The EU is destined to become a most powerful political and even military bloc, and its most recent threats against other countries and its actions are becoming more and more frightening and worrisome. This program discusses Europe’s threats against the USA, the UK and prospective EU member states, as well as French and German military ambitions in view of the ongoing demise of NATO. Biblical prophecy IS marching on.
Download AudioJerusalem
The Third Temple, the End of the World, and the “Historic” Peace Deal
How do these three events correlate? Actually, the Bible makes clear that a Third Temple will be built on the Temple Mount just prior to the Second Coming of Jesus Christ and the end of this present evil world. Preparations for the building of the Third Temple are complete. But how does today’s highly praised “historical” peace deal between Israel, the UAE and the USA come into play? This deal, which has been termed the “Abraham Accords,” has no chance for success. On the other hand, it might inadvertently accelerate prophesied events in the Middle East, but not in the way most might expect.
Download AudioNetanyahu Is Here to Stay… Why?
An important deal has been reached in Israel with wide-ranging prophetic consequences. Why is this deal so significant in regard to Benjamin Netanyahu, Donald Trump and Boris Johnson, as well as events which have been prophesied thousands of years ago in your Bible?
Download AudioWhat Does the Bible Reveal about the Third Temple prior to Christ’s Return? Part 2
What will happen when the Jews begin to bring animal sacrifices on the Temple Mount and build the Third Temple there? Which nations and political leaders will support the Jews, and who will fight against them in a nuclear war? How do current events show what will happen soon? The continuation of last week’s sermon brings additional clarity.
What Does the Bible Reveal about the Third Temple prior to Christ’s Return?
The building of the Third Temple on the Temple Mount in Jerusalem is about to begin. Some claim that there will be no physical Temple, and that biblical references to the Temple strictly refer to the Church of God. This sermon will show from the Bible why this opinion is incorrect. We will also show who will be involved in the building of the Third Temple, and what will happen when the Temple has been erected.
China’s Deadly Virus and other Prophetic Events
In light of the outbreak of a deadly virus in China, affecting humans all over the globe, why does God place a curse on those who eat or distribute unclean meat for human consumption? Why is Europe so angry with America over the assassination of an Iranian mass murderer, and why the tumult involving the Al Aqsa mosque in Jerusalem? All of this has to do with end-time biblical prophecies, and we can expect their fulfillment in 2020 and beyond, indicating the soon-coming return of Jesus Christ. Please stay tuned for an important announcement at the end of this program.
Bombshell News—Coming…The Third Temple and Animal Sacrifices in Israel
The mainstream media missed a shocking aspect of Israeli Minister of Foreign Affairs Yisrael Katz’s speech in front of the 74th session of the UN General Assembly, which has been described as an “absolute bombshell.” Was Katz, a direct descendant of Aaron the priest, advocating and announcing the prophesied building of the Third Temple and the commencement of animal sacrifices?
What Will Europe Do when the Third Temple Is Being Built?
Europe and especially Germany have already manifested a hostile attitude towards Israel. But what will they do when Israel begins to build the prophesied Third Temple on the Temple Mount? Some even suggest that in doing so, Israel will have to destroy the Dome of the Rock and al-Aqsa mosque. Would this lead to World War III? What does the Bible say?
WHY Christ’s Return IS NEAR indeed!
How can we be so SURE that Christ’s return is near? Why is Christ’s soon-coming return the only hope for mankind’s survival? What are many different news events PROVING to us that Christ will return very soon? Our new free booklet, “How Can We Know that Christ’s Return Is Near?” gives you answers to these all-important questions. Please be sure to watch the short VIDEO at the END of this program.
Is the Prophesied Big Earthquake in Israel Going to Hit?
Scientists predict that a huge earthquake is about to hit Israel. They estimate that in the case of a 7.5 magnitude earthquake, an estimated 7,000 people will be killed. The Bible tells us that such an earthquake will occur when Jesus Christ returns to set up the government of God on this earth. This is no coincidence. God is letting us know the signs of these end times.