Germany–Israel’s Friend or Foe?

German-Israeli relations have never been easy. Even though Germany is officially considered one of Israel’s closest allies, most Germans view Israel as aggressive and feel that Germany has no special obligation towards Israel. Some historians state that no friendship exists between Germany and Israel, and that in German eyes, Israel is one of the most unpopular states in the world. Recent revelations have not helped that Israel has been deploying nuclear missiles on submarines which were received from Germany. What does all of this mean in the light of biblical prophecy?

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The Covenant with Levi

God’s covenant with Levi is still in force today. Levites will give sacrifices in Jerusalem, and they will be administering duties in the new Temple. But do we know who the Levites are today? How can we be sure?

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Will Iran Be Attacked?

Will Iran close the Strait of Hormuz in the Persian Gulf? Or is Iran just making empty threats? Would the USA try to prevent Iran from doing so? Will Israel attack Iran, with or without American support? What will Europe and Russia do? You may be surprised to hear that you can find solid answers in your Bible.

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The Future of the Middle East

What is the meaning of the tumultuous developments in Tunisia, Lebanon and Egypt? Where is it all heading? What will Europe and the USA attempt to do to solve the fragile situation in that part of the world? Does the Bible give us answers as to what the future holds?

Summary Terms:

Hezbollah New York Times Spiegel Israel Islamists MSNBC Biden Mubarak Christian Science Monitor Italy Frattini Psalm 83 Daniel 11 Ishmael Turkey confederacy alliance Germany Assyria Syria PLO Saudi Arabia Iran Jordan Jesus Christ armies Jerusalem escape Kingdom Millennium King of the North Beast

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Soon–All Nations Against Jerusalem?

Will the Jews begin soon to offer sacrifices and build a third temple on the Temple Mount? Is former New York mayor and Democrat Ed Koch correct when he warns that it is President Obama’s policy to create an alliance with Arab states against Israel? And what is behind Muammar al Gaddafi’s concept of a new bi-national state, called “Isratine,” and Egypt’s attempts to rally U.N. support against Israel?

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A look at our future home and residence, the new Jerusalem.

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Oh Jerusalem

1)Names of Jerusalem, 2)Earliest History, 3)Under David and Solomon, 4)Greatest Glory, 5)War Torn, 6)The Destructions, 7)Importance Of, 8)In Muslim Hands, 9)Modern Day Jerusalem, 10)Jesus and Jerusalem, 11)End Time Prophecy, 12)Jerusalem World Capital.

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In the Beginning – Part 3

When God created a physical garden for man–the Garden of
Eden or Paradise–, He made special trees and placed them in the midst of the
garden. These trees had special symbolic meaning. They were called the Tree of
Life and the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil. While God allowed man to
eat freely from the Tree of Life, He commanded man not to eat from the Tree of
the Knowledge of Good and Evil. Man disobeyed God, and disaster was the
consequence. What is the symbolic meaning of these two trees, and how do they
affect us today?

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