What Exactly Is the Holy Spirit?

Is the Holy Spirit an independent Personality or Person, or does it at least exist in some way as a conscious entity which is separate from the Father and the Son? If not, how are we to understand biblical Scriptures which seem to indicate that the Holy Spirit speaks or acts; and that this happens independently of God the Father and Jesus Christ? Upon closer examination, we will see that those passages, as well as the entire teachings of the Bible, convey something completely different from what is commonly assumed.

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How convicted are we in what we believe, to the Truth, and are we committed to it for life?

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The Spirit of God, of Angels, of Man and of Animals

The Bible teaches the existence of a human spirit, a spirit in animals, created spirit beings such as angels and those who became demons, and the Holy Spirit of God. Most do not understand much about this. This sermon will explain the differences and point out Scriptures which are rendered ambiguously in some translations.

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FOT 2018: Do We Have God’s Love in Us?

As true Christians, we are to have and reflect God’s Love in our lives. But do we? We are warned that many will experience that their Love will grow cold; that they may lose their first Love; and that they might even lose God’s Holy Spirit and with it God’s Love. How can we prevent this from happening to us? What connection is there between God’s Love and God’s Law? Is it true that the Greek words for love–the noun “agape” and the verb “agapao”–can refer to something else than Godly Love, as some claim?

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God’s Children

What are the requirements to actually be considered God’s children?  Do we have to do more than just “believe” in Jesus Christ and what does that all entail?  What is the difference between “born again” and “begotten” children of God?

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Pentecost: How We Grow in God’s Knowledge

On the Day of Pentecost, God gave His Holy Spirit to His New Testament Church. It is God’s Spirit which leads us in all Truth and which declares to us the future, if we accept God’s involvement in our lives and act accordingly. In this sermon, we will give you many examples from recent Church history, showing HOW God lets His Knowledge grow in His disciples, which includes the courage of true Christians to free themselves from error, while believing and boldly and uncompromisingly declaring the doctrines of the Bible.

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Pentecost: God Will Provide

Do we believe that God will provide in ALL things?  What do we ask for?  What kind of blessings can we expect to receive if we live righteously? How do we put God to the test if we want to receive blessings?

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Challenges of Humility

If we want to be in the Kingdom of God, we must have a spirit of humility.  What are some of the challenges we face in being humble?

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Believing Multitudes Persecute Jesus

Multitudes followed Jesus when He lived here on earth as a human being.  The Bible says that Christ was surrounded by an innumerable multitude of supporters. But many who believed in Him and accepted His teachings ceased to walk with Him; they became aggressive; claimed that He was possessed; and were willing to stone Him because of blasphemy. Only very few remained faithful. How could such a turn of events develop? And is it possible that something like this could happen again in our time?

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How (Not) To Be a Pharisee!

Christ startled His disciples when He declared to them that they would not inherit the Kingdom of God if their righteousness was not to exceed the righteousness of the Pharisees.  The Pharisees were considered to be extremely righteous and law-abiding religious leaders, so how could anyone exceed their righteousness and their zeal for the law? What were the fundamental character flaws of the Pharisees? And how can we make sure that we do not fall into the same trap?

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