The Woman Riding the Beast

In chapter 17 of the book of Revelation, a fallen rich woman or “great harlot” is described who sits on a scarlet beast with seven heads and ten horns. She is called “Mystery, Babylon the Great, the Mother of Harlots and of the Abominations of the Earth.” She is identified as a “great city,” sitting on “seven mountains” or hills. What is meant with these symbols? And what is the meaning of the “dreadful and terrible” fourth beast in Daniel 7, having “huge iron teeth” and ten horns, and the “little horn,” coming up among the ten horns, speaking “pompous words against the Most High,” intending to “change times and law,” subduing three kings and persecuting the saints of the Most High for “a time and times and half a time”?

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What Is the Mark of the Beast?

In this second installment of our three-part series on biblical prophecy, we will show that the Bible and history reveal the identity of the famous mark of the beast. This mark is associated with the beast in Revelation 13:1-10, which is a political and military power. It collaborates with a religious power, which is described as a second beast in Revelation 13:11, having two horns like a lamb and speaking like a dragon. In what way will this religious power create an image, which will cause all to receive the mark of the beast? Why will no one be able to buy or sell who does not have the mark of the beast? What is the difference between the mark of the beast and the sign of God, which identifies true Christians?

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Crusades and Inquisition Justifiable?

President Obama’s controversial comparison at a prayer breakfast meeting between ISIL’s demonical murders and “Christian” atrocities has prompted some prominent Catholics to “justify” the crusades and to “explain” the inquisition. These are alarming and deeply disturbing developments, in light of biblical prophecy.

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Religion and Politics-an Unholy Alliance?

USA Today published an article on November 7, 2011, arguing that the present version of our Christian politics is corrupting our Christian faith and encourages politicians to use God’s name in vain. The article concludes that it drives many away from God. And it is true that churches today have no jurisdiction to enforce any laws of God. Given the confusion as to what is still binding spiritual or moral law, and what constituted temporary ritual laws and provisions for the ancient nation of Israel under Moses, we can be thankful that in the USA, church and state are separate. European history provides ample testimony as to what happens when a church rules a state.

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