even when it comes to human laws and Godly laws? Do we still need to keep the 10 Commandments today? What do the laws of man suggest and are there any contradictions to the laws of God? When it comes right down to it, will we obey God rather than man? This first part will cover the first 4 Commandments which describe the love towards God.