Mounting tensions have been reported between Russia and Ukraine, with the West becoming increasingly concerned about the situation, while not really knowing as to what to do about it. With more than tens of thousands of Russian troops at the Ukrainian border, backed by tanks, armored vehicles, artillery and rocket batteries and apparently the largest mortar system in the world on its way, will Russia engage in a full-scale combat invasion of Ukraine? Will there be war between Russia and the West? How may all of this play out in the light of biblical prophecy?
Download Audiojoe biden
Israel’s and Germany’s Future—Comments on News and Prophecy, March 6, 2021
Benjamin Netanyahu told supporters that due to the “changed international reality,” he is the only one who will stand “against the entire world” in regard to the Iran question. In response, the USA warned Israel and others in the Middle East not to oppose US policies. Also, Germans are very unhappy with Angela Merkel and Health Minister Jens Spahn, and Der Spiegel Online asked for Spahn’s resignation. What could all of this mean in the light of biblical prophecy?
What God’s Church Needs to Do!– Comments on News and Prophecy
We are told to cry aloud and spare not. This includes, pointing at and proclaiming prophetic developments in the light of biblical prophecy. And we must do so boldly and with conviction. Some don’t do this at all; others want us to give a watered-down Laodicean-type message, where anything goes. But this is not what we must do.
Will the Relationship between the USA and Europe Improve?
Some are hopeful that the relationship between the USA and the EU, which has not been that good, will get better substantially because of the new US Administration. Others are not so sure, or they even doubt it very much. Listen to many articles from national and international liberal and conservative sources to note what their take is on the matter.
Download AudioCan Israel Count on America’s Support?
The relationship between America under the Biden Administration and Israel under Benjamin Netanyahu is bound to deteriorate, and their recent phone conversation, with nice sounding but unrealistic platitudes, will not change this a bit. This program shows the many reasons why Israel cannot count on meaningful support from the USA, at least not for the time being.
Download AudioThe Return of Donald Trump
Apart from occasional short comments, Donald Trump was at first pretty quiet after Joe Biden’s inauguration and Trump’s departure from Washington to his estate in Florida. But beginning with the end of January, a remarkable change could be observed. Trump began to be back in the spotlight, and it seems, he has become more popular and influential than ever. It would be naïve and a grave mistake to think that we have heard the last word and seen the last action from Trump.
Download AudioThe Second Impeachment Circus
This is another example of how to divide the country. Observers tell us that it is highly unlikely that in addition to all the Senate Democrats, 17 needed Senate Republicans will convict Trump, and some even went so far as to say that the “trial” is dead on arrival and that it is all over, after 45 Republican Senators voted that such a trial would be unconstitutional. Others are not so sure, pointing out that some Senate Republicans voted against a trial because of its lack of constitutionality, but that this did not indicate “how they might come down on Trump’s guilt or innocence after a trial.” The presenter of this program is convinced that Trump will not be convicted or prevented by the Senate from holding a public office in the future or running again for the Presidency in 2024. But how can you have any confidence in those statements, or any further statements pertaining to prophetic events, given the fact that the presenter was wrongly predicting that Trump would be reelected in 2020?
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Are we Afraid of the Truth or Opposing Viewpoints?
Here are some of the topics discussed in this presentation: The Hunter Biden scandal; the Supreme Court’s denial to hear the Texas case because of “lack of standing”; the attack on free speech; and the German government’s fight against opponents of Coronavirus restrictions and lockdowns. What do all of these topics have in common?
Biden the President-elect? Not so Fast!—Comments on News and Prophecy (November 7, 2020)
In the morning of November 7, just prior to a press conference by President Trump’s attorneys, the mass media and most networks declared Joe Biden to be the President-elect. However, Newsmax refuses to call Biden the winner. Why is that? Newsmax explains that the votes are still being counted, recounts are certain, and accusations of fraud and irregularities in several states are going to be brought before the courts. In addition, President Trump is not conceding and has no intention of doing so anytime soon. What are some of the specific allegations which the courts will be asked to decide?
Hell, Halloween and Hoaxes—Comments on News and Prophecy (October 31, 2020)
What do the concepts of Hell and Halloween have in common? What is the difference between friends and allies? Why so much censorship in the USA? Do we move towards a worldwide economic crisis worse than the Great Depression in 1929? Are those who keep God’s Law heretics? Who is really controlling the upcoming US election?