Hell, Halloween and Hoaxes—Comments on News and Prophecy (October 31, 2020)

What do the concepts of Hell and Halloween have in common? What is the difference between friends and allies? Why so much censorship in the USA? Do we move towards a worldwide economic crisis worse than the Great Depression in 1929? Are those who keep God’s Law heretics? Who is really controlling the upcoming US election?

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Is Pope Francis the False Prophet of the Bible?

Quite a few assume that he is, while others are skeptical. This program will discuss the arguments for and against such conclusions in the light of most recent developments within the Catholic Church and some of Pope Francis’ statements which challenge long-held Catholic beliefs.

Do You Have to Be and Stay Evil? (Part 3)

Are you a bad person? Are you doing evil things? What is evil in the eyes of God? Can you obtain forgiveness? Can you change? Or are you a helpless victim of external circumstances? Will evil triumph in your life even though you want to do what is good and right? On the other hand, will you obtain God’s grace when you continue to live an evil life? Three examples of Jewish rulers in Second Chronicles—Manasseh, Amon and Josiah—give you important answers which may be determinative for your life and your death.

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Pope Francis and Hell–Closer to the Truth?

Recently, Pope Francis allegedly denied the existence of hell and the immortal soul of the wicked. The Vatican scrambled to “clarify” these comments, and the traditional Christian world responded with astonishment and anger. And even though the official Catholic teaching is clearly at odds with those comments, Pope Francis made similar statements in the past, and other popes did likewise. But who is right–or could they all be wrong? What does the Bible say about life after death?

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Was Billy Graham Wrong about Everything?

When Billy Graham died, former Governor from Arkansas and Pastor Mike Huckabee declared that Billy Graham was not dead, but that he was alive right now “ in a life that will never end,” and if that was not true, then “everything” he said “was null and void.” However, this program will show that Billy Graham is not alive today, but that does not mean that there is no hope for him to inherit eternal life.

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Is Now the Day of Salvation?

We read in 2 Corinthians 6:2 that now is the accepted time and the day of salvation. Does this mean that salvation is offered today to everyone? If so, then most of humanity would be lost. But how can one come to God in a world which is ruled by Satan and his demons? And can the overwhelming majority of mankind even believe in God and His salvation at this time? What does 2 Corinthians 6:2 really mean?

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The Fools and the Foolish

There are 3 aspects the Bible talks about when it comes to the words “fool”, “foolish”, or “foolishness”. How does the Bible describe a fool and what does the Bible say about foolishness? What does it mean when the Bible talks about the foolish things of the world?

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Pope Francis–Hell Is No Torture Chamber

Recently, Pope Francis declared that hell–or eternal damnation–is not a torture chamber, and he went on to say that the lake of fire in Revelation 20 describes the second death. However, he then gave an unbiblical explanation of the “second death” and of “the fire.” Do YOU know the truth of the Bible?

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Is the Soul Immortal?

Most religious people, Christians and non-Christians alike, believe in the immortality of the soul. What does the Bible say about this question? Do people have souls, or are they souls? Are there dead souls? Can a soul die? Why does the Bible speak about the resurrection of the dead, if the dead are not really dead, but keep on living after death as “immortal souls”? What is death? And what is hell, in which God can destroy body and soul?

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Increased Demonism in the USA

Exorcisms, demonism and paganism are on the rise in the USA, and most are totally unaware of this disturbing fact. Many engage in Satanic activities, without realizing the dangers. The Telegraph published an article on September 26, 2016, reporting on these frightening developments in the USA. At the same time, Roman Catholic “exorcists” engage in equally objectionable conduct, based on wrong doctrines, ideologies and mysticism. This program shows you the deception and explains the biblical truth.

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