The Press and Newscasts are making a meal of the story of “measles outbreak” in the USA. Scientists and lawyers argue that parents who don’t vaccinate their children should go to jail; that they always commit a tort; and that they are making a negligent, unreasonable and reckless decision under the law. President Obama stated that there is no reason to not vaccinate, while Senator Rand Paul wants to give parents the freedom to decide. What are the facts? Are vaccines harmless? Are they always effective? Why do properly vaccinated persons contract measles? Should we accept the position of those who oppose vaccination for religious or medical grounds? What are some of the reasons, and who are among those who decide against vaccination?
Download Audio Download VideoHoly Spirit
The Helmet of Salvation
Paul tells us in Ephesians 6:17 to “take the helmet of salvation.” What else are we to “take” from God, and what is the connection with the helmet of salvation? Why are we reading about the cup of salvation; the shield of salvation; and the garments of salvation? The Bible speaks also about the helmet of the hope of salvation. What exactly is this hope? What exactly is salvation? And what is the only way to obtain salvation?
Be Ready for the Gospel of Peace
Ephesians 6:15 tells us that we must have our feet shod with the preparation of the gospel of peace. What exactly does this mean? What about our feet; our preparation or readiness; and the gospel of peace? What is that gospel? Paul warns us not to accept a different gospel, another Jesus, or a different spirit. He also shows us that the belief in the true gospel is absolutely necessary for salvation; and that we ourselves must have peace if we want to stand up for the gospel of peace.
God’s Spirit of Power
One of the most important qualities of the Holy Spirit is godly power with which God creates and upholds everything, and which He wants to share with man. But first, certain special requirements are necessary. This sermon shows you our incredible potential, if we are counted worthy for it.
How Wise Are You—Really?
Are we wise in God’s eyes, or do we possess the wisdom of this world, which God describes as foolishness? What is true wisdom, and how does it manifest itself? How can we obtain godly wisdom? The Bible speaks of knowledge, understanding and wisdom. What is the difference? Why is it necessary that we have all three qualities, even though they do not guarantee that we will not fall away from God? What else is there to consider?
Does the Vatican Question the Return of Christ?
A spokesperson for the Vatican, Cardinal Giorgio Salvadore, allegedly announced that the coming of Christ may not happen. The Cardinal reportedly said that Jesus may have been drinking when he uttered the statements of His return, and that people make promises they can’t keep when they’re drunk. Other religious teachers postulate as well that Jesus will not return, or that He has already returned. Why does the Bible condemn these views as deceitful, blasphemous and ungodly?
Download Audio Download VideoOne Nation Under WHAT God?
What God are we worshipping? Is it enough to believe in just any “god”? Does the true God of the Bible accept our worship of pagan idols? Does He want us to worship Him as just one Person, or as three Persons in one Person, or as one Person in three hypostases or modes of being? Who and what IS God? Who was and is Jesus Christ? Are the Jews or the Moslems correct, who worship just one God Being, or orthodox Christians, who worship a Trinity, believing that the Holy Spirit is God? Or are they perhaps ALL wrong?
Download Audio Download VideoChrists New Commandment
Did Christ come to replace the Ten Commandments with a “new” commandment? What IS the new commandment, and most importantly, how can we fulfill it?
Download Audio Download VideoIs Christ the End of the Law?
Many will tell you that Christ came to abolish the law of the Ten Commandments. They say that this is what Paul meant when he spoke about Jesus being the end of the law. But is this correct? Why did Christ say that those who transgress the law will not be in God’s Kingdom, and that those are liars who claim to know God, but refuse to keep His commandments? This program gives you true answers from your Bible and rejects carnal arguments which are hostile to God.
Download Audio Download VideoPhylacteries Today
In several Old Testament passages, the command is given to bind the law on one’s hand and between one’s eyes. At the time of Christ, Jews had taken these passages literally and had begun to wear boxes with portions of the law, called tephillin or phylacteries. Some Jews still do this today. But did God ever require this of His followers, and if not, what exactly is the intended meaning?