Fight Like Christians

The world relies on war to bring about peace, but that is not the way to achieve it.  God never intended wars to be fought in the first place, as the Bible explains, but we are to be peacemakers.  We do however fight against the god of this world.  What do we need to do so we can be victorious?

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God or Man – Part 2?

How do we correctly manifest love towards our neighbor? Are there laws or biblical teachings which man doesn’t consider to be sinful when God clearly does? In this second part, the next 6 commandments will be covered which describes the love towards our neighbor, or fellow man.

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Scorn and Ridicule for God and His People

The Bible shows us that especially in these end times, many will scoff at God, His Word, His servants and His people. We should not be surprised when we are ridiculed and scorned. Those who may know us and do not approve of our new way of life may look for “reasons” to mock us and speak evil of us–because they themselves may not want to change. But we must also be careful that we do not unnecessarily provoke ridicule through our own conduct.

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The Prophets Hang on Love, Part 2

The last six of the Ten Commandments tell us how we are to love our neighbor. In this sermon, we will see how the Prophets describe godly love towards our fellow man, emphasizing the need to honor our parents, to avoid and shun hate and murder, as well as adultery and fornication, stealing, lying and covetousness. Many reject God’s law and as a consequence, they love the evil, while hating the good, and when they are told what they are doing, they do not want to listen. But God knows and sees their ways, and He will not be silent forever. God chastises whom He loves.

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Leaving the Church of God?

There have always been those who left the Church of God because of numerous reasons. Not everyone who attends Church services is part of the Church of God. Still, membership in the true Church of God is necessary for salvation. This sermon shows what is the Church of God; who leads and directs it; and why one must not forsake the Church of God, if one wants to inherit eternal life.

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The Old Testament Commandments, Statutes, and Judgments

Jesus said that all the Law and the Prophets hang on the two great commandments of loving God and neighbor. The first four of the Ten Commandments hang on the injunction to love God, and the last six of the Ten Commandments hang on the injunction to love our neighbor. In addition, certain Old Testament statutes and judgments hang on each of the Ten Commandments, in that they tell us specifically and in detail as to how we are to keep them.

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Righteousness and Glory

We are told in Matt.6:33 to seek first the Kingdom of God, and God’s righteousness. What exactly does it mean to seek after righteousness? How does glory play into this equation? Are these parts of making it into the Kingdom as the scriptures suggests? 

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What It Will Be Like to Be God

How will it be like for us, when we are born-again members of the Family of God? When we are Spirit beings, unable to die or to sin, and no longer subject to physical limitations? What exactly does our future hold? Why is our potential worth striving and fighting for?

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